A beacon calling out from the Void to the Last Dead above. Dreams are so frequently dragged neath the mires of time.
Moon's Eyrie is a non-static Drifting Island type Location in Deepwoken found in the Voidsea, located in the Eastern Luminant approximately to the east of the map's compass.
Moon's Eyrie is a mysterious island found within the Voidsea, potentially made as a sort of vault for the Celestials' weapons. It has strange architecture, many evident ties to the Moonseye, and is guarded by several Moon Knights.
Points of Interest[]
The Moonseye Sigil[]
- At the top of the island, a very large Moonseye symbol can be found, with a beam reaching skyward.
- Below the Moonseye symbol, accessible through a door on the cliff beside it, is an arena with a Moon Knight that drops a chest, including unique drops Soulthorn and Nocturne, as well as other various Moonseye-related drops, including the Moonseye Tome.
- To open the door, attack the stone pillars with a twisting white glow around them. Once deactivated, they will no longer glow. Do this for all three pillars to gain access to the door.
Potential Enemies[]
- Previously, despite being located inside the Voidsea, the area was not considered as a Voidzone. However, the Voidsea was changed in the 12/14/2024 patch, causing the area to be considered a Voidzone.
- Since the island is located within the bounds of the Voidsea, there is a chance that you'll be teleported away from it while trying to reach it.
- A good place to farm for the Astral Enchant Stone as Moon Knights have a chance to drop it.
- If you will use Kamui to go there 48614 45792 Coords can be used. (Non-Combat).
- For regular players, it is located at x: -4713, z: -13751
- Kaide, The Drowned Light gives some insight on where to find this island, as well as some lore about it.
- If you're stuck inside the room, you can spam the interact hotkey to open the door while dashing and jumping at the same time.