- “ Gain the ability to use the Legion's martial arts. ”
Legion Kata is a martial arts-based fighting style obtained by turning in a recommendation from talking to a Legion Captain with high positive reputation with the Hundred Legions in Starswept Valley, to Amara. While sharing the same statistics as Way of Navae, they differ in M1 animations, stances and critical attacks.
While Legion Kata has the same damage as Way of Navae, the critical possesses more potential to mix-up the opponent, useful for fighting players rather than NPCs. The suplex comes out quickly and can easily confuse an opponent you are fighting against.
User performs a suplex, turning their opponent upside down and firmly slamming them into the ground. You are able to spit while using it, effectively giving the critical a lifesteal effect.
To obtain it, you must gain Ally reputation with The Hundred Legions, the most accessible way to do this is to do tasks on job boards at Starswept Valley.
Alternatively, you can do the legion scout quest. This way you will gain enough reputation.
afterwards you will need to talk to a Legion Captain in the Starswept Valley to get it, their spawn is very common.
Afterwards, once you obtain the recommendation, you must go to The Viper's Jaw in Erisia and turn it in to Amara. This will grant you the Legion Kata Talent which enables you to use the fist style and unlock it for consecutive uses on the Character Creation screen.
- Duke Erisia uses this fist style in his boss fight.
- If you have Way of Navae and Legion Kata you can switch between them quickly by pressing Y.
- The Legion Kata critical attack is a grab, yet it doesn't bypass block. Guardbreaking someone will only daze them, and you won't actually grab them.
- Weapons you can equip while using Legion Kata are the fists (default), Iron Cestus, Legion Cestus, Flamekeeper Cestus, Drakemaw Gauntlets, Gaunts of Enmity, Coral Cestus, Wraithclaw and Light's Final Toll. Same goes for Way Of Navae.
- It takes roughly two authority grips at the Starswept Valley to obtain the recommendation, assuming you have not previously lost rep with the Legion and that you are not a Khan.
- With the job update you can get Legion Kata a little bit faster now.