How to Make Friends is Training Gear used to increase your charisma. It can be found in bookstores, and costs 25 In order to train your Charisma, you must recite the provided phrase that appears at the top of your screen.
At around 10-20 points of Charisma, you may start getting Charisma Talents. Starting at 20 Charisma, you can get Vow of Mastery. At 15 Charisma and beyond, you can get Charisma mantras, such as Sing or Taunt.
In order to successfully use How to Make Friends and level up your Charisma, select the item in your inventory and click. Both a line of text and a textbox will appear on your screen with the line of text saying: "Try some small talk with someone nearby, [Phrase]. Type out the Phrase provided, word for word.
An alternative will be clicking on the words that pop up, doing this will fill up the textbox with the necessary dialogue given.
You do not need to capitalize letters or use punctuation (Including spaces!), however if you misspell a word (Example: "Restuarant"), you will not gain your Charisma. You won't obtain charisma either if you are alone by yourself, however if there are npcs or players near you, you'll receive exp.
- Me-wow, is that the latest Felinor fashion?
- So, what's keeping you busy these days?
- Hey hivekin, can I bug you for a moment?
- So, how's work?
- Wow, this breeze is great, right?
- Sometimes I have really deep thoughts about life and stuff.
- Some weather we're having, huh?
- You ever been to a Canor restaurant? The food's pretty howlright.
When the lines are said close to an NPC or a player, the receiving player / NPC will say one of these lines depending on the charisma of the player who spoke the line.
Charisma 1-34[]
- I don't have time for this...
- Ahah...
- Huh?...
- Er...
- What?...
- Please leave me alone...
Charisma 35-65[]
- Uh huh.
- Oh, sure.
- Mhm.
- Yeah.
Charisma 65-103[]
- Oh! I see!
- Wow!
- Of course!
- No way!
- Alright!
- Hah!
- You can't train charisma when not near an NPC or player.
- It is not usually recommended to type out the phrases yourself, you may simply open up Notepad and put the phrases in, then CTRL + C CTRL + V them when needed.
- A helpful tool to use is as it is faster than copying phrases from a notepad.
- Many of the phrases in How To Make Friends are really corny and often reference a aspect.
- Charisma does not train faster when reciting phrases next to an NPC. This has been tested on this video (made by Birbingish)
- Spitting on NPCS while having high charisma will make them thank you instead of aggro on you.
- Farming Charisma is a lot faster than levelling up with the Instructor or at Lower Erisia.
- Unlike many other stats, Charisma can be trained to max very fast, due to the method of farming Charisma which is significantly easier than chopping down trees or solving math problems, for example.
- There were some phrases that got people's accounts deleted from ROBLOX, because the moderation thought they were Online Dating or attempting to get Personal Information. As of 12/27/2021, some of the lines in the "How To Make Friends" book are removed. Some removed phrases will be listed below Notes/Trivia.
- The Gremor aspect was once mentioned in a phrase of How To Make Friends, but it is now removed.
- The book is a loose reference to How to Win Friends and Influence People (1936), a self-help book by Dale Carnegie.
Removed Phrases[]
- You doing anything next week? Because I'd like to see you Gremore. (Roblox did not approve.)
- So, you doing anything on the weekend?