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Also referred to as Harpy or Bat.


Brainsuckers resemble many things, having bat-like wings, a beak, three eyes, and all of it forming a body that looks like a gargoyle. They can only be found flying, which allows them to easily follow you on your voyage and pester you when you slow down.

Brainsuckers are a monster that spawns alone above the waves of the Etrean Sea, The Aratel Sea, and Voidsea. It also spawns in packs of two or three in Minityrsa, The Starswept Valley, and Miner's Landing. Multiple Brainsuckers are also encountered in Duke Erisia's Manor.


Name Media Description Parryable? Blockable? Danger
Brainsucker swoop
Flies up, swoops down and attacks the player. (★☆☆)
Brainsucker kick
Raises its leg and scratches the player. (★☆☆)


Name Media Description
Scratches opponent's stomach open with its talons, killing them.


  • Their attacks, particularly Bite, have very strange hitboxes, making parrying them difficult. This, combined with its low damage, makes it more worthwhile to simply mash your basic attack until it dies.
  • Landing Ice Lance on them will cause them to be flung incredibly far, meaning putting a wayward on it may lead to you being sent incredibly far.
  • They are generally only a nuisance, and will very rarely prove a threat unless in large groups.


  • The Brainsuckers’ name may be a reference to the enemy of the same name from Bloodborne.
  • Ironically, the Brainsucker does not actually suck brains.
    • The original concept art depicts them opening their mouths to latch onto human heads, this is likely the derivation of the name. However, this has yet to be implemented.
  • Cancelling a Brainsuckers gripping animation may cause whoever is being gripped to desync.
  • Uppercutting a Brainsucker or ragdolling them while above the ocean will cause them to fall underwater.
  • It is implied that there is a "Greater Brainsucker," because its name is "Lesser Brainsucker."


Etrean Luminant Megalodaunt Rock Golem Terrapod Crimson Terrapod Deep Owl Brainsucker Rogue Construct Blizzard Knight Carbuncle Alpha Megalodaunt Golem Prime Mudskipper BruteLionfishGlacial LionfishDread Serpent Star Knight
Eastern Luminant Brainsucker Megalodaunt Crimson Megalodaunt Alpha Megalodaunt Mechalodaunt Thresher Nightmare Thresher King Thresher Hive Construct Desert Knight Deep Owl Deep Widow PrimadonLionfishGlacial LionfishMudskipper BroodlordDread Serpent Moon Knight Star Knight
Scyphozia CrabMegalodaunt Terrapod Crimson Terrapod LionfishGlacial LionfishDeep OwlThresherKing ThresherAlpha MegalodauntDeep WidowGigamedKing GigamedCrustaceous RexNautilodauntFury NautilodauntBone KeeperMudskipper BruteMudskipper Broodlord
The Eternal Gale CarbuncleBounderBone KeeperDiver Husk
New Kyrsa Kyrsgarde LancerKyrsgarde BruteKyrsgarde SniperKyrsgarde CrawlerLost DiverScion of Ethiron

Cyan: Ocean Events, Green: Dungeon Only, Purple: Rare Spawn, Orange: Boss Monster
