Alastir appears to be wounded, and is resting against a rock. He asks for you to bring him hostages with the stranded outfit. They spawn fairly infrequently in pairs. Handing them in grants you a medium-sized chest, although be noted that it can spawn inside the rock that he sits next to.
When returning villagers to him and completing his Quest, the player can ask questions about Lord Erisia and his weapon. The villager also dies rather than simply despawning. He doesn't kill the Forgotten Villagers who don't trust him or the Pathfinder hostage NPC, either indicating the deaths are voluntary, or he's just bugged. He has a Hero Blade of Lightning on his back, though it is hard to see.
Alastir is located at Erisia in the Pathfinder's Respite which is reachable through The Viper's Jaw or through a breakable barricated door after the staircase to the sharko cave.
Who is Lord Erisia?
Lord Erisia... An incredibly powerful man. He could give life to stone with that thing on his hip, though he never explained how. He started acting strange after he found a way past 'God on the Peak'. It's this large creature that watches over the temple on the top of the island, gross thing really.. Somehow he found a way to extract the insides of the temple (Forge of Sin?) and brought them back to his manor. Soon after well.. All of this started happening. You'll have to find the Lord in his manor if you want more answers, it's at the other end of the island.. I don't have the strength to face him anymore... Keep bringing me survivors, I'll take care of them. |
What's that sword?
I... I know I promised to speak. But I can't, not this. |
- You can turn in Navaen Hostages you find for the same effect.
- He specifically wields the Hero Blade of Lightning