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The Legion Captain is a type of enemy NPC that can only be found in Starswept Valley, Upper Erisia, and the Aratel Island. They can be encountered in the following events:

A Legion Captain wears a Legion Centurion outfit, a Khan Helmet, a pair of Khan Pauldrons and a pair of Khan Boots. They are exclusively Khans.


A Legion Captain's arsenal consists of either a Champion's Sword, Ritual Spear, or Fists (Legion Kata) without Cestus along with the Galebreathe attunement:

Name Description Parryable? Blockable? Danger
Assault [Champion's Sword] Firmly swings blade at opponent and finishing up the combo by kicking them.

[Ritual Spear] Firmly thrusts spear at opponent and finishing up the combo by kicking them.

[Fists] Firmly pummels opponent and finishing up the combo by sending them away with a left hook

Critical [Champion's Sword] Performs a wind-up before firmly thrusting blade forward.

[Ritual Spear] Enters a stance before performing a quick swipe with spear, will perform an additional short lunge if the first hit lands.

[Fists] Performs a quick grab before throwing the opponent into the ground.

Gale Lunge User lunges forward with their weapon coated in wind. (★★☆)
Heavenly Wind User leaps high into the air before striking down. (★☆☆)
Wind Carve User empowers their weapon before elegantly releasing a cut that forms a small controllable tempest. (★☆☆)
Astral Wind User casts several fast, wind-enhanced slashes that form a star. (★★★)
Rapid Punches User unleashes a barrage of blows at their opponent. (★★☆)


  • Drifting Winds
  • Suffocating Impact - When flourishing enemies into walls they are suffocated and winded for a short duration.
  • Concussion - Enemies you flourish into walls have their vision altered for a short duration and are dazed longer than usual.
  • Air Pressure - Dodging an attack or hitting an enemy's block will transform your next dash into a Gale Dash.
  • Cyclone Blade - After a successful Gale Dash you wrap your weapon in wind essence causing your next Light attack to do bleed damage and chip through your opponents block.
  • Pressure Break - Breaking an enemy's posture will cause them take intense wind pressure damage and be flung backwards.
  • Hoplite - Posture damage is reduced by 30% when wielding a spear and standing still.
  • Blade's Edge - Damage dealt with the tip of the spear is increased by 10%.
  • Posture breaking an opponent grants you +50% PEN for 3 seconds.
  • Driving Impact - The first hit of your Spear's Critical Attack will deal the posture damage of the second hit as well. The second hit no longer deals posture damage
  • Lancer's Impale - Hitting an enemy after a perfect dodge makes your next attack deal bleed damage. If that attack would already bleed, it adds +10% chip damage instead.


A Legion Captain executes its opponent after knocking them:

Name Description
Execute [Champion's Sword] Pins down opponent before slicing their throat with blade.

[Ritual Spear] Pins down opponent before impaling them through the chest with their spear.

[Fists] Pins down opponent before firmly bashing their face.


  • By completing the Legion Kata quest, the names of some of them are revealed:
    • Captain Acheron
    • Captain Xavos
    • Captain Zash
  • The weapon they spawn with appears to affect their chance of winning:
  • The Legion Captain, after killing the Authority Lieutenant, instantly aggravates on the nearest enemy NPC, regardless of if through a wall, killing the NPC will most probably make the Captain despawn if it doesn't have any more targets, therefore, you will not be able to talk to them.
  • Your starter rep with the legion is actually "negative"/neutral, they use the negative rep text but won't attack you.
The Kingdom of Etrea Etris Isle of Vigils The Lord Regent Evengarde Rest Polis Etrean Guardsmen Etrean Royal Guard Etrean Soldier Blade Instructor Blade Temple Guard Vigil Swordsman
The Central Authority Fort Merit Vice Warden Morredh Authority Soldier Authority Peacekeeper Authority Officer Authority Lieutenant Authority Captain Authority Commander Chainwarden
The Hive Greathive Aratel Hive Scout Hive Guard Hive Construct Hive Adjudicator
The Divers Castle Light Klaris Akira Chaser Karliah Nell Funke Pleeksty Apprentice Diver Diver Journeyman Diver Black Diver Dawnwalker
The Ignition Union Miner's Landing Saramaed Hollow The Chariot's Spire The Frontier Furnace Alpha Epsi Llevyn Sunway Deepdelver Gamma Renau Adar Ignition Union Fighter Ignition Union Guard Ignition Union Arcwarder Mechalodaunt Arcwarder
Summer Company Summer Isle The Guy Summer Company Guard Summer Manager Summer Goon Summer Dragoon
The Children of Navae Meteor Isle Eastern Tribe Nomad Navaen Hostage Eastern Tribal Leader
The Hundred Legions Viper's Jaw Camp Kingmaker's Isle Amara Brutus Legion Soldier Legion Captain Legion Sniper
The Knives of Eylis Voidheart Eylis Voidmother Knife of Eylis Subtle Knife of Eylis Knife Guard Old Knife of Eylis
The Ministry Minityrsa The Understrand The Fourth Prophet The Crimson Scholar Nostor Ministry Scout Ministry Footpad Ministry Captain Ministry Necromancer Ministry Agent Ministry Enforcer Contractor
The Lost City of Celtor The City of the Drowned Celtorian Guard Tideknights

Green: Owned Territories, Cyan: Passive NPCs, Silver: Possibly Hostile NPCs, Purple: Bounty Hunters, Orange: Oaths, ‡: Formerly, †: Deceased.
