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Primadon, the Titan of the East is a Boss Monster in Deepwoken. It can be found in The Monkey's Paw.


Loud and enormous, Primadon is a giant aquatic ape Boss. It is a bipedal primate creature, standing at nearly 81 feet (25 meters), with some features of marine life, featuring webbed feet and fins on its shoulders, hips, and head.

It features blue-grey fur, and prior to Verse 2, Primadon had a dark blue face. After Verse 2, the model was changed slightly to make Primadon shorter and flip its lip inside out, much like real life primates do to show aggression.

It can be summoned by making an offering (Most monster drops work, to a varying degree) to the large bonfire located in the center cliff of The Monkey's Paw. Spawning Primadon has a 3-minute cooldown and is received by summoning or hitting Primadon during the fight (You only get the cooldown by hitting it if it dies, if it despawns you won't be on cooldown).

Known Offerings
Offering Qty
Idol of Yun'Shul 1
Umbral Obsidian 3
Dark Feather 3
King Thresher Spine 3
Odd Tentacle 3
Megalodaunt Hide 5
Thresher Spine 5
Lionfish Scale 5
Strange Claw 5
Stardust 10
Calabash 15
Browncap 99


For a visual guide consider watching this video.

Name Description Media
Stomp Primadon raises its right foot and stomps once.


Stomp 3x Primadon performs 3 quick stomps with its left foot.


Punch Primadon winds up its left arm to deliver a powerful punch. Only used against players that are in front of him but not near his legs.


KickBlunt Primadon winds back its right leg in order to deliver a devastating kick that is capable of punting the player into the atmosphere, inflicting strong damage, with a large chance of being followed up with fall damage. If close enough to a wall, Daze upon impact.

If the enemy is above his waist, he will instead swat away the enemy, dealing an incredibly hard to react punch version of the kick.


Grab Primadon crouches down, winds up its right arm, and grab a player in front of it to hurl it into the air. Deals 100~ damage.

Only used if the player is in front of Primadon and not near his legs.

If you were holding block before getting grabbed and during it's full duration you will not get damaged, this is quite buggy however and might not work.


Rock Throw Primadon swipes the earth beneath him using his right arm, hurling 3 rocks at the player. Does massive amounts of damage and very difficult to parry.


Disengage/Fade Away Primadon jumps backward while throwing 1 rock at the player, creating distance between the two.



Crouches down and beats its chest while screaming, granting a significant amount of insanity to nearby players, as well as greatly increasing its attack speed for the remainder of the fight.

Automatically used when dropping below 50% health. Signified by a red mist that surrounds Primadon's body.


  • Lifesteal Resistance - Lifestealing effects such as the Vampirism Enchantment or Bloodless Gems are severely reduced against Primadon.
  • Monster Resistance - Physical attacks deal 25% less damage to Primadon.


  • 8 Chests - Drops 8 Chests with medium - high tier loot. Most Chests have 1-6 Umbral Obsidian in them, and can rarely include the Small Chest loot.
  • Small chest - Has 1-3 Umbral Obsidian in it and a high chance of 1-2 Deep Gems or Legendary Rings, and can rarely include the Stormseye, Pyre Keeper, Imperial Staff. Relics are also able to be dropped in this chest.
  • Resonance progression - Gives the second best resonance progress (4-7 solo Primadon kills are enough to get a Resonance, however this is random and could be more/less. It is generally a good idea to do other methods, in addition to Primadon, to easily get bell.)
  • 2 Knowledge - On first kill, Primadon will reward you with 2 knowledge. Subsequent kills will reward 1 knowledge, however if you decide to defeat Primadon with multiple people you must do 20% (8,000) of his health to get the reward of one knowledge.

Strategies & Tips[]

Power 15-20 is highly recommended if fighting the boss, due to level scaling damage done to NPCs.


  • Unlike some other bosses, Primadon's health does not scale with the number of players present on the island- you are instead given 16 minutes to kill this boss. If this isn't done within that time period, it will walk back into the ocean and despawn without any rewards.
  • Having armor that grants Physical / Blunt damage resistance greatly reduces the Primadon's damage during his stomps.
  • It is recommended to stay completely still while fighting. When between Primadon's feet, it will only Stomp, Trample, Disengage and Kick. This is a great way to solo it as its foot attacks are obvious and can be easily parried or rolled out of.
    • If Primadon does use Disengage, quickly close the distance so he doesn't use Grab or Rock Throw.
    • If multiple players are attacking Primadon at the same time, make sure that they are all attacking from the same direction, otherwise it will constantly rotate. This makes it much harder to read its attacks when choosing whenever to parry or dodge.
  • When fighting Primadon, DO NOT fight it if you're facing it with a large source of water directly behind your back - especially the ocean. If you fail to dodge the kick, you will be sent flying out into the ocean, or into one of the island pools, with a high likelihood of nobody being able to save you from drowning if you were knocked in the process of being flung.
    • If you were catapulted out into the ocean, there is a chance that a Lionfish will spawn in to kill you even if you have the Scuba Drowner Talent or survived the fall.
  • Blessed, Wind, Wayward, and Insignia Gems will still proc if you hit Primadon with one. Bloodless also does, but due to it now scaling off of your damage, unless your mantra is physical you will heal very little due to Primadon's immunity to elemental damage resistance.
    • Debuffs from Mantras do affect Primadon.
  • Primadon cannot actually grip you, unless he stomps or throws you. You can abuse this mechanic to have a friend with Primadon chasing them get downed to the rock throws and get Primadon on their downed body to be able to heal up.
    • In other words, get Primadon to chase your friend and attack them, letting you heal, just remember to wait for them to stand up, due to the grab and stomp being auto-grip.
  • If you need to retreat from Primadon, either wait before it Disengages first before running away (be aware that it will keep throwing rocks at you quite often, which you will need to dodge.) or have a friend try and take the aggro for you, be warned, however, that Primadon's aggro priority is unlike most mobs, and it may ignore other people hitting him in favour of pursuing you while you escape, so be careful.

General Combat[]

  • The biggest problem most people have is timing. Kick should be dodged just as it comes down instead of when it winds up.
    • Stay close or it will use its fists.
  • You can fit two M1s with heavy weapons each time it attacks, or three times with medium weapons after Trample.
  • An easy way to cheese the fight is by placing an Undying Flames Graceful Flame (you will take damage while casting) and fight Primadon next to it so you heal back the damage you lose.
  • The Kick and Stomp abilities make a whooshing sound every time they are raised, adding on to the obvious factor of its attacks.
  • As Cannons use blunt damage, you can actually broadside the Primadon to death.


  • Primadon is extremely likely to use Kick when it follows up one or multiple Tramples with a regular Stomp. Predicting Kick and readying to perfect roll greatly increases your chances of success.
  • Primadon has the most "end-lag" after it uses Trample, or Stomp followed by Trample/Stomp. If it Kicks after a Stomp then the end-lag will be significantly lower.
  • If you see the right foot raise, prepare for Trample and if you see the left foot raise (not swing back, as this represents Kick,) prepare for one Stomp. Dodge the Kicks and parry the Stomps and success will be certain.

Loot Table[]

Outfit Schematics


There are 13 images, be warned


Verse Two[]

Verse One[]


  • Primadon's second phase significantly increases his attack speed.
  • Deep Gems were temporarily stripped from the loot pools of all Etrean Luminant enemies, including Primadon. After a day, however, Deep Gem Chests were added back to Primadon's loot pool, although Deep Gems are not guaranteed to spawn after his defeat.
    • This chest has since been repurposed to house many of the rarer drops such as Relics and Legendary Weapons.
  • Primadon's respawn time is around 3 minutes.
    • This cooldown is account wise for the player who summoned Primadon and any who dealt damage to him.
  • In the game files, it is called "MonkyWorldBoss." and ".monky"
  • The Providence's Thorn enchant is a great way to cheese Primadon, since parrying deals damage according to your level, allowing you to only parry to kill it.
    • It takes ~80 parries to kill Primadon without damaging him.
  • It's known to be a sort of "Giant Sharko" due to their move-sets being very similar except with 40 times more health.
  • The music that played when fighting it used to be a track from the anime Attack on Titan.
  • It would take roughly 15-35 cannonballs alone to kill the Primadon, depending on your weapon's damage.
  • As of 3/29/2024, Primadon was slightly tweaked to have a bluer color scheme.
    • The purple "nose" is due to developer Arch_Mage explaining how primates flip their lips.[1]
  • Primadon, during Verse One, stood at a height of 25 meters (81 feet)



Etrean Luminant Megalodaunt Rock Golem Terrapod Crimson Terrapod Deep Owl Brainsucker Rogue Construct Blizzard Knight Carbuncle Alpha Megalodaunt Golem Prime Mudskipper BruteLionfishGlacial LionfishDread Serpent Star Knight
Eastern Luminant Brainsucker Megalodaunt Crimson Megalodaunt Alpha Megalodaunt Mechalodaunt Thresher Nightmare Thresher King Thresher Hive Construct Desert Knight Deep Owl Deep Widow PrimadonLionfishGlacial LionfishMudskipper BroodlordDread Serpent Moon Knight Star Knight
Scyphozia CrabMegalodaunt Terrapod Crimson Terrapod LionfishGlacial LionfishDeep OwlThresherKing ThresherAlpha MegalodauntDeep WidowGigamedKing GigamedCrustaceous RexNautilodauntFury NautilodauntBone KeeperMudskipper BruteMudskipper Broodlord
The Eternal Gale CarbuncleBounderBone KeeperDiver Husk
New Kyrsa Kyrsgarde LancerKyrsgarde BruteKyrsgarde SniperKyrsgarde CrawlerLost DiverScion of Ethiron

Cyan: Ocean Events, Green: Dungeon Only, Purple: Rare Spawn, Orange: Boss Monster

Etrean Luminant Duke Ishamon Erisia Maestro Evengarde Rest
Eastern Luminant The Ferryman Primadon, Titan of the East
Voidsea Dread Serpent
Open Sea Interluminary Parasol The Doom of Caeranthil
Scyphozia Heart of Enmity
The Eternal Gale Chaser, Scholar of the Crimson Contract Scion of Ethiron