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“ Grgrlglrgl grrgl. Grgrglrgl. ”

There are a few types and variants of Mudskippers. Where more can be found in the Mudskipper (disambiguation) page, this page covers two variants of Mudskippers.


There are 2 types of these normal Mudskippers. One that can be found naturally, and one that can only spawn during the Mudskipper Emergence event. Which only happens in Lower Erisia and The Depths.

Normal Mudskippers can only attack with their scratches, with the second attack being faster than the first. When there are multiple of them, they will usually swap in and out of each other, taking turns on hitting the player.

Enhanced (or Emergent) Mudskippers can do what normal Mudskippers do, but will also have a Mantra to help with in their disposal. Shooting from their mouth, this Air Force Mantra will knock the player back greatly when hit. They can only be found during the Mudskipper Emergence event, popping up from the ground.


The Mudskippers are a large family of species consisting of mindless enemies formed from the bodies of the decayed, or by the forceful conversion from a Nautilodaunt. Their notable feature aside from their bright unusual colours, are their empty eyes and the large mass of coral on their head that covers one of their eyes.

They are mostly in complete lack of intellect with a few exceptions, leaving them only able to scratch their enemy with no sense of basic combat knowledge, making them entirely defenseless if fought back. However, they seem to still have some sense of intellect, as they will only attack you one at a time, and will tend to swap out if there are multiple.


Name Description
Weakly smacks opponent over and over again until knocked.


Air Force
Leans backwards while holding their mouth shut, before firing a powerful blast of air at the enemy.

Parryable: X


  • Bloating - Bloated Mudskippers will violently explode after being gripped, dealing AoE Autogrip damage around their body.


  • Due to their low health and damage, they don't pose a lot of danger.
  • If you are struggling to parry them, remember that the second attack comes faster, and the first attack comes slower. Get hit a few times intentionally to see the timing, and parry accordingly.
  • When overwhelmed with a lot of Mudskippers, Vent by pressing G. Make sure you have the required Tempo to do this.
    • When fighting more than one Mudskipper at a time, only one Mudskipper will actually be attacking, while others could be using any secondary abilities they have access to. For example, Air Force. If they don't have any, they would usually just take turns hitting you.
    • If you are struggling with a horde, try using ranged attacks like Fire Palm or Ice Forge.
  • If they are Enhanced Mudskippers, listen to when are about to cast Air Force, and dodge.
    • If you get hit by Air Force, you will be flung backwards greatly, maybe even off a cliff. Make sure you pay attention to your surroundings so that you may not fall into worse situations.
    • If there are more than one Enhanced Mudskippers, they will often spam this Mantra. Hold block when you feel that they are going to do this.
  • Bloated Mudskippers will explode after being gripped, so take care to move away if anyone is low.
    • This will also instantly execute any knocked enemies nearby, including you or your allies.


  • Mudskippers slightly resemble the Clickers from The Last of Us, as well as vaguely resembling Shriekers from Rogue Lineage. They twitch their heads and bodies when standing still and demonstrate a lack of consicence.
    • Despite this, they can still start conversations.
  • Mudskippers are people slain by Nautilodaunts, though it is unknown, considering how large their numbers are, if there are other methods of producing them.
  • On April Fool's Day 2022, Mudskippers took over the Deepwoken discord server and game, with the text "Grgrlglrgl grrgl. Grgrglrgl." appearing in the update log channel and the game's name being changed to Mudwoken.
    • Every player and a select few NPCs became Mudskippers.
      • Each aspect had their own Unique name.
  • The Mudskipper has the greatest number of variants out of any NPC in the game, having nine in total, not including the April Fool's variants.
  • If you don't want to risk going down to the depths for Umbrite to get Ironsing, just fight the Mineskippers as they have a chance to drop every ore in the game.
  • Mudskippers participated in the 2024 April fools event under the name the Blue Skippers.
  • ID for mudskipper head. 17538022269 - Head - b9e4ff / 17536524775 - Face - 000000 / 17536531879 - Yellow Stripes - dab260
  • Dodging a Bloatskipper's explosion will cause you to be combat tagged by God.