Fists are another type of scaled LHT weapon attribute in Deepwoken.
There are 4 different fist styles and 3 of them share the common ability of being able to be switched at any time, even mid combat.
- WN - Way of Navae
- LK - Legion Kata
- JK - Jus Karita
- FC - Fang and Coil

Switching to fist stance while having a weapon is purely visual and does not remove it from the inventory.
Main Page: Way of Navae
Legion Kata[]
Main Page: Legion Kata
Jus Karita[]
Main Page: Jus Karita
Fang and Coil[]
Main Page: Fang and Coil
- Unlike all other weapons, fist styles make white particles instead of yellow when they hit a blocking enemy.
- Kind of makes sense as you're hitting metal with your bare fists.
- While not necessary, having the option to use a fist style at any time in combat can be quite helpful, especially if you're leveling up Light Weapon Scaling anyway.
- Fist's critical attacks are very good as they are unique. Using your critical attack in some situations can catch the enemies off guard giving free damage.
- Previously, Captain Etrea did nothing and it's description said it would let you wield a shield while using a fist style, but the Talent has been reworked.
- Ragoozer has an exclusive fist style for his spec. This fist style is very similar to that of an advanced fist form in Rogue Lineage.
- When trying to alloy your fists with a Pluripotent Alloy, you get special text - "A little voice in your head tells you that Alloying yourself would probably be a bad idea. Your blood needs iron to deliver oxygen to your organs. You need organs to live."
- When possessing all cestus styles, style swapping using Y becomes unintuitive. Way of Navae → Legion kata 🗘 Fang and coil.