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The Nemit's Sickle is a dagger that boasts a 30% penetration against armor and an extremely high swing speed like most of the other daggers. It does less damage than few other daggers, however its high penetration and scaling make up for it.


The user unleashes a quick upward slash before unleashing a strong side kick, dealing high damage and high posture damage on block. This knocks the target back, even if the move is blocked and deals about 16 posture damage.

I tried to upload a video of the crit, but it was ruled out as vandalism. If someone can help me figure out why that is I'll upload the video right away.


  • This weapon serves as an alternate for Alloyed Tanto, which is often used as a pseudo medium weapon.
  • Meeting the requirement of LHT, the damage is (17.4)
  • At max LHT, the damage is (21.7)
  • Remodeled on December 24th 2024 as a part of World Events update.
Light Weapons
Daggers Stiletto Gilded Knife Silver Dagger Canor Fang Whaling Knife Champion's Dagger Central Dirk Tanto Nemit's Sickle Flareblood Kamas The Flippers of FateKrulian Knife KyrsedgeAlloyed Whaling KnifeSpectral GraspAlloyed TantoCerulean Thread
Fist Styles Way of Navae Legion Kata Jus Karita Fang and Coil
Cestus Iron Cestus Anklets of Alsin Legion Cestus Coral CestusFlamekeeper CestusLight's Final TollVortex EchoDrakemaw Gauntlets Gaunts of EnmityBroodalloy Cestus
Flintlock Silversix FlintlockDawnshotRepeaterDragoonAlloyed DawnshotAranea
Rapiers QuickfangApprentice RapierInquisitor's ThornCrucible RapierGolden SwordfishSkull PiercerKyrstreza
Medium Weapons
Swords SwordFalse MemoryDormant SplinterMesserFalchionScimitarKatanaWorshipper LongswordOfficer SaberVigil LongswordChampion's SwordCavalry SaberShotelWarden Ceremonial SwordRazor CutlassForgotten GladiusFondant SplitterUmbrite WitherbladeSerpent's EdgeHallowscleave Alloyed MesserAlloyed FalchionAlloyed Vigil LongswordAlloyed ShotelAlloyed Katana KyrsbladeEye of Malice Soulthorn Purple Cloud Nocturne Shattered Katana
Twinblades Iron TwinbladeScalesplitterAlloyed ScalesplitterCrescendoDeath's Reverie
Spears IrontuskIron SpearGremorian LongspearRitual SpearAcheron's Warspear Imperial Staff Trident SpearSerrated WarspearBloodtide TridentAlloyed Gremorian LongspearRifle SpearAlloyed Trident SpearTrue Seraph's SpearKyrsglaive
Clubs MaceToothed ClubMorning StarSacred HammerThe Pastry PasterPernach
Rifles Summer RifleRosen's PeacemakerIron Blunderbuss
Heavy Weapons
Greataxes BattleaxeHalberdAdretian AxeCanorian AxeIron BirchEvanspear Hand AxeNight AxeMaster Hawk's HandaxeRelic AxeEnforcer's AxeQuartztone PickaxeSkyreap BladeAlloyed Canorian AxeAlloyed Halberd Alloyed Adretian Axe Pale Briar
Greatswords AvengerZweihanderMarkor's InheritorCrescent CleaverDarksteel GreatswordInquisitor's Straight Sword Kyrsieger The Long Tong of The LawFirst LightAlloyed ZweihanderAlloyed Crescent CleaverDarkalloy Greatsword Alloyed Inheritor KyrscleaveWretched MawbladesFractineRailbladeEnforcer's Blade
Greathammers Steel MaulForge GreathammerRockmallerGreat MaulPale MorningPutrid EdenstaffPetra's AnchorSovereign's PunishmentAlloyed Steel MaulEnforcer's HammerStoneheartHivelord's HubrisKanabo
Elemental Weapons
FlamecharmNill Flamecharm Hero Blade of FlamePleeksty's InfernoRosen's HellflameYsley's Pyre Keeper
FrostdrawNill Frostdraw Hero Blade of FrostKyrswynterGran SudaruskaHailbreaker
ThundercallNill Thundercall Hero Blade of LightningStormseyeBoltcrusher
GalebreatheNill Galebreathe Hero Blade of WindWraithclawCurved Blade of Winds
ShadowcastNill Shadowcast Hero Blade of ShadowDeepspindleCrypt Blade
Ironsingsicon Ironsing Iron RequiemIgnition Deepcrusher
BloodrendNill Bloodrend Bloodrend
Hybrid Weapons
Hybrid WyrmtoothYsley's Pyre Keeper
Shields TargeKite ShieldOld World GreatshieldWorshipper's ShieldEthiron CurseshieldGourdguardKhan ShieldThe Path's Defender
Parrying Daggers Parrying DaggerKyrstear

Cyan: Alloyed Weapon, Green: Enemy Drop, Purple: Legendary Weapon, Orange: Event Weapon
