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Oath: Soulbreaker is one of the 16 obtainable Oaths in Deepwoken. It is an Oath related to Murmurs, specifically the ability to wield three at once. Upon obtaining this Oath, purple-glowing white strands of energy are attached to your shoulders and wrap behind your head. You have constant Ardour particles emitting from your chest. Any weapon you equip will have purple and black lightning humming around it.

“ Some say that the king struck a bet with the Mur and won her heart, and all of us in this Kingdom her Light... Some day we'll see it again. I'm sure of it. ”

The King of Etrea was famous for his exceptionally powerful Ardour. He, however, also wielded all three Murmurs in what Etreans think was a result of a deal with the Mur Of Light, an Etrean deity. This is a myth however, as the King in reality would travel to the then above-surface Southern Luminant and strike a deal with the Drowned God Yun'Shul, becoming a Soulbreaker himself and shattering his soul into three pieces.


Meet the following requirements, which is required for either method:

  • Have at least 50 points combined into Willpower and Charisma, example, 25 Willpower and 25 Charisma or 0 Willpower and 50 Charisma.
  • Have any Murmur.

There are two methods from here:

Once all requires are met, head over to the Temple of Hearts in the First Layer to talk to the Shrine of Yun'Shul, Keeper of Hearts.

  • Choose the dialogue "For now I am one, but I wish to be three."
    • Although engaging with the dialogue requires a Yun'Shul wish, it does not consume one; and an Idol of Yun'Shul does not give you the option to obtain the Oath.

For a more in-depth walkthrough, consider watching this video.


  • Use a Sinner's Ash before you get teleported out of the dungeon. Doing this with a Resonance will not corrupt it, but will still consume the Sinner's Ash.
  • Requires A Murmur

Soulbreaker can be reobtained if you Oath break it.


This Oath can be progressed via making deals with Deep Shrines (excluding for Shrine of Solitude) or making wishes with the Shrine of Yun'Shul, Keeper of Hearts up to 5 times to max it.


This Oath grants 2 Combat Mantra Slots and 1 Wildcard Mantra slot.

You immediately obtain the remaining Murmurs you do not have, and their talent upgrade (if any) regardless of your stats as Oath Talents (meaning you cannot use them in shrines involving talents). The user gains a "Soulbreaker's Mantle" 2 rings of purple-ish white energy. Activating Ardour will make the user's weapon emit purple electric-like particles. Dyeing it does not change the particles from the mantle or the Ardour particles.



  • Ardour Scream - Ability
    • Amplify your shout into a scream using Ardour, dominating weaker foes. (Hold H and release.)
  • Formless - Ability
    • Teleport to a location within your Tacet bubble. Receive a slight speed boost when activating Tacet.
      • Using this while aiming your mouse somewhere in your Tacet bubble will teleport you there after waiting a few seconds. You can also aim at players.
  • Heart Reverb - Talent Card
    • Those picked up by your Rhythm are marked for 8 seconds. Whenever an opponent dodges your attack, detect their rhythm and vigor. You can use Rhythm while standing.
      • When you stand up after activating Rhythm it won't go away until you activate it again.
      • If your Rhythm detects a player then it will put a red highlight on them for 8 seconds. This has an unknown cooldown.
      • When someone would dodge through one of your attacks, their health and posture will be shown around them in text as a precentage.
  • Soul Infusion - Talent Card
    • Infuse Ardour into your executions. If your execute is interrupted, the opponent remains down for a longer amount of time. Your Ardour Screams are projected further.
      • Ardour: Scream can now be used at 40% ether instead of 100%
      • You automatically use Ardour: Scream for free upon finishing an execution
      • Massively increase the range of Ardour: Scream
      • Purple lightning particles are left on knocked players after this talent is proc'd
      • You perform grips much faster and have a unique grip animation. (Approximately grip duration is 1.8 seconds which is faster than using Reaper)
  • Spotter - Talent Card
    • When Callout is used in Rhythm, this Talent marks the target for you and your allies to see, allowing your allies to see an estimate of their health.


  • Ardour Slicer - Combat Mantra
    • User launches a projectile similar to Wind Blade.
    • Projectile goes really far (~150 studs) and can hit multiple people at once.
    • Upon hit, pushes the enemy in the direction of a projectile.
    • Has a windup of 0.5 seconds and a cooldown of 12 seconds.
    • It deals around 50 Oath damage.
  • Rhythm Advance - Combat Mantra
    • User starts rapidly spinning around, and after some time hits enemy with a similar attack to an uppercut.
    • Upon using an m1 after cast, it can hit instantly without winding up.
    • On successful hit, shows HP and Posture of enemies you hit.
    • Provides I-Frames during entire move.
    • AOE attack, can hit multiple people at once.
    • It deals an unknown amount of physical damage.
  • Tacet Kick - Combat Mantra
    • Similarly to Tacet Drop Kick, the user turns invisible before teleporting to the opponent with the use of Tacet and kicking them.
    • Could prove useful in catching players.
    • It deals an unknown amount of physical damage.


Version History

January 12th 2025

  • Broken mantras fixed (Rhythm Advance, Ardour Blade)

January 11th 2025

  • Added to the game.

February 8th 2025

  • Mobility mantra slot is replaced by Wildcard mantra slot.
  • Rhythm Advance's posture damage is increased.
  • Ardour Slicer's endlag is increased slightly.


  • Currently, this is one of four Oaths where you cannot skip progression with knowledge. (The others being Bladeharper, Saintsworn, and Chainwarden)
    • This is probably due to the Oaths being new and the progression skip hasn't been implemented, or has been fully forgotten about.
  • It is recommended to use Shrine of Mastery or Shrine of Conceit to progress this Oath as they only use 1 Knowledge each time.


Arcwarder BladeharperBlindseer Contractor ChainwardenDawnwalkerFadetrimmerJetstrikerLinkstriderOathlessSaintswornSaltchemistSoulbreakerSilentheartStarkindredVisionshaper