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Legion Snipers are enemies only able to be encountered in the Starswept Valley and Bluster Rift. They wield the Thundercall attunement and are capable of using several high level mantras. Killing one will give the player negative reputation with the Hundred Legions and a chest.

A Legion Sniper wears a Legion Centurion outfit, a Khan Helmet, a pair of Khan Pauldrons and a pair of Khan Boots. They are exclusively Khans.

According to Amara, these Legion Snipers are hostile to "outlanders", which is what the Legion calls people outside of their Empire.


A Legion Sniper's arsenal consists of either a Ritual Spear, Champion's Sword or Fists (Legion Kata) along with the Thundercall attunement:

Name Description Parryable? Blockable? Danger
[Champion's Sword] Swings blade at the opponent and finishes the combo by kicking them away.

[Ritual Spear] Thrusts spear at opponent and finishes up the attack by kicking them.

[Fists] Pummels opponent with their fists and flourishes the opponent away.


Grand Javelin

User throws a spear made of pure lightning in front of them.
  • This move will insta-grip/execute if it hits you while knocked or at low health.
  • This move has a very short cooldown with them able to use it after around just 2.5s.

Bolt Piercer

User fires an arrow of lightning at the sky, causing multiple drops of thunder to rain at the location of their foes. (★★☆)

Thunder Kick

User heavily kicks forward, producing an unrelenting kick like a clap of thunder. (★★★)

Electro Carve

User produces a highly potent field of electromagnetism, shocking all inside. (★☆☆)


An explosion of blue ether around the user that pushes opponents away. (★☆☆)


  • Grand Skewer - Your Grand Javelin now carries opponents through the air.
  • Fists of Fortitude - Every 6 light attacks with fist builds up a shield of endurance (Ether Shield) reducing incoming damage by 15%.
  • Pocket Sand - Feinting into an uppercut blinds and dazes your opponent briefly.
  • Resolve Crusher - Lightning moves now have a chance to apply "Electrify", attacks from electrified opponents are converted into lightning damage, but will deal 10% less damage to you.


  • He will let you get 1 hit in before parrying the 2nd, so just hit it once and prepare to parry his attacks.
  • Using Bolt Piercer or Shard Bow, or any projectile-based mantras will make him walk towards you a few steps.
  • Grand Javelin can be blocked with high enough posture.
  • If you don't know how to fight them, approach them with caution, they insta-grip/execute you if you're low enough on health.
  • They will parry all of your attacks, so expect to get in a very very long parry trade with one. Once they flourish you or once you roll away from him, he’ll use his Javelin. Also beware, because he will follow you now you can’t just easily run from him.
  • It's better to engage in parry trades than fight them at distance so they don't have the chance to spam Grand Javelin, which deals a huge amount of damage, pushes you away and will instantly grip you if you are low.


  • They're friendly to normal Legion NPCs and won't attack them.
  • Even if it doesn't change much, they can have different weapons, wielding either a Ritual Spear, Champion's Sword or just plain Fists with no Cestus.
  • Using Tacet means you can talk to them, but their name prompt is given as Legion Captain.
  • Despite them being Thundercall users, they can drop Gale Stones.
  • Legion Snipers are friendly to people with positive Legion reputation
    • Legion Snipers were the only Legion member to be hostile to players even if players had positive reputation with the Legion.
  • Their Grand Javelin has way less cooldown than a player Grand Javelin since he can use it around every 2.5s
  • Legion Kata's recommendation can be obtained from them if you talk to them after helping the Legion Captain two times.



After throwing a Grand Javelin

The Kingdom of Etrea Etris Isle of Vigils The Lord Regent Evengarde Rest Polis Etrean Guardsmen Etrean Royal Guard Etrean Soldier Blade Instructor Blade Temple Guard Vigil Swordsman
The Central Authority Fort Merit Vice Warden Morredh Authority Soldier Authority Peacekeeper Authority Officer Authority Lieutenant Authority Captain Authority Commander Chainwarden
The Hive Greathive Aratel Hive Scout Hive Guard Hive Construct Hive Adjudicator
The Divers Castle Light Klaris Akira Chaser Karliah Nell Funke Pleeksty Apprentice Diver Diver Journeyman Diver Black Diver Dawnwalker
The Ignition Union Miner's Landing Saramaed Hollow The Chariot's Spire The Frontier Furnace Alpha Epsi Llevyn Sunway Deepdelver Gamma Renau Adar Ignition Union Fighter Ignition Union Guard Ignition Union Arcwarder Mechalodaunt Arcwarder
Summer Company Summer Isle The Guy Summer Company Guard Summer Manager Summer Goon Summer Dragoon
The Children of Navae Meteor Isle Eastern Tribe Nomad Navaen Hostage Eastern Tribal Leader
The Hundred Legions Viper's Jaw Camp Kingmaker's Isle Amara Brutus Legion Soldier Legion Captain Legion Sniper
The Knives of Eylis Voidheart Eylis Voidmother Knife of Eylis Subtle Knife of Eylis Knife Guard Old Knife of Eylis
The Ministry Minityrsa The Understrand The Fourth Prophet The Crimson Scholar Nostor Ministry Scout Ministry Footpad Ministry Captain Ministry Necromancer Ministry Agent Ministry Enforcer Contractor
The Lost City of Celtor The City of the Drowned Celtorian Guard Tideknights

Green: Owned Territories, Cyan: Passive NPCs, Silver: Possibly Hostile NPCs, Purple: Bounty Hunters, Orange: Oaths, ‡: Formerly, †: Deceased.
