Looking for the combat style?
Navaen Hostages hail from the Children of Navae faction. They appear as Gremors, having brown hair and long horns. They have magenta eyes that fade into a darker shade toward the bottom of the iris. As for their clothing, they sport the Navaen Nomad robes, as all the Children of Navae do.
They are found in a prisoner pose, kneeled down on both knees and having their arms behind them, though they are forced into a standard pose when being knocked back. They usually randomly spawn randomly in Erisia or in the prison cells in Fort Merit. They seem to spawn especially often in the Towerstruck Lands, The Garden Reservoir and near The Birdcage.
You can pick them up using V. Dropping them will cause them to be knocked for a bit, and then they will get up in their usual prisoner pose. Unlike any normal NPC, you can carry the hostage anywhere and everywhere, for they will not despawn unless you travel to a new Luminant.
Bringing a Navaen Hostage to a Nomad Leader in the Etrean Wilds, Summer Isle, or the Eastern Camp Master will give you the Way of Navae style in the form of a Talent, prompting a dialogue that will be shown below in the Gallery. Unlike popular belief, you do not need any Light Weapon points to equip Way of Navae, nor any of the other fist styles. You only need points in Light Weapons to equip a Cestus, but even then, the Iron Cestus only needs a fist style.
Bizarrely, there are no NPCs in Meteor Isle that will accept them.
- For some strange reason, there is a brick that spawns a single Hostage above the Trial of One. If you are hit by the first parry-check orb and you hover over the combat tag skull, you'll find yourself combat tagged by ".hostaage_nomad1"; apparently, the Nomad is the one attacking you. Should it be thrown off the cube the dungeon takes place in, the Parry Check orbs will be incapable of dealing any actual damage.
- They can be gripped, but there is little reward outside of a little EXP.
- They can be turned in to Alastir for a chest.
- One way to get the Way of Navae fighting style relatively easily is by hiding in a bush near the Navae Camp in Etris and kidnapping the hostage from another person who found them. Be warned though, the other person will try and get them back, and, if they are a much higher level than you, guarantees your death, even if you get the style.
- It's also worth being wary of people doing this, so don't go near bushes that people could be hiding in.
- As time goes on, and more people unlock the fighting style, the chance of finding someone carrying one using this method becomes smaller and smaller, so attempting to get it legitimately becomes more viable with time.
- Alternatively, take an easily found hostage from Fort Merit to Summer Isle and search for a Ministry vs Navae event and turn the hostage into the leader there.