The Kanabo is a Heavy Weapon that scales with and requires Strength in addition to Heavy. It is a long mace-like hammer that displays pure damage.
The Kanabo has two criticals.
For the standing critical, the user winds up, stomping the ground before unleashing a devastating blow. If there are no eligible target, the user stops after winding up. The players hit by it will be ragdolled and launched a considerable distance. (useful for killing players by launching them into dangerous areas.)
For the running critical, the user winds up before unleashing three devastating, unblockable slams that stuns on hit.
Both criticals share the cooldown of 8 seconds.
- A Kanabō, meaning "metal stick," was a weapon used in feudal Japan. The variant seen in Deepwoken more closely resembles exaggerated depictions seen in mythological and fictional works wielded by Oni, Japanese demons.
- The weapon normal attack matches that of a greatsword.
- Max damage with 100 STR and 100 HVY does 52.5 damage with max proficiency.
- The Kanabo is eligible to be turned into a Motif.