The Night Axe is a Heavy Weapon in the Greataxe category. It can be obtained from Ministry Necromancer. Its defining trait is having a whopping 80% CHIP DAMAGE, making blocking almost completely useless against it.
A Shadowcast-empowered upwards swing that guard breaks and steals Ether on hit. This critical deals 1.25x of your weapon's scaled damage, meaning if your Night Axe has 30 damage, this critical will deal 37.5 damage. Additionally, this critical deals Slash and Shadow damage, meaning it is more easily resisted. It has a windup of 0.6s and 0.3s of endlag. This critical has a 3 second cooldown.
Also procs any Shadowcast talent that does not specify Mantras, like Sightless Still and Twisted Puppet's Shadowcast burn for example.
- Meeting the requirement of HVY, the damage is (34)
- At max HVY, the damage is (36.8)
- Has the highest amount of Chip Damage of any weapon in the entire game.
- Contrary to popular belief, Chip Damage IS NOT CAPPED AT 50%.
- If you are using the Obfuscation Enchant with Night Axe, your Chip Damage will total to 90% due to chip being combined multiplicatively.
- Contrary to popular belief, Chip Damage IS NOT CAPPED AT 50%.
- The Night Axe was given a unique critical on the January 25, 2025 update.
- The Twisted Puppets: Path makes the Night Axe create black flames on critical.