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“ Welcome, traveler. Don’t go causing any trouble, all right? ”


A kingdom of chiefly Etreans that are the main ruling faction in the Etrean Luminant. They reside in their capital of Etris.

The Isle of Vigils is also part of Etrea, acting as its military school, though Etrea's attitude toward the Isle is much more hands-off.

Being the largest land ruling faction in the Etrean Luminant, they hold a large range of power, deploying foot-soldiers all across the Etrean Luminant. They are led by a Lord Regent who rules from his castle and seeing over the land of Etris and the Etrean Wilds. They had been ruled by their Kings for generations; until decades to months before the year 1271, when the new leader Lord Regent took over.

The Lord Regent is actually a Contractor and Ministry Prophet, essentially making them a puppet state for the Ministry. This led to a war with the Authority.

The soldiers in Etris are purely Etrean, with the Mantra Collector sitting at the bottom near the docks being a Canor. If you go up to Schnitzel and talk them, you will be given the normal dialogue options, as well as a third, "Why aren't you up in town?" Upon asking this question, Schnitzel will say "Canor no allowed to buy in town, new leader very strange." While many take this to mean they are racist, the Etreans welcomed three Adrets into their capital, two of whom were Divers, implying there was a different reason for Schnitzel's banishment.


For the castaway and lone warrior origins, the player spawns in with a friend reputation with Etrea. Deepbound players will spawn in with neutral reputation, and voidwalkers will spawn in with an enemy reputation.

Being an Etrean increases your starting reputation with Etrea. This sets your starting voidwalker enemy reputation to neutral.

There are a substantial amount of ways to gain reputation with Etrea:

On top of that, Etrea has many random events across the Luminants in which you may assist them and gain reputation:

Etrea is among the factions with a Bounty Board. They also have a reputation reset NPC, Nerin, located above the main entrance area of Etris.

You need a high friend reputation with Etrea in order to start the lord regent's questline. Having a negative reputation with Etrea removes your ability to talk to several key NPCs, such as Bankers and Antiquarians, as usual.

Notable Members[]

Associated Enemies[]

Hive fountain Etrea

The fountain leading to the Hive


  • Like other major factions, they seem to be based on a real-world culture, with Etrea being based on East Asian countries.
  • In the Kings Garden, much like in Vigils and the hidden village, there is a fountain, it is located next to Lord Regents Palace
The Kingdom of Etrea Etris Isle of Vigils The Lord Regent Evengarde Rest Polis Etrean Guardsmen Etrean Royal Guard Etrean Soldier Blade Instructor Blade Temple Guard Vigil Swordsman
The Central Authority Fort Merit Vice Warden Morredh Authority Soldier Authority Peacekeeper Authority Officer Authority Lieutenant Authority Captain Authority Commander Chainwarden
The Hive Greathive Aratel Hive Scout Hive Guard Hive Construct Hive Adjudicator
The Divers Castle Light Klaris Akira Chaser Karliah Nell Funke Pleeksty Apprentice Diver Diver Journeyman Diver Black Diver Dawnwalker
The Ignition Union Miner's Landing Saramaed Hollow The Chariot's Spire The Frontier Furnace Alpha Epsi Llevyn Sunway Deepdelver Gamma Renau Adar Ignition Union Fighter Ignition Union Guard Ignition Union Arcwarder Mechalodaunt Arcwarder
Summer Company Summer Isle The Guy Summer Company Guard Summer Manager Summer Goon Summer Dragoon
The Children of Navae Meteor Isle Eastern Tribe Nomad Navaen Hostage Eastern Tribal Leader
The Hundred Legions Viper's Jaw Camp Kingmaker's Isle Amara Brutus Legion Soldier Legion Captain Legion Sniper
The Knives of Eylis Voidheart Eylis Voidmother Knife of Eylis Subtle Knife of Eylis Knife Guard Old Knife of Eylis
The Ministry Minityrsa The Understrand The Fourth Prophet The Crimson Scholar Nostor Ministry Scout Ministry Footpad Ministry Captain Ministry Necromancer Ministry Agent Ministry Enforcer Contractor
The Lost City of Celtor The City of the Drowned Celtorian Guard Tideknights

Green: Owned Territories, Cyan: Passive NPCs, Silver: Possibly Hostile NPCs, Purple: Bounty Hunters, Orange: Oaths, ‡: Formerly, †: Deceased.
