- “ Light is to Void as Paint is to a Canvas- it draws out substance. ”
The Gift of Light, dubbed "Lightkeep" by the community* grants the user the ability to call upon their own soul to radiate lights outwards. The role of a Lightkeeper is to guide others through the Luminants and endow vessels with their protection.
*("Lightkeeping" is an occupation, it has nothing to do with the presence of a "Lightkeep", but the community doesn't care, so it'll be referred to as "Lightkeep" from now on anyways).
- In all dialogue, it is referenced to as "Light" or the "Gift", with the term "Lightkeep" never being used.
The only currently known Lightkeeper is Viqh, Lightkeeper of the Eastern Lighthouse.
- Lightkeep is a magic one is born with, therefore it cannot be obtained otherwise.
- While never stated, it's heavily implied Lightkeep is a Regalia:
- The ability can only be obtained through birth. This is similar to the functionality of most known Regalia.
- Lightkeep cannot be learned, but can manifest in those who seemingly did not possess it with time, once again, similar to most known Regalia.
- Lightkeep is said to be derived from Soul Murmur. This is similar to Mute, which occurs due to an alteration to one's Soul Murmur.
- Lightkeep draws from a verse of the Song called Radiant Tones, which Dawnwalkers also utilize as a combat-oriented imitation of Lightkeep.
- The Lightkeepers' base was located in Starswept Valley; named the Lightkeeper's Temple.
- As of the Year 1271, it has been buried by the sands of the Valley and is a breeding grounds for Threshers. Though despite the abandonment, the Temple looks to be intact.
- By Year 1363, a jail cell in it has been torn open, and a connection to the Deep Thresher Nest established.
- The current Lightkeeper, Viqh, was kidnapped by The Central Authority to allow them to enter the East Luminant, though Viqh doesn't operate the Lighthouse out of spite.
- Lightkeepers are possibly important for nautical travel between luminants. Within the Petra's Anchor's description. It states that the ship 'The Petra's Dawn' was the only ship that has made the expedition between luminants without any blessing from a Lightkeeper.
- [[Viqh, Lightkeeper of the Eastern Lighthouse|Viqh is the currently only known Lightkeeper and childhood friend of Nimea. She taught Klaris the secrets of using Radiant Tones to help her develop the Dawnwalker Oath.
- Lightkeep has no relation to Lightborn.
- Despite frequent request to add it to the game, Lightkeep is not stated to have any combat application, or indeed, any application outside of illuminating the Voidsea.
- Ironically, being born with it is almost a disability, as it restricts the user's ability to harness the Song, preventing the use of Attunements, mantras, and possibly even Murmurs/soul resonances.