Also referred to as, "Etris Raid Event", "Etris vs Authority Raid Event," "Etris Raid," ''Etris Burning Event',' ''Etris War Event"
The siege of Etris is a large and rare event in which the Authority makes its way into the heart of Etrea, the city of Etris.
At the beginning of the event, Seraphina talks about the Authority ceasing their operations in the East, as if they're preparing for something. Soon after, the docks are greeted by a large number of both Etrean and Authority soldiers fighting as a deafening explosion rings throughout the island. Slowly, the Authority crawls up into the city of Etris, starting from the docks, to the Etrea Wilds, and eventually reaching the main city, causing more and more havoc to break out.
Within the town, significant NPCs like Polis will attempt to fight off Authority soldiers that are crowding him, but will prioritise Authority Commanders above all. Nell the Ice Trainer will stay neutral unless provoked, in which she will help fight off the Authority.
If you participate in this event and defeat all of the Authority Guards, 3 Large Chests will spawn at the city's center, yielding high-tier Depths Loot, sometimes including Deep Gems, Legendary Rings, the powerful Wyrmtooth and Kanabo, and the schematic containing Justicar's Armor.
You are bound to accidentally hit NPCS belonging to the Etrea faction. Don't worry, as even though it gives bad reputation then, the positive reputation given for beating the event overcomes the negative reputation by quite a lot.
Types of NPCs[]
Up to nine NPCs are in this event.
NPC's will have special dialogue during this event, such as:
- ''Get to the town center, Hurry!''
- ''The town is burning! It's burning! Help!''
- ''We need all the help we can get! Get to the town and clear out the Authority! Please!''
Authority Guards will also have special dialogue nearing the end of the event, such as:
One of the only places that will never burn in the Etris Raid Event is Lord Regents Palace.
- The Children Of Navae unintentionally help Etris by attacking any Authority NPCS that come too close to their camp in Etrean Wilds.
- If you encounter this event and are too weak to fight, try staying low at the Nomad Camp, or find high ground.
- Additionally, Nell the Ice Trainer will help fight any Authority NPC that wanders too close.
- In a nutshell, the lore behind this event is the Central Authority taking action and trying to stop Lord Regent from drowning Etris like the Celtor.
- This event was unable to spawn during the Winter season until the 5th of July 2024 Update.
- This event is easy XP as long as you know how to parry trade relatively well.
- This is the only time in the game that the name of a place changes due to an event.
Images & Videos[] - Agamatsu - [Deleted User] - SpeedyNK