With canine features, the Canor are fiercely loyal.
Often found as guards and personal servants in the retinue of powerful people.
Chance of obtaining aspect: 15.2%
Canor are an uncommon aspect considered to have the characteristics of a canine but the attributes and features of a lion. Canor appear with a mane and varying facial markings around their eyes. They benefit from a Strength and Charisma bonus upon selection as well as reduced damage to and from guildmates. Canor don't strongly side with any particular faction, most of their original ones having died out, but their loyalty and dedication often results in them being high ranking members among the whole Lumen, such as Klaris of The Divers, Morredh of The Authority, and Alpha of the Ignition Union. Their blind loyalty is such that they receive marginal preferential treatment from the otherwise prejudiced Central Authority. Canor have three distinct facial markings to choose from.
Racial Traits[]
Loyalty - Your bond with your allies is strong enough to reduce damage between you.
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Attribute Boosts
Canor share a strong bond with the Adret aspect, staying true to the relationship dogs have with humans. Their aspect description as guards and soldiers of the powerful most notably refers to their common occupations within the Authority but this isn't very noticeable as of now.
- +3 Strength.
- +2 Charisma.
- Inflicts less damage to their own allies, takes less damage from their own allies.
- Aoden
- Bren
- Canden
- Dardren
- Dusselden
- Euphen
- Grimden
- Helsen
- Hierden
- Holden
- Jaegen
- Korbren
- Marden
- Nuren
- Ombroden
- Reesen
- Scarsen
- Smolken
- Uldren
- Ven
- Vondren
- Vorgen
- Ysselden
- Zolfen
All variants markings and archived images (warning a lot of images)[]
- The surnames of the Canor are noticeably German, or German inspired. (Since they're dog people this means they're german shepherds I guess)
- Canor also seem to be known for their heavy weaponry, as the Zweihänder (Which also happens to be a German weapon), which is known to be used by the Canor Borderwatchers. There is also the Pale Morning, which is a replica of a Greathammer wielded by a Canor Warlord, and the Canorian Axe, a Greataxe that is a replica of ones used by the Canor Swornfangs.
- The Default Canor hair id is 20372960. See on Roblox
- The design of the Canor is partially inspired by Mereleona from black clover confirmed by arch_mage.
- The Lord Regent, seemingly, does not like Canor for an unknown reason.
- During the 4/1/2022 April Fools update (Mudwoken), Canor's aspect name was changed to Muttskipper.
- Arch_Mage has confirmed Canor to be based on both Lions and dogs.
- This made them related to the once hated aspect known as the Felinor due to the fact that Lions and Cats are part of the Felidae family.