A once great kingdom ruling over the Southern Luminant, now reduced to a scrambled mess of soldiers aimlessly patrolling The City of the Drowned, their former capital. Their once great capital city, now The City of the Drowned, was sunk in it's entirety during The Great Drowning, lost to the tides, which The Ministry was responsible for, as an offering to Yun’Shul.
They are the only faction which can be found in The Depths other than The Divers and The Ignition Union, both of which they are neutral towards, meaning their relations with almost all other factions are unknown.
Ringing the Celtor Bells gains Positive Reputation with the faction, but there is a limit, capping out at high Friend tier, just before Ally tier.
Their dialogue does not change with reputation.
Associated Enemies[]
- The Guards seem to either be unable to talk or are harmed when you talk to them. Their dialogue says that "It sounds as if they are trying to talk through a punctured lung"
- Despite this they can still have random conversations with each other like any random mob
- If you have Hunted reputation, Angels will spawn around certain places for you even if you were not seen by a Watcher.[citation needed]
- This was formerly the residence of Duke Erisia, before it sunk to The Depths.
- They used to attack Angels on sight, but this was changed in the 10/6/23 update.