The Kyrsieger is a Legendary Heavy Weapon that scales with, and requires Charisma in addition to Heavy. While it functions near identically to a greatsword normally, its true purpose is that of a railgun, manipulating a fraction of Ethiron's power to unleash a devastating blast of energy.
It drops surprisingly commonly, exclusively from the Scion of Ethiron. If you are lucky enough to trade with the Weird Trader, you might obtain this weapon.
The critical has the user lower the blade and charge a blast before unleashing a thin, forward facing beam of purple energy. The critical is unable to be parried, signified by the red eye icon and sound que before firing. Holding down the critical attack button causes it to charge for a few more seconds, increasing the range, posture damage dealt and becomes an insta-guard break at max charge. The critical also applies charm upon hit.
The critical has a cooldown of 15 seconds.
- This weapon is designed noticeably differently from other weapons prefixed "Kyrs." This may be a result of it being more closely tied to the Scion of Ethiron than the Kyrsgarde.
- It shares this property with the Kyrswynter.
- The Kyrsieger was used in an assault on Constellia, the city Kaide, The Drowned Light ruled over.
- Weapon is soulbound upon being equipped.
- Meeting the requirements of HVY and CHA, the weapon deals 30.8 damage.
- At max HVY and CHA, the weapon deals 40.3 damage.