Prophet's Cloak is a Master Outfit in Deepwoken.
This Outfit costs 1,000 and requires five (5) Cloth, one (1) Bloodless Gem, five (5) Vibrant Gems, five (5) Umbral Obsidian, one (1) Dark Feather, one (1) Odd Tentacle and one (1) Thresher Spine.
This Outfit requires Power Level 15.
Armor Stats
This Outfit has 2600 durability and grants +25% Physical resistance, +25% Elemental resistance, +20% Ice resistance, +20% Fire resistance and +50% Ether Regen.
- Due to resistances being combined multiplicatively instead of additively, the total resistances are: 25% Physical, 40% Flamecharm, 40% Frostdraw, and 25% Elemental.
This Outfit also grants the Talent Card Crippling Darkness, which makes all non-basic attacks have +20% Armor Penetration (PEN).
This Outfit's Schematic can be found in:
- Starswept Valley
- The Depths
- Moon's Eyrie
- Primadon (Chest)
- Sold by Nyanna in Castle Light
- Chests obtained by fishing
- Chests from Rogue Construct
- Worn by most Ministry NPCs.
- Shirt ID:
- Pants ID:
- Shares the same requirements with Celtorian Tideknight
- It includes a full cosmetic 3D model of a collar when equipped. It and the Verdant Sniper are the only Outfits with 3D touches on them.
- Getting gripped by a Gran Sudaruska user while wearing this will cause the Gran Sudaruska to talk and insult you.