- “ …Having stated the relevant background information, I posit that the aspects of Lumen are the result of a Hereditary Vow. Supposing that a Vow was able to bestow upon the Gremor a preternatural ability such as Navae’s guidance, I believe that as a matter of course another Vow made long in the past may have originally bestowed the traits that the races of Lumen exhibit today. ”
Aspects in Deepwoken are human subcategories that each have unique physical traits and innate abilities that are taken from various animals (with some exceptions). They are randomly selected when first created and can be rerolled for 150
. Rerolling an Aspect will give you the option between keeping your new current aspect or switching back to the previous one. This option is available until you finish creating the character or log off the character creation menu.
All 12 rollable aspects have their own individual Innate Talent Card and Attribute bonuses, which scarcely improve your character.
- While +3 or +2 into a given stat might not seem impressive, in certain builds where you need as many stat points as possible, this bonus into a given stat may be the key to making that build attainable.
The hairstyle of your in-game character is reflected by that of your Roblox avatar, with your aspect's hair color being covered by the variant of your aspect.
If you had a hairstyle modified when creating your character or from the Barber prior to wiping, it will stay for the replay of that file.
- If unsatisfied with your current selection, you can visit the Barber in order to modify the physical aspects of your character. Additionally, you can collect dyes to dye your hair any color respective to the hair color of your current variant.
Obtainable Aspects[]
These aspects are obtainable by any player via rerolling.
The percent chance of rolling a aspect changes per roll- given that you CANNOT roll the same aspect twice. The percentages listed below show what the chances would be upon initially purchasing the game:
Aspect | Percentage | Aspect | Percentage |
Capra | 2.2% | Vesperian | 6.7% |
Ganymede | 2.2% | Gremor | 13.3% |
Tiran | 2.2% | Canor | 15.6% |
Chrysid | 4.4% | Adret | 17.8% |
Felinor | 8.9% | Celtor | 17.8% |
Khan | 8.9% | Etrean | 17.8% |
Exclusive Aspects[]
These aspects are UNOBTAINABLE via ordinary means. They instead serve as gifts to certain members of the community, given by the developers of Deepwoken.
NPC-Exclusive Aspects[]
These aspects are currently exclusive to NPCs and are UNOBTAINABLE by current means.
Generic Surnames[]
- Fording
- Humbell
- Huthering
- Ruther
- Aspects were originally known as races, but were renamed due to many people and franchises moving away from the term, as well as the possible connotations of having races that could be considered "better" than others. They were initially renamed to "tribes" on the 6th of December, 2024, but were changed to aspects two days after due to the term sounding clunky, if not outright derogatory.
- Ironically, one of the main reasons that race was discarded as a term in fantasy is that it's inaccurate, as it's usually used in reference to vastly different species like elves and goblins. Meanwhile, Deepwoken races are all subcategories of the homo sapiens species, meaning that races is actually being used correctly.
- The chances of every other aspect will increase once you have already obtained a aspect, as logic would have it.
- As such, a method of obtaining rarer aspects is by keeping a common aspect and continually rerolling so that the common aspect will not appear, thus boosting the chances of other aspects.
- Take caution: it's not advised to reroll aspects until you have the maximum amount of slots, since the price difference of 50 Robux is rather minimal, and extra slots are always useful.
- NPCs may treat the player differently depending on their aspect, but most of the time, enough points in the Charisma stat - or otherwise having positive rep - will overwrite the NPC's aggression towards the player. Many factions are inherently xenophobic/racist to other aspects, though this will rarely appear in gameplay.
- One of the most prominent effects of this is that if you are playing as one of the three Hive aspects (Chrysid, Ganymede, or Vesperian), when you start as a Voidwalker you do not have negative rep with the Hive.
- Rarity does not make the aspect inherently better.
- However, do note that some aspects are better suited for certain builds, such as Felinor for Agility/Speedrun builds, or Vesperian for builds that require more Exoskeleton durability or tankiness, or Khan for saving points in general.
- Players can come across other players tagged with familial relations if they are of the same aspect, such as being one's sibling, cousin, twin, parent, or any of the like.
- While this does not have any impact on gameplay, it can open up unique interactions between players if they so choose.
- All aspects can be acquired from initial game/slot purchase.
- During the Mudwoken update, every player was turned into a Mudskipper, each aspect was given their own "Mudskipper-fied" version but still kept some characteristics.
- Humorously, Felinor was called "Abomination" instead of a Mudskipper-ified name.
- The most common aspect attribute is Charisma, tied with Agility, granted by five aspects: Adret, Canor, Celtor, Chrysid, and Felinor.
- Tied for the most common attribute is Agility, granted by five aspects: Chrysid, Etrean, Felinor, Khan, and Tiran.
- Four aspects grant Intelligence (Capra, Celtor, Etrean, Ganymede), four grant Willpower (Adret, Capra, Ganymede, Vesperian) and three aspects grant Strength (Canor, Gremor, Khan).
- The least common is Fortitude, only granted by Vesperian and Gremor.