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Authority officers are a type of enemy NPC working for The Central Authority that are frequently found around Erisia. They can spawn in the following events:

They are also the higher ranked and more dangerous counterpart to the Authority Soldier.

Authority officers wear an Authority Helm, a pair of Bluesteel Pauldrons, a pair of Bluesteel Boots and an Authority Captain Uniform.


Their arsenal consists of a Cavalry Saber, Adretian Axe or a Mace (all of which can be enchanted) and the Thundercall Attunement:

Name Description Parryable? Blockable? Danger
Firmly swings weapon at opponent and finishing the combo by kicking them. (★☆☆)
[Cavalry Saber] Performs a wind-up before thrusting sword forward.
[Mace] Raises club upward before slamming it down to the ground.
[Adretian Axe] Does a windup by rising the weapon before slamming it's blade on you.
Jolt Grab
Grabs the nearest target with an electrified grasp. (★★☆)
Thunder Kick
User performs an empowered lightning kick, shocking and knocking away any opponents. (★★☆)
Lightning Blade Arcing blades of electricity. ? ? (☆☆☆)


  • First Interrogation - Attacks from opponents who are Electrified will give you ether proportional to their initial damage.
  • Second Interrogation - Electrified attacks do 50% less damage and posture damage to you.
  • Authority Intimidation - All moves that apply electricity slow the opponent more.
  • Resolve Crusher - Lightning moves now have a chance to apply "Electrify", attacks from electrified opponents are converted into lightning damage, but will deal 10% less damage to you.
  • Surge Path: Unstable Capacitor - Your lightning no longer applies Shock, instead apply Surge. At maximum stacks of Surge, your opponents will Overload, sending arcs of lightning in every direction.
  • Showstopper - When an enemy would roll through one of your physical attacks, stomp the ground, dazing anyone nearby. Removes speed buffs from target upon landing.


An Authority officer executes its opponent after knocking them:

Name Description
Execute [Cavalry Saber] Pins down opponent before slicing their throat with blade.

[Mace] Pins down opponent before firmly bashing their face with mace. [Adretian AxePins down the opponent before splitting their skull with the weapon.


  • Run if you're inexperienced as its Thundercall mantras deal a lot of damage.


  • An Authority officer can lose to a Mudskipper if it gets backed into a corner.


The Kingdom of Etrea Etris Isle of Vigils The Lord Regent Evengarde Rest Polis Etrean Guardsmen Etrean Royal Guard Etrean Soldier Blade Instructor Blade Temple Guard Vigil Swordsman
The Central Authority Fort Merit Vice Warden Morredh Authority Soldier Authority Peacekeeper Authority Officer Authority Lieutenant Authority Captain Authority Commander Chainwarden
The Hive Greathive Aratel Hive Scout Hive Guard Hive Construct Hive Adjudicator
The Divers Castle Light Klaris Akira Chaser Karliah Nell Funke Pleeksty Apprentice Diver Diver Journeyman Diver Black Diver Dawnwalker
The Ignition Union Miner's Landing Saramaed Hollow The Chariot's Spire The Frontier Furnace Alpha Epsi Llevyn Sunway Deepdelver Gamma Renau Adar Ignition Union Fighter Ignition Union Guard Ignition Union Arcwarder Mechalodaunt Arcwarder
Summer Company Summer Isle The Guy Summer Company Guard Summer Manager Summer Goon Summer Dragoon
The Children of Navae Meteor Isle Eastern Tribe Nomad Navaen Hostage Eastern Tribal Leader
The Hundred Legions Viper's Jaw Camp Kingmaker's Isle Amara Brutus Legion Soldier Legion Captain Legion Sniper
The Knives of Eylis Voidheart Eylis Voidmother Knife of Eylis Subtle Knife of Eylis Knife Guard Old Knife of Eylis
The Ministry Minityrsa The Understrand The Fourth Prophet The Crimson Scholar Nostor Ministry Scout Ministry Footpad Ministry Captain Ministry Necromancer Ministry Agent Ministry Enforcer Contractor
The Lost City of Celtor The City of the Drowned Celtorian Guard Tideknights

Green: Owned Territories, Cyan: Passive NPCs, Silver: Possibly Hostile NPCs, Purple: Bounty Hunters, Orange: Oaths, ‡: Formerly, †: Deceased.
