The Knives of Eylis, also referred to as the Silver Whalers, are a gang of mercenaries hired by The Authority to cause carnage in the Etrean Luminant. They are found in two locations, a group of three escorting a captured Navean Nomad in Upper Erisia, consisting of two Knives and one Subtle Knife of Eylis, and a group of four raiding an Etrean Naval Frigate in The Aratel Sea or The Etrean Sea, consisting of three Knives and one Subtle Knife of Eylis. True to their name, they all wield Whaling Knives and wear Whaler Coats and Whaler Scarves.
A Knife of Eylis' arsenal only consists of a Whaling Knife:
Name | Description | Parryable? | Blockable? | Danger |
Assault | Swiftly swings dagger at opponent and finishing up the combo by kicking them. | ◯ | ◯ | (★☆☆) |
Critical | The pirate uses the Whaling Knife's special critical, creating a wave of red energy as they slash forward. | ◯ | ✗ | (★★☆) |
- Knife's Journey - Cancelling an enemy's Mantra windup with your basic attacks now deals 15% more damage
- Decisive Blow - Hitting an enemy with your Critical Attack immediately after they dodge now procs Knife's Journey. Your Knife's Journey procs do 2x Armor damage
- Thresher Fangs - Your Knife's Journey critical hits now deal 2x damage to armor.
- Swift Rebound - Move faster after successfully dodging an attack.
- Evasive Expert - Your speed boost granted from dodging is increased.
- Risky Moves - When you successfully dodge, you'll automatically dodge the next attack.
- Finishing Touch - Instantly execute enemies finished with the critical attack of your dagger.
- Matador - Deal +20% more damage to human enemies with hyperarmor.
A Knife of Eylis executes it's opponent after knocking them:
Name | Description |
Execute | Pins down opponent before slicing their throat with their blade. |
- When they spawn on boats, they spawn standing on the sails.