- “ Oh, sorry, I didn't see you there. I'm Karliah, apprentice Diver extraordinaire! ”
Karliah is an apprentice Diver in Etris who, by a quest, allows you to unbound your Charisma. Karliah's quest has numerous Charisma checks, and you can only unbind the attribute if you have it at max.
More details about the quest can be found here.
This quest is not repeatable, so do not mess it up by not having enough charisma or picking the wrong options.
After the quest, Karliah quits The Divers and can be found resting in her house wearing different clothing. Now grateful for your insight on the realities of life, she reflects on how friendly the people of Etris are with her.
NOTE: Do not pick the first option neither the second option after saving Karliah from the Mudskipper attack, or the quest will end unsuccesful.
- Karliah's hair combo is 4584787037.
- Karliah Colors: #96acba Skin | #5D6072 Hair | #daa400 Pupils | #be0000 Facial Marking
- Karliah seems to show a romantic interest in your character, likely as a result of the player's high charisma required to begin her questline.
- Karliah is quite inexperienced in combat, and was easily beaten down by Mudskippers during her quest.
- Karliah wears the Diver Apprentice outfit as a Diver and the Hired Mercenary armor after the quest.
- You can get +20 notes if you begin Karliah's quest with Charisma
- Karliah is canonically short, Her in-game model is shorter than every other NPC, including the player, This is a trait shared with Epsi, although he is short because he is a child.
- Karliah's hair can be found here.

Karliah being beaten down by said Mudskipper. Interacting with her will cause a Mudskipper to spawn.