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Smith's Alloy is one of many Relics that can be found having the appearance of Pluripotent Alloy with a hint of red.


1. Quality stars:[]

When used, it'll add a quality star to your currently held weapon, or reroll the quality-type of your currently held weapon if it already has 3 stars.

2. Motifs[]

Can be used to copy the critical of a weapon and move it to another weapon that is compatible (such as taking a trident spear crit and put it onto another spear or medium weapon) [REQUIRES TESTING ACROSS ALL WEAPONS] doing this will destroy the weapon you took the crit off and give you a Formless shard which can be used as a dagger, retaining the old enchant before motifs.



  • You can hold more than one of this item.
  • Smith's Alloy can be used on False Memory.
  • Smith's Alloy can be used in Chime of Conflict, and it'll save the data as it normally would.
  • Smith's Alloy can't be used on Side Weapons, like Shields.
  • Using Smith's Alloy won't soulbound your weapon. This can be useful for trading or upgrading the weapons of friends.
  • Smith's Alloy can be obtained from a chest obtained by fishing, but the chances are unknown.
  • Smith's alloy can be obtained via use of the Hollow forge by using 3 Pluripotent Alloy's with the Ignition Union Origin,
  • Smith's alloy can be used to transfer a crit from one weapon to another (only if both the weapons are compatible)