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LocationL Moon's Eyrie LocationR
A beacon calling out from the Void to the Last Dead above. Dreams are so frequently dragged neath the mires of time.

Moon's Eyrie is a non-static Drifting Island type Location in Deepwoken found in the Voidsea, located in the Eastern Luminant approximately to the east of the map's compass.

Moon's Eyrie

Center of the island


Moon's Eyrie is a mysterious island found within the Voidsea, potentially made as a sort of vault for the Celestials' weapons. It has strange architecture, many evident ties to the Moonseye, and is guarded by several Moon Knights.

Map View

Points of Interest[]

The Moonseye Sigil[]

  • At the top of the island, a very large Moonseye symbol can be found, with a beam reaching skyward.
  • Below the Moonseye symbol, accessible through a door on the cliff beside it, is an arena with a Moon Knight that drops a chest, including unique drops Soulthorn and Nocturne, as well as other various Moonseye-related drops, including the Moonseye Tome.
    • To open the door, attack the stone pillars with a twisting white glow around them. Once deactivated, they will no longer glow. Do this for all three pillars to gain access to the door.

Potential Enemies[]


  • Previously, despite being located inside the Voidsea, the area was not considered as a Voidzone. However, the Voidsea was changed in the 12/14/2024 patch, causing the area to be considered a Voidzone.
  • Since the island is located within the bounds of the Voidsea, there is a chance that you'll be teleported away from it while trying to reach it.
  • A good place to farm for the Astral Enchant Stone as Moon Knights have a chance to drop it.
  • If you will use Kamui to go there 48614 45792 Coords can be used. (Non-Combat).
  • For regular players, it is located at x: -4713, z: -13751
  • Kaide, The Drowned Light gives some insight on where to find this island, as well as some lore about it.
  • If you're stuck inside the room, you can spam the interact hotkey to open the door while dashing and jumping at the same time.