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Recognizable by their grey body, white eyes and astral enchant sword, the Star Knights are a variant of the Stone Knight only encountered through the Resonant Dawn, guarding the celestial meteor it arrived from. The Star Knight will drop a single guaranteed Astral Enchant Stone upon death. This is one of the few ways to obtain them, alongside the Moon Knights at the Moon's Eyrie island, and the Weird Trader. Similar to it's normal Stone Knight counter parts, the Star Knight can swim.


Name Description Media
Swings its sword at the opponent once or twice.
  • Insta-executes the player if health is low.


Deftly kicks the opponent with added momentum from its body.
  • Deals extra damage and dazes if the player is slammed against a wall.


Energy Wave
Slashes at the air with its sword, creating a crescent-shaped projectile aimed at the opponent, identically to Wind Blade.


Terra Eruption
Punches the ground, causing a pillar to erupt below the player.
  • The next attack from the Stone Knight is guaranteed to hit if the player is hit by Terra Eruption first.


Astral Rain
Rains down white flaming javelins from the sky, similarly to a Crimson Megalodaunt's Pyroclastic Roar/First Light's critical.



  • Celestial Stone - Stone Knights have 55% Slash Resistance.
  • Artificial Construct - Bloodless Gem doesn't work on Stone Knights.
  • Monster Resistance - Physical attacks deal ??? less damage to Stone Knights.


A Stone Knight executes the player:

Name Description
Death by Thousand Cuts
Slowly walks toward the player and then slashes the player with their sword, dismembering and killing them instantly.


  • Try to use mainly mantras to kill the Star Knight, since it seems to get posture broken very quickly from mantras.
  • To maximize your chances of getting the Star Knight to spawn, use a Ring of Curses and sail out into the Voidsea and go in a straight line. After travelling 150 studs, an event will be forced to spawn, with the Resonance Dawn event has a very low chance to spawn. Make sure to keep your audio up very high, so you can hear when you the meteor lands, since it takes a second to make noise. To be a bit quicker, you can open the events menu by pressing F3, the 1 until a small menu opens with green boxes on the left. Whenever an event spawns, some boxes will appear. 1-4 boxes will appear if a Brainsucker spawns, 4-6 boxes for a Lionfish or the Glacial Lionfish, 9 boxes for the Dread Serpent (many boxes will appear lit up around you when the Dread Serpent rises from the water), 5-10 boxes for a small island, and finally, 4 boxes for Resonance Dawn. For a more in-depth explanation, watch this video:
  • Due to mainly being fought inside of the water, it should instead be advise to have a build that can "DPS Check" them rather than attempting to fight in a body of water.
    • However, if fought in Low detail mode while being atleast 10,000 studs away from 0,0,0 in an axis direction, the animations may be visible.


  • Previously was called "Michael"
  • Immortal Guardians will attack Star Knights.
  • Star Knights talk when they commence combat with a player. It will say "OUTSIDE INTERFERENCE PROBABLE." followed by "DIRECTIVE: ELIMINATE THREAT, RETURN ARTIFACT TO CONTAINMENT.", in a similar matter as a Hive Construct would.
  • The Moon Knight appears to be a mirrored counterpart of the Star Knight.
Etrean Luminant Megalodaunt Rock Golem Terrapod Crimson Terrapod Deep Owl Brainsucker Rogue Construct Blizzard Knight Carbuncle Alpha Megalodaunt Golem Prime Mudskipper BruteLionfishGlacial LionfishDread Serpent Star Knight
Eastern Luminant Brainsucker Megalodaunt Crimson Megalodaunt Alpha Megalodaunt Mechalodaunt Thresher Nightmare Thresher King Thresher Hive Construct Desert Knight Deep Owl Deep Widow PrimadonLionfishGlacial LionfishMudskipper BroodlordDread Serpent Moon Knight Star Knight
Scyphozia CrabMegalodaunt Terrapod Crimson Terrapod LionfishGlacial LionfishDeep OwlThresherKing ThresherAlpha MegalodauntDeep WidowGigamedKing GigamedCrustaceous RexNautilodauntFury NautilodauntBone KeeperMudskipper BruteMudskipper Broodlord
The Eternal Gale CarbuncleBounderBone KeeperDiver Husk
New Kyrsa Kyrsgarde LancerKyrsgarde BruteKyrsgarde SniperKyrsgarde CrawlerLost DiverScion of Ethiron

Cyan: Ocean Events, Green: Dungeon Only, Purple: Rare Spawn, Orange: Boss Monster
