A turbulent region fraught with disputes major and minor.
The Aratel Sea is a location in Deepwoken. It is a region within the East Luminant.
The Aratel Sea is a region in the East Luminant. It is through the gates in the wall in the Etrean Luminant. You can typically find more experienced players here.
The Aratel Sea is much more violent than The Etrean Sea, with frequent pirate attacks and being inhabited by various monsters.
Points of Interest[]
- Etreans vs Knives of Eylis
- Merchant Ship
- Fake Merchant Ship
- Damaged Ship w/ Megalodaunt
- Thunderstorm
- Bandit Tower
- Islands/Outposts
Potential Enemies[]
- The music for this area is To Shores, Distant by Naktigonis.
- The combat music for this area is To Fight, Sanguine by Naktigonis.