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Considered to be the root of Ether's usage - Mantras, sometimes referred to in lore as words of the Song, are the heart of Deepwoken's magic system. Simply put, these are be the magic abilities that you use to fend off your adversaries or assist yourself in achieving specific goals.

Mantras are obtained by receiving a Whisper Draw upon powering up (Power 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 19, and 20. A total of 12 mantras you will get by powering up), as well as completing the one-time-use Kelsius Quest in the Isle of Vigils bringing that up to 13. If you are unsatisfied with a mantra you've chosen, it can be rerolled via the Shrine of Temptation.

Classification of Mantras[]

Mantras are divided into various categories based on their general application. By default, you can have up to six Mantras equipped:

  • Combat Mantra (3) - Mantras used for combat. These will be the Mantras you will mainly be using to deal damage to your opponent.
  • Support Mantra (1) - Mantras used for utility. Can range from healing, displacement, and all sorts of other things.
  • Mobility Mantra (1) - Mantras used for mobility. Your ability to move is increased with these Mantras, allowing you to move fast, or jump very high.
  • Wildcard Mantra (1) - A special slot that can be taken up by any other Mantra type- if you have an extra Combat, Support, or Mobility Mantra, it will go here.

It is possible to have more Mantras than Mantra slots, but you will not be able to equip and use all of them at once. They must be swapped out at campfires or Mantra tables. Additional Mantra slots can be gained by obtaining an Oath, getting Neuroplasticity for 35 intelligence/35 willpower/35 charisma to obtain 1 Wildcard Mantra, or getting Will O' Wisp with 25 Element and its corresponding wisp.

Combat Usage[]

Mantras are a key aspect of combat, and it is incredibly important to master the usage of Mantras while fighting to get the edge over your opponent. You can't get very far with just a weapon and skill alone; Mantras can turn the tide of a battle easily and is what makes Deepwoken's combat very deep and engaging, with various mechanics to accompany them.

Perfect Casting[]

Perfect Casting a Mantra does not inherently do anything outside of Flame Grab and Jolt Grab, it just activates certain Talents (developer confirmed). Flame Grab and Jolt Grab have a reduced travel time if perfect casted, which is a nerf to the Mantra. To perfect cast a Mantra, you simply need to click as soon as you select the Mantra that you used. There are various Talents that require you to perfect cast in order to make use of them, such as Eureka, Jolt Cast, Haunted Gale etc.

Mantra Cancelling[]

Mantra Cancelling is exactly what it sounds. You cancel a Mantra, which essentially feints the Mantra you used. Cancelling a Mantra will not put it in cooldown but will still take the Ether required to cast it. To cancel a Mantra, you need to click M2 as soon as you cast it. Some Mantras require you to perfect cast it before you are able to Mantra cancel, so you will need to click M1 + M2 in quick succession. Mantra Cancelling is extremely effective for Mantras that have a loud SFX, or an obvious start-up, like Gale Lunge or Fire Blade. Most people will fall for it if they are not prepared. A well-placed Mantra cancel can lead to some crazy mix-ups. Some Talents even grant the user certain advantages when cancelling Mantras, such as Galebreathe users being able to Inhale their Mantras for buffs.

Ranged Mantra[]

Ranged Mantra Resistance, Green is no scaling while red is where ranged resistance scaling starts and ends, past that, full resistance is applied.

Ranged Mantra Resistance; Standing from the center of the green circle, their is no scaling while red is where ranged resistance scaling starts and ends, past that, full resistance is applied.

Ranged Mantras are any Mantra that can deal damage from at least 30 studs away, these Mantras have their damage fall off, reaching fully ranged resistance past 60 studs, Certain enemies like Scion do not have this resistance while other enemies such as the Megalodaunts do have ranged resistance. Humanoid mobs such as the Bandit Leader can roll and block ranged attacks, but this does not apply to most monster mobs like the Megalodaunt that cannot block or roll.

Types of Mantras[]

A player's Mantras are tied to their character's stats - the higher a given stat, the more likely you are to obtain a corresponding Mantra. Similarly, to weapons and armor, Mantras can also have 1-3 stars which correlate with their rarity and strength. Mantras with higher stars have higher stat requirements.

Upgrading Mantras[]

Main Article - Spelltrainers

All Mantras can be upgraded from their respective element and trainer or from the guild base's Songwright for more notes as long as you have the points allocated into them. Each 20 points allocated in your element/attribute will allow you to upgrade your Mantra(s).

There are 5 Mantra Levels you can have, starting from Level 1 to Level 5:

  • Level 1: Novice
  • Level 2: Adept (20+) [Upgrade Cost: 100 Notes]
  • Level 3: Expert (40+) [Upgrade Cost: 200 Notes]
  • Level 4: Master (60+) [Upgrade Cost: 300 Notes]
  • Level 5: Legendary (80+) [Upgrade Cost: 400 Notes]
  • Total cost to get one Mantra from level 1 to level 5: 1,000 Notes

Each Mantra level gives a damage boost and increases effects from modifiers. The damage boost per level entirely depends on the Mantra in question, and sometimes isn't a linear increase per level. Support Mantras often have their cooldown reduced and duration increased per level. Certain Mantras have different effects at level 5, such as Thunder Kick, Fire Blade, Ice Smash, Shadow Gun, Iron Slam and Champion's Whirlthrow becoming Instant Guardbreaks.

Modifying Mantras[]

Main Article - Mantra Modifiers

To modify a Mantra, the Mantra must be recalled at a campfire into the player's inventory. Once recalled they will take the form of a glowing sphere which can be placed on a Mantra table, located within populated islands.

  • Once a Mantra is placed on the table, the player can also place modifiers such as gems and sparks.
  • The user can also modify their Mantras with Deep Gems. These do not need to be used at a Mantra table but can be directly applied to the Mantra at a campfire.
  • Modifications will fail when you have placed incompatible ingredients on the table. The Mantra placed will return to your inventory, and the ingredient(s) will not be lost.
  • Most Mantra modifiers increase the ether cost of a Mantra. It is possible for a Mantra to consume most or all of a player's ether upon one use.
  • You can also change the name of a Mantra by putting it on a Mantra table and saying the name you want it to be.
  • You can identify what modifiers you have on your Mantra by hovering your mouse over it. Including it's ether cost in numbers & percentage, as well as how many signs on a ritual Mantra.

Flamecharm Mantras[]

Large and threatening fire-based spells. Excels in crowd control and area denial as many spells have large range.

  • Very good at close range
  • Lava serpent can be unlocked at 40 Flamecharm, dealing ragdoll after any Mantra for the removal of burn.
  • Can be further upgraded with Azure Flame for even more damage.
  • Decent mid-range presence
  • Good pressure
  • Great at dealing LOTS of damage.
  • Has a hybrid path with Shadowcast called "Wraith Path: Twisted Puppets". More info can be found here.

Thundercall Mantras[]

Lightning utilizes fast and quickly regenerating spells to take a fight at any desired pace. Has spells with somewhat small start-up for closing distance or keeping an opponent on edge.

  • Lightning has a wide variety of useful spells for PvE and exploring the world.
  • Typically used mid/long range.
  • Surge path can be obtained at 40 Thundercall. Adding stacks of surge to an enemy which deal somewhat heavy damage with the removal of its stun.
  • Great pressure.
  • A lot of fight control and escape Mantras.
  • Most Thundercall Mantras work with a Blast Spark.
  • Highest Base Damage, Lowest Scaling.

Frostdraw Mantras[]

Uses ice to freeze enemies and create physical obstructions, allowing the user to both navigate the world easier and create terrain in combat.

  • Can slow opponents, temporarily freeze them, or make barriers forcing opponents to go around.
  • Glass Path: Crystallization can be unlocked at 40 Frostdraw, dealing extra damage with the removal of chill. Comes with a whole new variety of Mantras.
  • Typically used close/mid-range.
  • Has a very good mobility Mantra "Ice Skate"
  • Works with most Spike Modifiers.
  • Has small cooldowns.

Also has a hybrid with Shadowcast called ''Permafrost Prison''.

Galebreathe Mantras[]

Wind utilizes the best all-rounder kit amongst the elements for movement, defense, and offensive actions.

  • It has a mix of close-range combo spells and long ranged options, along with multiple movement Talents for moving around the world.
  • Haunted Path: Specter can be unlocked at 40 Galebreathe, dealing extra damage and having more mobility at the cost of being unable to utilize suffocation, comes with the "Specter Bar".
  • Usually agreed on as the most "versatile" attunement.
  • Focuses mainly on movement.
  • Typically used in any range.
  • Applies suffocate, negating Mantras of the opponent. Procs when using Wind Gun, Gale Trap, or can proc on any mantra if you have the Talent "A World Without Song".

Shadowcast Mantras[]

Uses dark energy to siphon Ether from others into the user's own Ether.

  • Excels in keep the opponent locked down and under pressure.
  • Has its niche in keeping the Ether bar up and making sure others can't use Ether.
  • Goes well when paired with other elements.
  • Applies obscured, obscuring the vision of the opponent.
  • Typically used mid-range.
  • Has a hybrid path with Flamecharm called "Wraith Path: Twisted Puppets". More info can be found here.

Ironsing Mantras[]

Ironsing provides the widest ranged Mantras in the game and the best damage output based on your opponent's mistakes and missteps.

  • Offers Mantras that favor the user, benefits both short and long distance.
  • Gilded Path: Scrapsinger can be obtained at 40 Ironsing. Instead of metal rods pulling enemies towards you when pressing the X key, instead it increases the amount of armor damage opponents take.
  • Tunes in well with the Metal enchantment, as the Metal enchantment gives you benefits depending on how much armor your opponent has.
  • Applies metal rods, which can be used in different ways by the user who applied it, enabling different strategies and forms of combat.

Bloodrend Mantras[]

Harvest the blood of yourself and your enemies to hinder them and empower your mantras and abilities.

  • Offers a wide variety of mantras that excel in many situations.
  • Can weaken your enemies preventing them from using their abilities at full effectiveness.
  • Has many ranged options as well as combo tools.
  • Can drain your opponents blood causing them to die before their health depletes.

Hybrid Mantras[]

Hybrid mantras are obtained upon reaching the required level in multiple attunement attributes, they provide unique opportunities to mix the capabilities of multiple elemental effects.

  • Can provide powerful synergies between attunements allowing use of certain Talents and paths in unique ways.
  • Versatility due to their ability to inherit the effects of two attunement paths such as Surge and Wraith Path.
  • Typically requires high investment into your attunement attributes.

Physical/Attunement-less Mantras[]

There are Mantras that are based off of Core Attributes, rather than your Attunement. This includes Strength, Fortitude, Intelligence, Agility, Willpower, Charisma, and Weapon Mastery.

A Mantra's type generally corresponds to its respective stat. Weapon Mantras and Strength Mantras tend to have more offensive capabilities, while Charisma and Fortitude are more defensive and supportive. Intelligence, Agility, and Willpower Mantras are more or less split between the two roles.

Monster Mantras[]

Mantras you get by turning in monster parts to a NPC in Castle Light. To get the NPC to spawn you talk to "Strange Diver" in Floor 2 of Layer 2. After that the NPC will spawn in the library in Castle Light. The monster parts are fairly rare. These are the monster parts, their respective monster, the name of the Mantra and what is the Mantra is based off of.


  • Megalodaunt -> Megalodaunt Coral -> Coral Spear (Thousand Needles)
  • Dread Serpent -> Dread Serpent's Tooth -> Dread Breath (Dread's Ice Beam)
  • Thresher -> Thresher Talons -> Beast Burrow (Thresher's Dig)
  • Bone Keeper -> Giant Femur -> Brachial Spear (Bone Throw)
  • Enforcer -> Enforcer's Eye -> Enforcer Pull
  • Mechalodaunt -> Broken Gatling Gun -> Mecha Gatling (Bullet Fury)
  • Nautilodaunt -> Nautilodaunt Beak -> Abyssal Ridge (Grand Stomp)
  • Terrapod -> Terrapod Shell -> Whirling Blade (Original Mantra)

All Mantras gained from this are 2 stars and some have special effects, as Dread Breath procs Chill, and will proc Crystals if you have the respective Frostdraw path. This also goes for Mecha Gatling, as it procs Fire and will proc Lava Serpent eruptions as a result if you have the respective path. Keep in mind that these are rare mob drops and may require alot of grinding to obtain some certain ones

Oath Mantras[]

Mantras you obtained through your Oath. Although it lacks the trainers to help level your Oath's Mantras, its exclusive abilities and uniqueness makes up for it.

Mantra IDs[]

Mantra IDs are accessed using the built-in Roblox Dev-Console that can be activated by typing /console in chat or pressing F9.

(Added back recently, though may be removed in the future.)

Squad- Flame / Frost / Illusion (Burning Servants, Frozen Servants, Illusory Servants.)

StrongPunch- Fire / Shadow / Strength / WeaponMedium (Ash Slam, Eclipse Kick, Strong Left, Master's Flourish.)

Wisp- Fire / Shadow / Lightning / Wind / Frost (Flame Wisp, Shadow Wisp, Thunder Wisp, Gale Wisp, Frost Wisp.)

Toss- Lightning / Ice / Enforcer / Bonekeeper (Grand Javelin, Ice Flock, Enforcer Pull, Brachial Spear.)

Strike- Fortitude (Shoulder Bash.)

Skate- Ice (Ice Skate.)

RisingSlash- Fire / Lightning / Shadow / Wind (Rising Flame, Rising Thunder, Rising Shadow, Rising Wind.)

Palm- Fire / Shadow (Fire Palm, Shadow Meteors.)

Pierce- Wind / Ice (Gale Lunge, Ice Lance.)

Pillar- Ice (Ice Spike.)

Eruption- Ice / Shadow / Blood (Ice Eruption, Shadow Eruption, Scarlet Cyclone)

Blade- Fire / Ice / Lightning / Wind / Shadow (Fire Blade, Ice Blade, Lightning Blade, Wind Blade, Shadow Blade.)

Kick- Lightning (Thunder Kick.)

Dagger- Lightning (Fleeting Sparks)

Forge- Blood (Blood Orb)

Conjure- Blood (Crucification)

Add more if you find them.


  • Mantras can be leveled beyond the normal limit of 5, but only via developer interaction.
  • Many places refer to Mantras as the Song or fragments of the Song, i.e Orlandeau during the Tutorial or the description of the Song keeper Temple.
    • According to Kaide, The Drowned Light, Mantras are "A cheap imitation of the power held within the Song that Drowned Gods wield as their birthright", implying that they are an inferior form of the song's true power, which aren't intended for humanity
  • Elemental Intensity once affected the damage of certain Mantras, but no longer does.
  • Mantra scale formula: Damage = base damage * (1 + (0.7 * (stat/100) + (songchant * 0.05 * (0.7 * (stat/100))))