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“ A wave of transcendent energy washes over you, and you feel as though you can see all of the fundamental building blocks of matter sprawled out like a wave in front of you. ”


Oath: Saltchemist is one of the 16 obtainable Oaths in Deepwoken. It's a highly customizable utility Oath based around Alchemy. Where it's benefits and applications vary greatly on the potions in your arsenal, allowing for various buffs to yourself and debuffs to your enemies. It is the only Oath that requires intelligence.

“ Every atom, every bond. You understand that All is One, and One is All. ”

The effects of this Oath happen as a result of drinking the Root Panacea, an ancient mysterious concoction that allows the consumer to turn their own body into a factory for brewing. The user also is capable of using the Virtuous Salts, ancient ingredients that act as tremendously potent catalysts for alchemy.


  1. Make at least one potion for Ciea. You do not need to learn the location of Adrofalis before undertaking the Oath.
  2. Obtain 75 Intelligence. You do not need to unbound. Doing this and having made a potion for Ciea will open Adrofalis' dialogue.
  3. In Ferryman's Library, Adrofalis will ask you to make a residue. Bring him the following ingredients:
    • Celestial Ichor, the blood of a Celestial. Go to Derelict Highchurch and use a canteen in the blood pool of the crucified Celestial.
      • If you lose a life, reset, or go to the depths, the ichor will be removed.
    • Stardust from a Star Tree. Consider getting a second one, which is needed to progress the Oath.
    • Any Lotus, which can be found in most Voidzones. Saramaed Summit is fairly close to the Starfield Veldt, so it is a good option to grab a few.
  4. Gather those ingredients and return to Adrofalis, who will grant you the Oath.
  • Upon obtaining the Oath you gain the Perpetual Distillery; three needles on your arm. They change color depending on what potion is inserted.

For a more in-depth walkthrough, consider watching this video.

Saltchemist can be reobtained if you Oathbreak it.


Get a Vibrant Gem, Pluripotent Alloy and a Stardust and craft them together to obtain the three Salt Talents, granted all at once. This only consumes the Stardust.


This Oath makes the Perpetual Distillery appear on your character's arm.


Perpetual Distillery - Passive

Your very body has become a distillery for your alchemy. Gain 3 Autobrew slots that will automatically produce 3 concoctions of your choice.

  • Upon clicking the Distillery Talent, you're given three empty spaces where you input your potions. You're able to switch the mode from "Throw" to "Drink", and vice versa. Upon clicking on a key you'll automatically drink or throw the potion in that slot. Some potions are unable to be slotted.
  • The potions within the Distillery are infinite, and are used within their directed cooldowns. This allows builds to be able to use up to three individual potions without the lackluster windup and cooldown in the throwing and drinking process.
  • Autodrink potions place other autodrink slots on a cooldown if they share buffs.
  • When replacing a potion in the Distillery, the one that was previously there is voided. Potions cannot be recovered once placed in the Distillery.
  • Potions made with less than 100 Intelligence that are slotted into the Distillery will scale up in potency as Intelligence increases.

Biotic Salts - Passive

  • Alter your brews to not provide their positive effects to your enemies. Does not count towards the ingredient limit.
    • Halves negative effects for allies, and positive effects for enemies.
    • Useful when throwing things like Heartening or Hastening Potions at allies.
    • This should be used in every potion possible, as it has no downsides whatsoever.

Aromatic Salts - Passive

  • Alter your brews to create lingering clouds of mist on shattering. Does not count towards the ingredient limit.
    • Each "hit" of the mist count as a potion application, triggering the enhanced potion effects from Chain Reaction.
    • Lasts for roughly 10 seconds.
      • Ingredients that alter a potion's duration such as Redds and Spider Eggs do not affect the lingering clouds.
    • It is unclear if the potion effects from this stack in any way.

Antithetic Salts - Passive

  • Alter your brews to invert their effects. Does not count towards the ingredient limit.
    • This reverts the effects of the ingredients in the potion. For example, 3 Urchins and 2 Goblettos would restore sanity, lower health regen, and slightly increase speed.
    • The name of the potion will change to fit its new effect. The color can change, but this is inconsistent. Some examples of inversions include;
      • Disgusting -> Dulling
      • Mindbreaking -> Heartening
      • Invigorating -> Grueling

Lethal Injection - Mantra

  • Lunge forward and inject the targeted person with all of your auto-brew potions.
    • This injects all of the negative effects of your brew, none of the positive effects will apply.
    • Has the unique property of being able to apply several of the same kind of potion.
    • Puts potions on cooldown.
    • Deals a small amount of damage, with a small amount of hit-stun.
    • Plays a sound cue
    • Small auto-track


The tower is located next to the Ferryman's ritual. Oath location



  • Saltchemist is the second Oath that uses tools (after Fadetrimmer).
  • Originally, Contractor was the Intelligence Oath upon its release, before losing its INT requirement and scaling.
  • The idea of an Alchemist Oath was coined early on, with a resurgence in popularity when Verse 2 released, as Intelligence lacked an Oath.
  • Adrofalis, who gives the Oath, alludes to the sound of the fights that occur from The Ferryman, along with it's music, which may imply that his combat theme is diegetic.


Arcwarder BladeharperBlindseer Contractor ChainwardenDawnwalkerFadetrimmerJetstrikerLinkstriderOathlessSaintswornSaltchemistSoulbreakerSilentheartStarkindredVisionshaper