For the version that existed prior to the 13th September, 2024, see here.
- “ Your old heart is no more, hateful one. We have exchanged it for one aligned with our ideals, deafened to the chaos of the Song. You are Silent now, hateful one. ”
Oath: Silentheart is one of the 16 obtainable Oaths. It sacrifices Mantras and Attunements as a whole in exchange for the ability to change weapons during battle and a unique set of attacks integrated into your moveset.
- “ You feel as though a part of yourself has drifted away, into the vast nothingness of the Song. As sudden as this sensation arrived, a new piece of you took place. This heart beats differently, it drums to the beat of the world, not the Song, ever silent. ”
Silentheart is a result of a Vow made with The Dreadstar, a mysterious entity residing in the Voidsea made from the souls of various deceased individuals. Vengeful due to its death at the hands of the users of Mantras, it falsely believes it can rewire the hearts of those willing to engage in a Vow with it to avoid using the Song. Upon the Silentheart reaching their true potential, the Dreadstar fuses with them to form a single entity. Unfortunately, the Song is so permeating that the Silentheart is only able to sidestep the Mantras that killed them; their newfound abilities too rely on the Song. Had it truly become disconnected, the Silentheart would have become an ordinary human being with little strength or durability, akin to a Lightkeeper and their inability to use the Song. The Dreadstar references a "Keeper," implying it to have connections to Yun’Shul.
Meet the following requirements in any order:
- Be attunementless
- Have a total of 75 points in Weapons (LHT, MED, HVY all count, you can do 25/25/25, for example)
- Have 25 points in Strength
- Have 25 points in either Charisma or Agility
- Die to a player that uses an attunement. Chime of Conflict does not count, nor does getting gripped in the Second Layer with a Light Hook.
Once all met, head over to the Beloved Zofia in the Voidsea to talk to The Dreadstar
- Failing to meet any of the first 4 will cause The Dreadstar to say you do not have aptitude.
- If you haven't died to an attunement player, The Dreadstar will say "You lack focus on your rage".
For a more in-depth walkthrough, consider watching this video. (While the video suggests starting Suyuan's quest, intending that it spawns the ship - obtaining the Oath doesn't actually depend on it.)
This Oath is progressed via the killing of Attunement Trainers (excluding Regek, Beatra and Vyrelda).
This can be done in any order; however, the recommended order is Nell, Friid, Amashi, Funke, Adar, and Nostor due to their positions.
Note that killing the Spelltrainers will make you lose Reputation with some factions :
- Nell and Friid with Etrea
- Funke with Summer Company
- Adar with Ignition Union
Alternatively, if you've fully progressed the Oath in a previous life, 10 Knowledge can be spent to immediately unlock all related Talents.
Silentheart cannot be reobtained if you Oathbreak it, the Dreadstar will not spawn.
- Ability to wield weapons with 25 investment points lower than its weapon stat requirement (this will not work on core attribute requirements).
- Entirely lose access to cast mantras, including learned (or future) Mantras, Attunement-less mantras, recalled mantras as well as the Mantra tab at campfires. (Any previously had Mantras, or learnt will not show in the inventory but can still be used at Shrine of Division)
- Attunements are unable to be used or obtained.
- You gain glowing red tattoos coursing over your arms and torso.
- Your eye color becomes duller and darker.
- All Silentheart moves have doubled damage in PVE.
- All Silentheart moves deal Oath damage, not slash/weapon/mantra.
- Ankle Cutter - Passive
- You can now do a special ground slash while sliding, applying a temporary speed debuff to those hit, as well as preventing jumping.
- Damage and speed of the attack scales on your weapon, acting and dealing the same damage as your M1.
- Can be used while sliding down slopes at no cost to your speed.
- Flow state makes ankle cutter faster.
- 5 seconds cooldown.
- You can now do a special ground slash while sliding, applying a temporary speed debuff to those hit, as well as preventing jumping.
- Dread Fighter - Passive
- Parrying and getting hit by mantras now give you stacks of Dread. Each stack increases your mantra resistance, up to 25%. Each stack lasts for 15 seconds.
- Stacks of dread are represented as a halo that grows from your chest. Each stacks makes the halo larger and raise your mantra resistance.
- Stacks up to ? times and each stacks grant ?% mantra resistance.
- Parrying and getting hit by mantras now give you stacks of Dread. Each stack increases your mantra resistance, up to 25%. Each stack lasts for 15 seconds.
- Flow State - Active
- Enter a moment of extreme focus in which you can change the windup of your special attacks with the correct timing.
- "Special attacks" are attacks that are unique to Silentheart. Ankle Cutter, Mayhem, Relentless Hunt, Rising Star, and Vengeful Pursuit are special attacks.
- Given as a Talent tool.
- Active for 1 second. ~4s CD.
- Enter a moment of extreme focus in which you can change the windup of your special attacks with the correct timing.
- Mayhem - Passive
- Initiate a special dash attack by pressing M1 during the start of your dodge.
- 11s CD per weapon type.
- Movesets differ depending on the weapon type. Cooldowns are per weapon type; using Light and switching to Heavy will allow you to immediately use the Heavy variant.
- Medium and Heavy variants are capable of auto-gripping with Flow State active.
- Light - deals 10 Fixed Damage.
- Medium - deals 20 Fixed Damage
- Heavy - deals 30 Fixed Damage
- Initiate a special dash attack by pressing M1 during the start of your dodge.
- Merciless Blade - Passive
- You can now execute enemies much faster.
- Grip speed is increased by 25% (3 seconds down to 2.25 seconds)
- Comes with the Oath.
- You can now execute enemies much faster.
- Relentless Hunt - Passive
- M1 while doing an Aerial Attack to initiate a special gap closer attack.
- Can be used at a great range.
- 11s CD per weapon type.
- Movesets differ depending on the weapon type. Cooldowns are per weapon type; using Light and switching to Heavy will allow you to immediately use the Heavy variant.
- Has faster windup with Flow State active. The delay can trick opponents.
- Light - 15 Fixed Damage
- Medium - 30 Fixed Damage (15 each)
- Heavy - 25 Fixed Damage
- M1 while doing an Aerial Attack to initiate a special gap closer attack.
- Rising Star - Passive
- Press CTRL + M2 to activate a special uppercut attack
- 7.5s CD per weapon type.
- Movesets differ depending on the weapon type. Cooldowns are per weapon type; using Light and switching to Heavy will allow you to immediately use the Heavy variant.
- Flow-State makes wind-up Slower? (More testing Needed)
- Light - 35 Fixed Damage (15 + 20)
- Medium - 30 Fixed Damage
- Heavy - 40 Fixed Damage
- Press CTRL + M2 to activate a special uppercut attack
- True Vantage - Passive
- Successfully landing a Vent briefly gives you invisibility, along with giving a speed boost.
- This turns your Vents Red which is purely cosmetic.
- If you have used Dyes, instead turns your vents to your tattoo colour.
- This turns your Vents Red which is purely cosmetic.
- Successfully landing a Vent briefly gives you invisibility, along with giving a speed boost.
- Unmatched Dexterity - Passive
- Press X to Quick Swap between weapons within your toolbar.
- Begins cycling from the latest weapon added to the toolbar. Once all weapons have been cycled through once, it cycles starting from the right side of the toolbar towards the left.
- This Talent passively allows Silenthearts to manually swap equipment while in danger as well.
- Press X to Quick Swap between weapons within your toolbar.
- Vengeful Pursuit - Passive
- Your running M1's that don't hit send out a special mid-range crescent projectile that slows on hit. Tracks onto those with their backs turned to you.
- 8 seconds cooldown.
- Your running M1's that don't hit send out a special mid-range crescent projectile that slows on hit. Tracks onto those with their backs turned to you.
- Dying to an attunement user does not necessarily mean being gripped. Dying by any method as long as they are the killer will work.
- While all mantras are voided and the mantra tab becomes unavailable, the character will still have them within their character data. Consult the Shrine of Division to convert them into 2 random Talents.
- You're also still able to be given a whisper on level up.
- The Mantra from Kelsius CAN be exchanged for Talents.
- The No Attunement trainer Regek cannot be killed for progression despite Physical Mantras also using the song. This may be due to the fact they do not "misuse" the song like the other attunement trainers, and therefore it isn't counted as "song abuse" by The Dreadheart.
- Beatra cannot be killed for progression due to her old age.
- Vyrelda simply tells the player "I don't have time for this" and makes no other comment.
- Silentheart's vow rejects the Words of the Song (Mantra chants). Resonances and Murmurs are not words and thus, are not affected by this Oath.
- Due to being locked out of Mantras, you will be unable to pass Aelita's game without using glitches, as it requires the player to cast a Mantra. If you find yourself playing it, keep logging and joining back until you happen to not be playing it.
- Killing the six attunement trainers will give you bad rep for whichever faction that they are located in, except for Nostor and Amashi(Ex. Killing Friid in the Isle of Vigils will grant you bad rep with Etrea.)
- Due to this, you should keep some notes handy to pay off your rep so Voidwalkers and faction ambushes won't come after you.
- Rising star is not used by pressing your Control + M2 keys, but by pressing your Crouch + Feint keybinds (whatever they are for you). For example, if you have Crouch on the C key and Feint on the F key, you need to press C + F to use Rising Star
- If the Dreadstar doesn't appear, interact with one of the Ghosts on the ship.
- During a brief moment before the weekly update Silentheart was reworked in, you were capable of receiving a bugged version of the Unmatched Dexterity Talent card with a different description alongside the old Talent set. (image attached)
- The Silentheart Talent description says that it halves weapon stat requirements; but this is incorrect, as it was changed to 25 less investment points in the same update that Silentheart was reworked. The Talent card was never changed.
- The lines that adorn a Silentheart's arms and chest are tattoos, not veins.
- Despite this, they will lose their coloration should the Silentheart be killed by Blood Scourge, which specifically drains blood.
- Previously, there was a bug allowing you to acquire an Attunement and its Talents (albeit not its Mantras) by drinking an Attunement Potion while in the Dreadstar's dialogue. However, this was eventually fixed. This let some people have Talents like Flaming Uppercut along with Silentheart, allowing for huge damage potential. Builds created before it was patched still have their abilities.
- The color of Silentheart's arm-tattoos/markings can be changed with a Dye Packet. This will also change the color of Dread Fighter, True Vantage vent, and other Silentheart effects.
- The sound of landing a hit / obtaining a stack of dread is the same sound used in Terraria when a Fallen Star lands.[1]
- Ankle Cutter is a reference to Ankle Cutter from Black Desert Online.
- Several terms related to the Silentheart Oath before its rework reference the Fire Emblem series.
- The Beloved Zofia references Celica's weapon of the same name in Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia.
- Both Dread Fighter and Lodestar reference obtainable classes in different Fire Emblem games.
- True Vantage is a reference to the skill Vantage in Fire Emblem.
- Mani Katti references Lyn's weapon of the same name.
- You can still talk to the Attunement-less trainer Regek and complete the Soulblooms quest.
- The Silentheart Oath has the most Talents of any Oath, having a whopping 11 (Including the Oath itself).
- If you Oathbreak Silentheart while having a weapon equipped that you would not meet the requirements for afterwards, the weapon will not be unequipped, but you'll receive a penalty of dealing 35% less melee damage for not meeting the requirements of your weapon.
Arcwarder • Bladeharper • Blindseer • Contractor • Chainwarden • Dawnwalker • Fadetrimmer • Jetstriker • Linkstrider • Oathless • Saintsworn • Saltchemist • Soulbreaker • Silentheart • Starkindred • Visionshaper |