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Deepwoken Wiki

Behold - r/place 2022: (if you want to look closer)

r/place is a community event that Reddit does near April Fool's Day. During this eventful storm of art, vandalism, and much more, the Deepwoken community banded together for a single purpose. Mark territory on the canvas. The Deepwoken community fought to earn a spot on the never-ending canvas. The final glory was something valuable, something quite amazing. It may be small, but brought a feeling of wholesomeness for the community, something that has not been felt before. Ladies, Gentleman, or to anyone who it may concern, the final product:

The glory of the deepwoken community.

What is r/place?

r/place is a community event that Reddit does near April Fool's Day. r/place is basically a large canvas full of creativity of the four million redditors that participated in this amazing event. A breathtaking amount of hard work, artwork, and recognition was put into this.




The Original Plan


HorrorTM, head moderator of the official discord of Deepwoken, sends out 2 links on April 3rd, 2022. One laid out the plan(now deleted to stop vandalism of others) and the other linked to the coordinates. It was an overall success, even making in into MoistCr1tical's thumbnail. However, a unknown force attacked. Our beloved small pixel Deepwoken logo started to disappear, and take a new shape. Putupau, a small Spanish youtuber, kicked us out of our lovely little kingdom.




Primadon's face in its full glory.

We treaded on, moving our location to a more passive side of the canvas. AreaForce and Agamatsu led the charge, giving us a new plan. Sporting the trident logo and the quote "The Deep Calls", the new plan was a success. As we continued expanding, we started adding the finishing touches. The Bell, the Owl's mask, Primadon, the Red Variant of the Calabash, Rogue Lineage Scroom, and the blindseer oath was featured. The infamous quote "block parry dodge" was also included.
