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Deepwoken Wiki


Gigantic, Purple versions of Normal Gigameds, found in the First Layer. They have different attacks and behavior as opposed to the Gigamed.

Commonly referred to as Mama/Mother Jellyfish & King Jellyfish.


Name Description Parryable? Blockable? Dodgeable? Danger
Greater Stun Pulse
Emits a large pulse attack that can target one player per use, Deals ~30 damage. After they use this attack, they will back away if a player is close to them, and come closer if a player isn't close to them. (★)
Static Discharge
The King screeches and releases a purple AoE attack that pushes you away from them and stuns you for a short duration. However, this attack deals little to no damage. Be cautious when fighting them near cliffs. (★★)
Summon Gigameds
The King screeches and summons 3 Gigameds that are launched towards your position. The summoned Gigameds will die after using a stun pulse, along with having 1 health, allowing them to die to even a Vent. If killed, they'll give you a solid healthpack. (★★)


  • Bull-Suck - Teleports to you and drives itself into your body, consuming you. This is a very fast gripping animation, so don't underestimate it.



  • King Gigamed is basically a "power check". Don't fight it at low levels. However, for high-leveled players it's free exp and loot (Stat Check Level: 10/11).
    • King Gigamed is completely trivialized if the player has Animal King, as the Gigameds it spawns will not aggro, allowing for a free healthpack.
  • There is an extremely rare chance that a King Gigamed will spawn whilst playing Jellyfish Jam, a reference from Spongebob Squarepants. They should also spawn with an oversized Ten-Gallon Hat too. The chance of this spawning as a natural event is 1/5000.
  • Greater Stun Pulse & Static Discharge is one of the few attacks that can't ever be parried, even with Talents that allow you to parry un-parryable attacks.
  • King Gigamed has an intentionally cowardly behavior, meaning it will jump around objects and move in ways that makes it harder for you to fight it.
  • Despite not looking like it, The King Gigamed has a back, meaning you can proc Spine Cutter on it.
  • You can fight King Gigameds at low levels by venting when they are about to spawn Gigameds to get a healthpack, this is a consistent way as you get a lot of tempo from m1ing.


Etrean Luminant Megalodaunt Rock Golem Terrapod Crimson Terrapod Deep Owl Brainsucker Rogue Construct Blizzard Knight Carbuncle Alpha Megalodaunt Golem Prime Mudskipper BruteLionfishGlacial LionfishDread Serpent Star Knight
Eastern Luminant Brainsucker Megalodaunt Crimson Megalodaunt Alpha Megalodaunt Mechalodaunt Thresher Nightmare Thresher King Thresher Hive Construct Desert Knight Deep Owl Deep Widow PrimadonLionfishGlacial LionfishMudskipper BroodlordDread Serpent Moon Knight Star Knight
Scyphozia CrabMegalodaunt Terrapod Crimson Terrapod LionfishGlacial LionfishDeep OwlThresherKing ThresherAlpha MegalodauntDeep WidowGigamedKing GigamedCrustaceous RexNautilodauntFury NautilodauntBone KeeperMudskipper BruteMudskipper Broodlord
The Eternal Gale CarbuncleBounderBone KeeperDiver Husk
New Kyrsa Kyrsgarde LancerKyrsgarde BruteKyrsgarde SniperKyrsgarde CrawlerLost DiverScion of Ethiron

Cyan: Ocean Events, Green: Dungeon Only, Purple: Rare Spawn, Orange: Boss Monster
