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Deepwoken Wiki
“ The sight of a Parasol is more than enough to make many lose their lunch. It's thought that they act as a form of cross-pollinator for various creatures that make their way from the Depths to Lumen, exchanging the traits and properties between them and dismantling ecosystems by injecting them into a competing niche. ”


The Interluminary Parasol (also referred to as Jellyfish/Big Jellyfish) is a giant floating jellyfish-like creature resembling the Terrapods in terms of physical shape/structure with the exception of a more smooth shell and flexible tentacles.

According to the item description of it's exclusive drop, the Parasol emerges from the Depths, it's sole purpose being to spread the Depth's influence by bringing it's mobs up to the surface, disrupting the ecosystems on the surface.

This boss is one of the World Events, spawning every odd hour of the day in the Eastern Luminant.

Since the 2/8/2025 update, World Event Bosses now grant Resonance progression and Attribute XP upon defeat.


This giant foe's moveset is relatively simple and is easy to avoid; however they deal a massive amount of damage if caught off guard.

Name/Danger Description Media
When close enough, the Parasol starts rapidly stabbing random targets with its arms, sometimes inflicting poison. Autogrips players if they are knocked.


Spawn of the Abyss
The Parasol throws a boulder that deals damage on impact, summoning a Depths mob varied to a Alpha Megalodaunt, Broodlord, Voidsea Thresher, and Nautilodaunt.

Blockable: ?

Loot Table/Rewards[]

Exhaustive Loot Table


Tips & Tricks[]

  • As of now, an update made the Parasol take more damage from cannons, making it the most effective cheese method for the boss (takes around 15 minutes to kill it with the Schooner). It's far more effective to corner the Parasol with a group when it passes by land than it is to bombard it with your boat.
  • Best method to kill it is to shoot with cannons when you're far away and have someone get close with a high HP ship so you can attack.
  • AOE moves are very useful in this boss fight, as they can hit 2-4 tentacles at once.
  • Having a wall to protect you is almost 100% necessary, as it allows you to deal significant damage without getting hit.


  • Currently, it will sometimes not spawn with its tentacles visible; the spike it attacks you with will instead be floating
  • Probably inspired in Metroids by Metroid series.


Etrean Luminant Duke Ishamon Erisia Maestro Evengarde Rest
Eastern Luminant The Ferryman Primadon, Titan of the East
Voidsea Dread Serpent
Open Sea Interluminary Parasol The Doom of Caeranthil
Scyphozia Heart of Enmity
The Eternal Gale Chaser, Scholar of the Crimson Contract Scion of Ethiron
Etrean Luminant Megalodaunt Rock Golem Terrapod Crimson Terrapod Deep Owl Brainsucker Rogue Construct Blizzard Knight Carbuncle Alpha Megalodaunt Golem Prime Mudskipper BruteLionfishGlacial LionfishDread Serpent Star Knight
Eastern Luminant Brainsucker Megalodaunt Crimson Megalodaunt Alpha Megalodaunt Mechalodaunt Thresher Nightmare Thresher King Thresher Hive Construct Desert Knight Deep Owl Deep Widow PrimadonLionfishGlacial LionfishMudskipper BroodlordDread Serpent Moon Knight Star Knight
Scyphozia CrabMegalodaunt Terrapod Crimson Terrapod LionfishGlacial LionfishDeep OwlThresherKing ThresherAlpha MegalodauntDeep WidowGigamedKing GigamedCrustaceous RexNautilodauntFury NautilodauntBone KeeperMudskipper BruteMudskipper Broodlord
The Eternal Gale CarbuncleBounderBone KeeperDiver Husk
New Kyrsa Kyrsgarde LancerKyrsgarde BruteKyrsgarde SniperKyrsgarde CrawlerLost DiverScion of Ethiron

Cyan: Ocean Events, Green: Dungeon Only, Purple: Rare Spawn, Orange: Boss Monster
