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LocationL Duke Erisia's Manor LocationR
What was stolen from below lies within.


Duke Erisia's Manor is a location found in Deepwoken. It is a landmark found in The Garden Reservoir.


Duke Erisia's Manor is a location in Upper Erisia. Its exterior consists of patches of grass on the corner of the paths with some tall bushes, stone pillars, a distinct tall tree in the center and a blocked gate preceded by a massive bridge that leads to the Burning Stone Gardens where plentiful of Rock Golems reside. In order to open the gate you must have a Manor Key.

This place is usually visited by going to the bottom gate supposedly at the edge of Towerstruck Lands which will lead to you to a place called The Garden Reservoir and traversing the harmful acidic floor and broken architects until you see the far right side corner gap that leads to a short tunnel followed by a distinct turquoise-colored teleporter that will directly send you to an output teleporter (which is just a little bit above you, you also can't go back and exit safely without negated health unless you parkour out of the map, reset or use Graceful Landing) in Duke Erisia's Manor.

Or you can try to gather enough agility or environmental height to get on top of the wall barriers in order to go to Duke Erisia's Manor which is more time-consuming. There is also a giant door that can be opened by following the guide in the gif below. This location plays a substantial part in Lord Regent's Quest (except if you have allies to use a manor key) to eliminate Duke Ishamon Erisia.

Potential Enemies[]


A map can be found at Maps#Surface


  • The music for this area is Of Labours, Veiled by Naktigonis
  • Not advised to do with a too big of a group due to health scaling.
  • Recommended to enter only if you are level 15+ and have 75 Attunement or Weapon Scaling (for unbounding purposes).
  • If the key to the manor is not glowing it means that someone else already initiated a raid and as such the area is locked away until a certain amount of time passes, either wait that timeframe out or switch servers to progress.