This page is about content that has either been removed or changed drastically in Deepwoken. An example of a drastic change is the Flame Wisp rework, while a removal would be Talents that get merged such as Heartstopper, or content that is flat removed, such as Isle of Crows.
- Isle of Crows - Shown in the Deepwoken Direct, Isle of Crows was an island with a number of Authority enemies. When all of them were killed, a boss NPC (simply known as the Captain) would appear and could also be killed. There was a crate that could be retrieved for items, EXP and money. An NPC known as Commander Rayner that could be found in Fort Merit still mentioned it post-release, but he was removed in a shadow update.
- Original Meteor Isle - Even though Meteor Isle was re-added, it was slightly tweaked from it's state prior to release. The island also received a few minor appearance changes and additional NPC's.
- Ironfist Island - An island that only spawned Megalodaunts and was the original location of the Deep Widow and the Primadon.
- Corvus Manor - A Ministry affiliated area that was removed pre-launch. "Masters of The House" was meant to play here.
- Etrean Waters - An area that was present in the very beta of Deepwoken. Most likely an early version of the Etrean Sea, as it had a very similar description and was in the same general area, surrounding the island of Etris.
- Etrean Woods - Similarly to the Etrean Waters, this was likely an early version of the Etrean Wilds. Notably, Outpost Antumbra, Rat's Den and Erisor's Church could be found here. Footage can be found here,,
- Erebus - An island containing Duke Erisia's manor, a huge maze and a large stone skull. Reworked into the Hidden Village.
- Chaser's Hemokinesis - A quest was planned that would reveal how Chaser obtained his blood powers from the Ministry's Second Prophet via interacting with Ministry members hiding around the Second Layer's first floor. This would have tied into the Dungeon Invasion mechanic in some unknown way.[1]
- Commander Rayner - A quest that required travelling to the Isle of Crows and finding a basement. Though the Isle was removed, Rayner remained for a bit until eventually he too was removed.
- Original Venting - Originally, Venting put yourself into an Invincible state, where getting hit by a Mantra would not only nullify the Mantra's damage and/or effects, but also give the user a lot of Ether. The current iteration of Venting simply throws people away, and can be used while in hitstun.
- This original version of Venting is still used by Nautilodaunt.
- F + Click for parry - Parrying used to be performed by clicking while blocking. This was replaced with the current system since it was less intuitive and more punishing for players with heavy lag.
- Vow of Hatred - A consensual duel between two players. However, the loser of the duel would instantly wipe.
- Hidden Name - During testing all player names were hidden until you were told their name, otherwise they will be simply called stranger. This was removed to help prevent exploits and such.
- Legendary Talents - Incredibly powerful and rare to appear cards with game-changing effects, which could make or break builds. While they could appear randomly, they would be guaranteed to appear at Powers 15, 30, and 60.
- Replaced with Advanced Cards in the December 23rd, 2022 Verse 2 Update. Others were turned into Rare Talents or completely removed from the game.
- Luck - A small currency/counter that could be gained from doing certain tasks like fighting and killing Players, Corrupted Monsters, or Bosses, which made Rares and Legendary Talents appear more often. A small amount would be lost upon picking a Rare and a larger amount on a Legendary Talent. Stacked up to a max of 45%.
- Was removed on the December 23rd, 2022 Verse 2 Update.
- (Previous) Silentheart - Reworked due to being unhealthy for the game's balance and boring to both use and fight against. Though the Oath is still in the game, it was reworked, removing certain aspects of the previous version.
- The active passive Mani Katti was removed alongside this rework.
- This was reworked on the 13th, August 2024.
- (Previous) Visionshaper - Reworked. Though the Oath is still in in the game, it was reworked, removing certain aspects of the previous version.
- The Oath mantra Illusory Realm was removed alongside this rework.
- This was reworked on the 20th, September 2024.
- (Previous) Jetstriker - Reworked, possibly due to the overpowered nature of the Vigil's Grace passive and lack of viability in PVP and PVE outside of that specific passive.
- New mantras were added to Jetstriker which previously, the Oath possessed none, these mantras include Jet Kick and False Strike.
- New passives that differ from the original Jetstriker include Acceleration Points, Jetstream Pursuit, and Momentum Bar.
- Passives removed from the rework include Prevailing Westerlies and Vigil's Grace.
- Mantra Core - Ties in with the the original Mantra Creation feature, NPCs and monsters would drop Mantra Cores that would then be the basis of your spell creation. Certain Talents still had remnants of the Core system, such as Static Ace calling Lightning Stream "Stream Core."
- Removed due to being too grindy.
- Mantra Creation - Mantras used to be created via ingredients found as loot. This was eventually replaced with gaining Mantras in your hands from levelling up.
- Falseflame / ? / ? Stones - Were used for old Visionshaper, causing illusory effects. Were still in the Gigamed drop table until an unknown update.
- Ice Bolt - User jumps into the air, claps their hands and launches a bolt towards their cursor that scatters ice sheets on the ground.
- Fire Pillars (OLD Fire Eruption) - An undocumented move that was replaced shortly after the game released, being reworked on December 27, 2021, just 7 days after release.
- (OLD) Tornado (1 Star Wind) - Created a giant long-lasting area of effect around where it was used, the user was unable to use any attacks but could roll, dodge, run, and parry/block. Anyone inside of the AoE had heavy amounts of AP frames, making it impractical for most fights. Reworked into the current iteration on April 18, 2022.
- (OLD) Flame Wisp (2 Star Flame) - Gave passive healing with each spent charge scaling with level from 2-10%. Reworked into current iteration on December 19, 2023
- Ice Mirror - A spark that could only be applied to Ice Bolt. Once applied, if the user had ice surfaces in the vicinity while casting Ice Bolt, each ice surface would cast an additional bolt of ice.
- Was removed alongside the Mantra for being ridiculously powerful.
- Crab - Small versions of the Crab from the infamous Crab Leak. While the Red Crab became Crustaceous Rex, the small versions have no current parallel.
- They were however brought back within The Diluvian Mechanism as another weak mob. They are yet to be seen elsewhere.
- Isopods - Small, weak creatures that could attach to your face and start sucking the blood out of the player. They still exist, but exclusively in a short sequence during the Charisma Unbound quest where they kill Karliah.
- Konga Bandits - Pale yellow/white, nude monsters that would presumably spawn in groups of 3-4. They wielded basic Swords. They were the early prototype for Mudskippers. Called Konga bandits because of a tester who was always bald resembling them.
- A Deal from Below [Generic Talent, Rare Talent] - You have a higher chance of being granted Whispers. However, you are more susceptible to insanity. (+2 Health)
- This Talent gave you such a potent insanity gain percentage that you could passively gain Tier 1 Insanity while outside of the Depths.
- Along with Lose Your Mind, which used to deal double damage at max insanity, a bug was found where Lose Your Mind's max damage buff was always active as long as you had some form of Insanity, effectively granting you permanent double or even quadruple damage, as showcased in Shirafune's video.
- Adept [ Legendary Talent] - Taking this Talent will make it easier to progress.
- All Aerial Talents were removed and instead became a part of base combat
- Aerial Kick [Common Priority Talent] - [Fist] When using a Light Attack while airborne propel yourself forward and do a kick downwards. (+1 Posture,+3 Carry Load, +1 Health)
- Aerial Shot [Common Priority Talent] - [Guns] When using a Light Attack while airborne propel yourself forward and fire a shot downwards. (+1 Health)
- Aerial Spin [Common Priority Talent] - [Daggers/Rapiers] When using a Light Attack while airborne propel yourself forward and do a spin slash hitting those bellow. (+2 Passive Agility, +1 Health)
- Aerial Stab [Common Priority Talent] - [Swords/Spears] When using a light attack while airborne propel yourself forward and do a stab downwards. (+1 Posture, +3 Carry Load, +1 Health)
- Agitating Static [Common Talent, Thundercall exclusive] - Using Discovery of Fire will light nearby downed enemies aflame.
- in October 6, 2023 update, Agitating Static was merged into Discovery of Fire.
- Black Out [Common Talent, Shadowcast Exclusive] - Block breaking an opponent obscures their vision with darkness more potent than your Shadow mantra. (+5 Elemental Intensity)
- In the August 15th, 2023 update, Black Out was merged into Sightless Still.
- Blood Shadow [Rare Talent] - Allies and enemies you Reinforce are drained of their HP until you are fully healed. (For enemies you drain their hp until you are hit. If they are blocking while you are draining their hp, the drain will be cut in half.)
- In December 30, 2023 update, Blood Shadow was removed and replaced by Lord's Tithe.
- Bloodletter [Common Talent] - Hitting opponents on the ground lowers their blood. (+1 Passive Agility)
- Bloodletter made you drain blood from your opponents when you hit them while they were knocked. In the June 6th, 2024 Update, Bloodletter was made innate.
- Bodyguard Detail [Common Talent, Charisma] - If you're attacked in an allied territory, your allies will come rushing to your aid. Earpiece not included.
- In the July 12th update, Bodyguard Detail was removed.
- Boom, Headshot [Common Talent] - [Guns] When you attack an enemy much weaker than you, you kill them instantly.
- In the December 20th, 2022 update, Boom, Headshot was merged into Lethal Precision.
- Boot Wallet [Common Talent] - You no longer lose notes from dying.
- Boot Wallet was merged into Robber Baron.
- Command: Leech [Common Talent] - Conjure the ether of your vow into essence and transfer it to yourself. (+4 Ether, +3 Health)
- In the March 13th, 2023 update, Command: Leech is became a base Vow of Mastery command.
- Command: Locate [Common Talent] - Locate one of your vow members (+4 Ether, +3 Health)
- In the December 6th, 2022 update, Command: Locate became a base Vow of Mastery command.
- The Cold Forge [Common Talent] - You forge more shurikens when casting on ice. (+5 Elemental Intensity)
- In the May 15th, 2023 update, Cold Forge became base behavior for Ice Forge.
- Concentrated Reload [Common Talent] - Perfect Casting a mantra and flourishes reduce the cost of Ether Bullets for 5 seconds. (+4 Ether, +8 Reservoir)
- Crystal Breaker [Common Talent] - When breaking someone's posture detonate any active crystals on their body. (+5 Elemental Intensity, +3 Health)
- In the May 15th, 2023 update, Crystal Breaker became base behavior for Glass Path: Crystallization.
- Depths Connection [Common Talent] - Your interaction with The Depths allows you to easily draw Ether from the surrounding air.
- Depths connection was removed in a shadow update on August 30th, 2024.
- Diplomat [Common Talent] - Your natural skill in mediating conflict makes people think more highly of you. (+3 Ether, +3 Health)
- In the December 13th, 2022 update, Diplomat was merged into Celebrity.
- Drifting Winds [Common Talent] - Wind mantras make enemies winded on hit, winded enemies have lowered attack speed. (+2 Passive Agility, +5 Elemental Intensity)
- In the May 15th, 2023 update, Drifting Winds became base behavior for Galebreathe.
- Elemental Rebound [Rare Talent] - Elemental Mantras now grant extra tempo upon landing. (+3 Elemental Intensity)
- In the March 8th, 2024 update, Elemental Rebound was made innate and was changed so that all mantras grant Tempo, not just elemental ones.
- Encouraging Presence [Common Talent] - Allies that grip enemies near you recover Sanity. (+5 Sanity)
- In the January 3rd, 2023 update, Encouraging Presence was merged into Conquer Your Fears.
- Ether Bullets [Common Talent] - [Guns] Use less Ether to fire your guns when you run out of bullets. (+4 Ether, +2 Reservoir)
- In the October 24th, 2022 update, Guns cost no Ether to fire, making this Talent effectively useless.
- Ether Fortress [Generic Talent, Common Talent] - Venting no longer knocks you back. (+2 Health, +4 Sanity)
- Ether Kit [Common Talent] - It's extra ether, do you need anything else? (+20 Ether)
- In the January 19th, 2024 update, Ether Kit was made innate, increasing the base ether of all players by 20.
- (Old) Exoskeleton [Generic Talent, Legendary Talent] - It will always take 20 hits to knock you down.
- Every hit would deal 5% of your maximum HP regardless of how much damage it would deal otherwise.
- In the February 14th, 2022 update, Exoskeleton was changed to its current form, granting Natural Armor.
- Familiar Sight [Common Talent, Charisma] - Being hit by someone of the same aspect causes them to be charmed for a short duration.
- In the December 13th, 2022 update, Familiar Sight was merged into Tough Love.
- Finesse [Common Talent, Agility] - You pull your weapon out silently. (+3 Passive Agility, +5 Health)
- In the February 6th, 2023 update, Finesse was merged into Now You see Me.
- Flaming Uppercut [Common Talent, Flamecharm Exclusive] - Ignite flames on an enemy when you uppercut them.
- In the October 20th, 2023 update, Flaming Uppercut was merged into Flaming Flourish.
- Frozone [Rare Talent, Frostdraw Exclusive] - You are no longer required to be over water to use Ice Skates. (+5 Elemental Intensity)
- In October 28, 2023 update, Frozone became base behavior for Ice Skate.
- Gale Coil [Common Talent, Galebreathe Exclusive] - Your suffocates last twice as long. (+2 Passive Agility)
- In the August 30th, 2024 update, Gale Coil was made innate.
- Gale Dash [Rare Talent] - After Dodging an attack successfully, your next dash will be a Gale Dash. As well as hitting a block, immediately follow them up with a Gale Dash. (+2 Passive Agility, +4 Elemental Intensity)
- In the May 16th, 2023 update, Gale Dash was merged into Air Pressure.
- Gale Leap [Common Talent, Galebreathe Exclusive] - Jumping while sliding down a slope or off a cliff launches you forwards. (+1 Elemental Intensity, +2 Health)
- In the December 1st, 2023 update, Gale Leap was merged into Wind Step.
- Giantslayer [Common Talent, Willpower] - Deal 10% more damage to larger foes. (+7 Sanity)
- In the December 24th, 2024 update, Giantslayer was merged into Underdog.
- Graceful Landing [Common Talent, Agility] - You easily brush off shorter falls, taking no fall damage. (+1 Passive Agility)
- In the August 15th, 2023 update, Graceful Landing was merged into Kick Off.
- Hardened Nerves [Common Talent] - Slightly increases posture. (+2 Posture)
- In the January 19th, 2024 update, Hardened Nerves was made innate, increasing the base posture of all players by 2.
- Health Pack [Common Talent] - It's extra health, do you need anything else? (+10 Health)
- In the January 19th, 2024 update, Health Pack was made innate, increasing the base HP of all players by 10.
- Heartbreaker [Common Talent] - [Fist] When you flourish an enemy much weaker than you, you kill them instantly. (+1 Posture, +4 Carry Load, +2 Health)
- In the December 20th, 2022 update, Heartbreaker was merged into Lethal Precision.
- Heavy Lifting [Common Talent] - You can lift heavy objects with ease. (+4 Health, +9 Carry Load)
- Inhuman Reactions [Generic Talent, Common Talent] - You automatically vent when you roll. (+8 Health, +7 Ether)
- In Twain [Common Talent] - [Heavy Weapons] When you attack an enemy much weaker than you, you kill them instantly. (+2 Health)
- In the January 3rd, 2023 update, In Twain and Lethal Force were merged into Lethal Precision.
- Legendary Echoes - Receive a random Legendary Talent.
- With Verse 2 update most Legendary Talents have turned into Advanced Talents, while other - decreased in rarity to Rare.
- Lethal Force [Common Talent] - [Medium Weapons] When you attack an enemy much weaker than you, you kill them instantly.
- In the January 3rd, 2023 update, In Twain and Lethal Force were merged into Lethal Precision.
- Lethal Precision [Common Talent] - When you attack an enemy much weaker than you, you kill them instantly.
- In the October 6th, 2023, Lethal Precision was changed into the quest Talent Mercy Kill.
- Lord Commander [Rare Talent] - Everyone you buff with Reinforce heals you by 1% (+5 Health)
- In the August 15th, 2023 update, Lord Commander was merged into Grand Support.
- Mark of the Lone Warrior [Common Talent] - Your ability to overcome true adversity manifests. You progress much more quickly.
- Now You See Me [Common Talent, Agility] - Your stealth when crouching is increased. You pull your weapon out silently. (+3 Passive Agility)
- In the January 13th, 2024 update, Now You See Me was merged into Lowstride.
- One Handed Training [Common Talent] - [Heavy Weapons] You can now wield heavy weapons one handed.
- In the July 26th, 2024 update, One Handed Training was made innate, but you still need 40 Heavy Weapon to wield your weapon one handed.
- Perfect Cancel [Generic Talent, Common Talent] - [Gun] Permanently cut your ether bar in half but remove the cost of mantra cancelling (+4 Ether, +7 Reservoir)
- Pyromania [Common Talent] - Self-inflicted fire damage is reduced. (+3 Elemental Intensity)
- In the October 6th, 2023 update, Pyromania was merged into Immolation.
- Quick Link [Common Talent, Thundercall Exclusive] - Landing an uppercut adds a static link to your opponent. (+4 Elemental Intensity)
- In the August 15th, 2023 update, Quick Link was merged into Static Link.
- Quick Recovery [Common Talent, Agility] - You move faster after doing a wall jump. (+1 Passive Agility)
- In the December 13th, 2022 update, Quick Recovery was merged into Kick Off.
- Reverse Gale Kick [Common Talent, Galebreathe Exclusive] - Pressing [F] after hitting an opponent with Wind Rising will cause your followup kick to impale them to the ground. (+1 Passive Agility)
- Dazes after kicking them down allowing for more combos.
- In the December 1st, 2023 update, Reverse Gale Kick was made base behavior for Rising Wind.
- Salesperson [Common Talent] - Vendors pay more for your sold items. Pretty sure they just pay extra to get you to leave them alone. (+2 Ether, +2 Health)
- In the December 13th, 2022 update, Salesperson was merged into Snake Oil.
- Shatter Spear [Rare Talent] - Your ice spear now lodges into human opponents and explodes. (+5 Elemental Intensity, +3 Health)
- The Talent was removed from the game with May 15, 2023 update, as it became a base behavior for Ice Lance.
- Silencer's Edge [Common Talent, Galebreathe Exclusive] - Meleeing a 'Suffocated' opponent will grant you a speed boost. (+1 Elemental Intensity)
- In the December 1st, 2023 update, Silencer's Edge was merged into Silencer's Blade.
- Skull Crusher [Rare Talent, Galebreathe Exclusive] - Pressing F during Champion's Whirlthrow will throw your opponent straight down.
- In the January 26th, 2024 update, Skull Crusher was made base behavior for Champion's Whirlthrow.
- Stormcaller Slash [Common Talent, Thundercall exclusive] - Call forth the fury of storms by pressing F at the end of your move.
- After using Lightning Blade, press F within a second afterwards delivers extra attacks.
- In the January 19th, 2024 update, Stormcaller Slash was made base behavior for Lightning Blade.
- Subsistence [Rare talent, Intelligence] - As a skilled apothecarian, you are more accustomed to potions and gain graeter benefits from ingesting potions that affect your regeneration. (+3 Health)
- In the December 1st, 2023 update, Subsistence was merged into Potion Quaffer.
- The Old Wind [Common Talent, Galebreathe Exclusive] - Glide straight with the power of Gales. (+4 Elemental Intensity)
- With this talent, your glider would travel almost entirely horizontally instead of at a diagonal.
- In the December 1st, 2023 update, The Old Wind was merged with Aerogliding.
- The Thinker [Common Talent] - Standing still for 15 seconds causes you to rapidly regenerate ether. (+5 Ether, +10 Reservoir)
- Was removed with Verse 2 update.
- Third Interrogation [Thundercall Exclusive] - Electrified attacks do 50% less damage to you.
- In the October 6th, 2023 update, Third Interrogation was merged into Second Interrogation.
- Thorns of Fire [Common Talent, Flamecharm Exclusive] - Taking damage while using Flame Repulsion reflects the damage back to the attacker. (+2 Elemental Intensity)
- The Talent was removed from the game with October 6, 2023 update, as it became a base behavior for Flame Repulsion.
- True Pain [Rare Talent, Light] - Your Critical Strikes Can Now Crit (+2 Health)
- In the December 16th, 2023 update, True Pain was removed due to Knife's Journey rework.
- (Old) Twisted Puppets [Common Talent, Dual Attunement] - Bodies affected by Corpse Explosion will lift into the air and track onto an enemy.
- In the December 16th, 2023 update, Twisted Puppets was removed and replaced with Wraith Path: Twisted Puppets.
- Unyielding Focus [Common Talent] - Your conviction is true. No sugar-coated words or charms can sway you from your goals. You are resistant to charms and tricks. (+5 Sanity)
- In the January 3rd, 2023 update, Unyielding Focus was merged into Disbelief.
- Uproar [Common Talent] - When hit 3 or more times within 3 seconds go into an uproar where you cannot be stunned for a short duration. Landing a hit on another player will end your Uproar.
- In the January 18th, 2025 update, Uproar was removed from the game.
- Vanishing Follow-up [Legendary Talent] - Upon a successful flourish, teleport to the opponent when they stop moving.
- Vital Point [Common Talent, Agility] - Assassinating someone gives you 25% PEN for 5 seconds. (+1 Passive Agility)
- In the January 13th, 2022 update, Vital Point was merged into Lights out.
- Volt Kick [Common Talent, Thundercall Exclusive] - After landing a lightning kick successfully, press [F] to followup on your opponent with a less potent kick. (+7 Carry Load)
- In the August 30th, 2024 update, Volt Kick became base behavior for Thunder Kick.
- Wildfire [Common Talent, Flamecharm Exclusive] - Pressing [F] before releasing your Fire Palm will release a wider but shorter flame.
- In the August 16th, 2024 update, Wildfire became base behavior Fire Palm.
- Aggressive Posture [Common Talent] - Hitting your opponent with a basic attack causes them to slow down while walking backwards. Parrying an opponent causes them to slow down slightly when walking backwards. (+1 Passive Agility)
- In the January 31st, 2025 update, Aggressive Posture has been removed due to clashing with a new mechanic called Backstepping
- Chime of Conflict Skulls
The skulls in question
- Being set in an alternative reality, deaths in the arena were less impactful on the soul. Players were granted lives in the form of Skulls. They could hold 3 skulls at once. Dying shattered 1 skull. If the player had 3 or 2 skulls when this happened, they were not penalized. Shattering the last skull would make the player drop items and sent them to The Depths. You could see how many skulls you had by using the Chime Of Conflict but not choosing a game mode. The skull count would appear at the little UI in the middle of your screen. Players recovered one skull in case of a victory. They also recovered all their skulls every season change (every real life day, at midnight GMT+0). If they were sent to The Depths by the PvP Arena, they were granted 1 skull which they could use after escaping.
- Elemental Intensity as a Talent stat - Some Talents would grant a stat called "Elemental Intensity." This stat was largely placebo and didn't do anything, so it was removed in the September 7th, 2024 update.
- Set Spawns - During its testing phase, all enemy spawns were in set locations, with no randomized spawns.[2]
- Originally, there used to be shrines which allowed the players to be teleported to the depths. That was the only known way of entering The Depths at the time. Known shrines: Winter (at the back of The Floating Keep and some unknown location shown in the video likely being The Seranece Mountains), Spring (Ironfist Island, in the cave under the Summer Company's castle on the Summer Isle), Summer (on surface of the Summer Isle near Summer Company's castle).
- Skill Books - Before the current training gears, the player would have to find various NPCs scattered around the world that sold items related with the skill, along with Skill Books, which were essentially similar to the current training gear, but would only have 5 uses. There was a skill book for each skill.
- Psia was the Willpower trainer, located at Etris, and was only seen for a few days after Deepwoken's release before being quietly removed in a shadow-update.
- Locked Chest - Limited to The Depths, chests dropped from the monsters used to be locked and had to be carried to Bankers and other NPC's to be unlocked to reap the rewards. Two NPCs, the researcher at the Diver Camp and Castle Light's leader used to mention this mechanic in their dialogue post-release.
- Original Sacks - Craftable a short time after release but then shadow removed, due to them no longer serving a use. Sacks were craftable with 2 cloths and would let the player carry chests by stuffing them inside. This was likely used in conjunction with the Locked Chest system.
- Lore Guilds - There used to be more guilds akin to The Divers in game, however, they eventually all got removed with the exception of The Divers. The Knives of Eylis was later added as well. Known inaccessible Lore guilds include The Hive.
- Sparring Instructor - Sparring with the instructor used to cost 20 notes. You could also spar with another player by talking to the Instructor NPC.
- Original Guild Housing - A cut feature that allowed guilds to have bases on set plots on islands.
- Added in the 12/23/22 Verse 2 Update, however with a much more fluid system, being able to make a door for your Guild Base anywhere at any time to enter it, instead of being only on specific islands.
- Officer's Note - An item dropped by Authority mobs that was originally part of a cut quest. It was removed a few weeks after the game's release.
- Renewed Ambition - A visual indicator for meeting one of your requirements for levelling. It was seen in one of Agamatsu's videos on Deepwoken in 2021.
- Stormcaller - An NPC in earlier versions of the game would appear in Upper Erisia that mentions Stormcall. It was described as 'old lore' that was meant to be removed.
- Universal Uniques - Special items available in limited numbers across the entire game. Gripping owners of these items would grant them to the killer and losing them would readd them to the lootpool to be reobtained. This was cut due to limitations of the Roblox Engine.
- Shrine of Dominion/Domination - Swaps your lowest stat and your highest stat, (eg. Your 0 Agility is swapped with your 80 Willpower, resulting in 80 Agility and 0 Willpower), This was going to be added in verse 2 along with all of the other Deep Shrines but was scrapped as it was way too overpowered.
- Lightning Strike Event - An event which would occur while sailing, and would strike you, and your boat with lightning a few times. It was removed because it served no purpose other than being annoying.