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Deepwoken Wiki

In Deepwoken, you are provided many options to customize your character. There is a variety of Attunements, Aspects, Weapons and more for you to choose from.


Character Creation screen


The world of Deepwoken presents many aspects, with each one of them having its own lore and origin. As a player, you start on each character slots with a random aspect assigned to you by the game automatically. If you want to change your aspect, you may re-roll it by buying an in-game service for 150 Robux (R$).

Unlike in other games, aspects do not give a player major advantage over other players. However, some aspects do have special abilities related to the lore of the specific aspect. For instance, Boats belonging to members of the Celtor aspect gain +10% health, +20% turning speed, and a 20% discount at the Shipwright.

Currently the game contains a total of twelve obtainable aspects, with their own special abilities, cosmetics, appearance and accessories that can change depending on the aspect. Scars, eyes and face design is mostly the same for each aspect, with some exceptions.

Obtainable Aspects[]

[More information about aspects can be found on their corresponding page.]


Upon your first character customization, you can either choose an Attunement out of four available ones (Flamecharm, Frostdraw, Thundercall and Galebreathe) or you can choose the option "None" to start the game without an Attunement, which grants you non-elemental Mantras. Choosing the option "Random" will randomely select an Attunement for you out of the four already present ones (this option will lock you out of the 3 unchosen Attunements until they are either learned or spun from random Attunement picks on future lives, at which point they will be available on all future character slots).

To obtain the Shadowcast, and Ironsing Attunements, you need to unlock them each with their own specific quest. Once unlocked, it will save on your slot as a permanent progression among all your characters on that account, and will be selectable as an Attunement option for future character slots.

Obtainable Attunements[]

Attunements requiring the completion of a quest to obtain and cannot be chosen from the main menu with a new account.

[More information about attunements can be found on their corresponding page.]

Weapon Classes[]

When customizing your character, there is a total of three Weapon Classes you can choose from:

(Weapon Manual do not teach you a new Weapon Classes, but they allow you to train the type of style of the Weapon you are currently using. To change your Weapon Class, you need to equip the specific Weapon corresponding to your desired style)

Starting Weapon Classes[]

Unlockable Starter Weapons[]

[More information about weapons and combat styles can be found on their corresponding page.]

  • Learning the Way of Navae, Jus Karita, and Legion Kata fighting styles on a character will unlock that combat style as an option on all slot, and for the next characters.
  • Using 25 Echoes (each, 100 total) unlocks the four new starting weapons shown above.

Boons and Flaws[]

Boons and Flaws are character modifiers that you pick upon character customization which can't be changed during your progression unlike some other features (you may select new Boons and new Flaws each time you make a new character). These modifiers give you benefits and detriments that will affect your gameplay and your quality of life.

At minimum, you must have one Boon, and one Flaw to make a character, and at maximum you can have 2 each, each Boon and Flaw gives you 1 point with the exception of the "Simple" Flaw that gives 2 points.


There are four total Origins you can decide between. These can be very important.


Castaway is an Origin granted by joining Deepwoken for the first time, and gives a blank slate for starting your character; no pros or cons.


Etris is a large set of islands and land formations and is very simply layout. There is a central island with a large tree that has white bark, which has 4 bridges each leading to the Blacksmith, Weapon and Mantra shops; Bank and General store.

Here is what makes Etris unique:

  • At the central tree island, there is a Vesperian Justicar cleaning his Darksteel Greatsword with a rag, who gives you a Gold Ring for talking to him. Most players sell this, meaning you can start with a few extra Notes.
  • The NPC who greets you grants 25 Notes2, unlike the NPC in Vigils who only gives 20 Notes2.
  • You can do the Lord Regent's Quest in order to get the Manor Key at an early level here if you repeatedly buy wood at the General Store/Blacksmith, and sell it to the wood quest NPC.
  • You can talk to an NPC outside of the Blacksmith, who if you don't rat out will reward you with a 50% discount at the Etris blacksmith.
  • The NPC at the Docks teaches you the Repair Kit recipe, unlike the Vigils variant.
  • Calabash, a food item that replenishes a lot of thirst, and can be used to craft a Canteen can be found here.

Isle of Vigils[]

The Isle of Vigils is a small island with a fortress guarded by Vigils with Katanas. The Antiquarian is lower down at the bank and near the docks you can find Lance's food. It is recommended for starters as it has an NPC that allows you to get better at combat and it is easier to get to Erisia from the docks.

Here is what makes the Isle of Vigils unique:

  • Down the slope heading to the docks, after the antiquarian, Lance's Brother can be found, who will request you to bring a crate of food up to Stratos at the Temple of The Blade. This will reward you 25 notes, allowing you to start off with 45 notes.
  • A trainer to fight against with no consequences for losing all your HP, allowing you to train Weapon Mastery, Fortitude and learn how to parry different weapon types.
  • A quest to get the Weapon Unbound cards.
  • More dense in food materials, however has less overall.

Lone Warrior[]

The Lone Warrior Origin is unlocked on all slots upon wiping a character at least once or reaching the halfway point in the Trial of One, that being the Thresher.

Here is what makes the Lone Warrior Origin unique:

  • Upon spawning in with this Origin, you immediately teleport into the Trial of One, cutting off the time required to sail there.
  • The Trial of One greatly speeds up progression, allowing players to reach Power 6 in ~20 minutes or less.
  • For more information, visit the Trial of One page.


The Deepbound Origin is unlocked on all slots after talking to Akira about joining The Divers in Castle Light.

Here is what makes the Deepbound Origin unique:

  1. Gain innate Talent 'Deepbound Contract' upon spawning in.
    • Said Talent gives increased EXP gain The Depths, but heavily reduced in The Etrean Luminant.
    • You also have a positive sanity aura at Castle Light, allowing one to regenerate their sanity without going to the surface.
  2. You spawn in The Depths at Castle Light.
  3. You spawn with the Diver Apprentice Outfit, starting training gear, 25 notes, and increased reputation with The Divers.
  4. You are able to use an Antiquarian and purchase training gear at Castle Light.
  5. The Depths trial will always be an Enforcer with maximum health with this Origin. If you want to escape the depths at low levels, you may fight the enforcer for up to 10 minutes.
  6. You cannot do the Trial of One.

Alternatively, you can now choose to spawn at The Diluvian Mechanism as a Deepbound.


The Voidwalker Origin is unlocked on all slots upon getting 5 player grips, and talking to Eylis using the second dialogue option in the cargo hold of a ship in the Etrean Soldiers versus Knives of Eylis event in The Aratel Sea. After using the second dialogue option with Eylis, run through a Knife Captain's Time Bubble.

Here is what makes the Voidwalker Origin unique:

  • Your starting Island is the Voidheart, an Island only accessible through being a Voidwalker.
  • Gain innate Talent 'Voidwalker Contract'
    • Increased EXP gain from Bounties, but reduced EXP gain from Events.
    • You start with negative reputation towards most factions.
  • Gain innate Talent 'Grasp of Eylis'
    • Using the Talent allows you to teleport to a bounty target you have claimed.
    • If they flee too far from you, or they log, you are sent back to the Voidheart.
    • You gain the ability to see your target through walls momentarily.
  • Spawn with the Void Eye, which teleports you back to the Voidheart.
    • Said item has a ten minute cooldown, which is removed upon eliminating a bounty target or using it in the voidsea.
  • You will spawn with the Whaler Initiate Outfit upon spawning in with this Origin.
  • There is a functional Chessboard in the Voidheart, which does nothing but allow players to have games of Chess.
  • Voidwalkers can access the Bounty Board for The Knives of Eylis, which is usually full.
  • Knives of Eylis will not attack you.

Ignition Delver[]

The Ignition Delver Origin is unlocked on all slots upon saving Epsi in Layer 2, returning to Alpha in the Ignition Union base, The Frontier Furnace, or completing Orion's quest at Miner's Landing; tasking you to fight Summer Goons (alternatively, a Mechalodaunt in one of the rooms).

Here's what makes the Ignition Delver Origin unique:

  • You can spawn in the following locations:
  • Gain innate Talent 'Union Card'
    • Increased EXP gain from dungeons (Layer 2, Saramaed Hollow, bosses such as the Ferryman, the Duke) and jobs.
    • Reduced EXP gain from any other sources
  • Gain innate Talent 'Union Pager'
    • A communication device that can take jobs remotely.
  • Gain bonus EXP until you reach Power 10
  • Gain ability to use the Hollow Forge, which inputs Pluripotent Alloys for Smith's Alloys or Armorer's Needles.
  • Currently unfinished, however.

Character Ages[]

The age system is a mechanic built into your character upon creation, starting at the age of 18. Your character ages when they reach their season of birth each year.

Age may affect your character's entire appearance, such as wrinkles and a change of hair color. Some accessories change through age such as a Vesperian's mask, or a Ganymede's hat.

You do not die of old age, nor do you receive any debuffs, as the age system is purely cosmetic.

The Moon Ring is a legendary ring accessory which halts, or at the very least hides your wrinkles. Its counterpart is the Waning Ring, which sets your character's age to tier 4.

There may be some changes to dialogue with NPCs depending on what 'tier' of age your character is, listed below:

  • (Tier 0) Adult: 18-39
  • (Tier 1) Middle Aged, Phase 1: 40-49 [45 or more leads to greying of hair)
  • (Tier 2) Middle Aged, Phase 2: 50-59
  • (Tier 3) Elderly, Phase 1: 60 - 69
  • (Tier 4) Elderly, Phase 2: 70 - ???
Female Canor, at Age 40

(Tier 1) Middle Aged, Phase 1: 40-49 [Wrinkles are visible on the eye and hair color has been changed.)

Helena Dusselden Age 50

(Tier 2) Middle Aged, Phase 2: 50-59 (Wrinkles are now very visible on the eye and hair color has changed yet again.)

Helena Dusselden Age 60

(Tier 3) Elderly, Phase 1: 60 - 69 (Wrinkles are now visible near the mouth. Your hair has been changed to be more grayer)

Deepwoken Age 70 Proof

(Tier 4) Elderly, Phase 2: 70 - ??? (Wrinkles have now reached the last stage, you can see wrinkles all over your face. And your hair is now pretty much gray.)
