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Deepwoken Wiki
“ In many respects, knowledge of Caeranthil only persists within the lens of nightmares that consumed it. The culture, the food, the laughter, the in-jokes, the petty disputes, the fashions they styled themselves after… How can we experience these things if there’s no one left to remember them? ”


The Doom of Caeranthil is a World Event Boss that spawns in the Open Sea of the Etrean Luminant every odd hour of the day.

The Doom (also referred to as World Serpent) is a colossal sea serpent monster that has ravaged and destroyed islands, having earned its name when it destroyed the island of Caeranthil in the Southern Luminant.

The Doom will swim across the seas of the Etrean Luminant in a specific pattern: it will begin near the Sea Highway gate to the south of Erisia, go to the east of erisia, go to Etris Docks, go to Erisia's entrance and finally, Vigil Docks.

Once the Doom is defeated, a purple orb will soar towards all the players who dealt damage. Once the orb arrives at the player, Murmur: Ardour will be granted (If they don't have it or don'thave another murmur); a chest with loot will also spawn at the player's location, and the player will be granted a large(verify) amount of Etrea reputation.

It can be damaged by cannons, however the damage is very little even at Power 20.

Since the 2/8/2025 update, World Event Bosses now grant Resonance progression and Attribute XP upon defeat.


Name/Danger Description Media
The Doom dives in the water, taking a couple of seconds before submerging into the water.
  • He will use either Sudden Ambush or Pressure Eruption after this move
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Pressure Eruption
The Doom summons multiple geysers underneath players that fling you into the air, able to knock players from their boat into the water, dealing great damage.


Sudden Ambush
When far enough from the Doom Serpent[1], giant bubbles will emerge from underneath the player for a couple of seconds, before the Doom dives up and eats any player caught in its vicinity, instantly killing them. Keep in mind that Mobs and NPCs may aggro the Doom Serpent in ambush range to cause this. Auto-grips.
  • Unfortunately, due to how Deepwoken handles elevation, the perception of "ranged" can vary drastically, simply standing on ice can be enough to trigger this move.


Barrel Roll
When getting attacked by weapons, the Doom spins horizontally, knocking back players and doing a low amount of damage


Tidal Roar
The Doom charges up, before unleashing a powerful roar that does insane damage, summoning multiple waves that do damage to boats and carry away swept enemies


Tidal Roar
The Doom starts swimming in a circle before creating a massive whirlpool that continuously does massive damage and trapping enemies inside.


Luminant Beam
The Doom charges a bright green attack for 15-20 seconds, before firing a giant laser that obliterates everything in it's path. Auto-grips. Appears to only do it if it is infront of etris docks and aims near the well near the dock.

Bypasses Celtorian Tideknight's talent

The Doom of Caeranthil's Luminant Beam

Tips and Strategies

  • The Doom has a very large hitbox, therefore swinging where its submerged tail is or doing so atop a boat can still damage it. Avoid being too close to the center so you can react to the Tidal Roar and Whirlpool attacks, preferably avoiding them altogether. You can hit it during the spin if you're right outside the Whirlpool's range, but it is extremely inconsistent and not recommended.
  • Be cautious when using boats to attack the Doom; when it dives, it will Sudden Ambush on the closest area with a large player count. If none are found it will instead strike the closest boat. The move can also target NPCs. Staying on top of where Caeranthil's submerged itself often leads it to reemerge on other players or use Pressure Eruption instead.
  • When doing this with other players, it might be helpful to keep a couple of boats manned so you can hop on and chase it or get some speed to avoid its Sudden Ambush or Pressure Eruptions. Take turns piloting the boat if need be. If you do not have an Ironclad, immediately turn to the wind direction and/or angle your sails to match the wind. However this will cause the Caeranthil to use it's Dive move often, use this strategy only if other players are already doing so.
  • Have some mobility mantras on hand, and max their range with modifiers if you can afford the ether cost. Ice skates is an excellent mantra to have for this fight, being able to save losing hunger from swimming for extended periods of time. Keep in mind that sometimes Jet Kick might not work, and you'll likely hit the Caeranthil's hitbox instead of moving forward.
  • Sudden Ambush and Luminant Beam are one-shot moves. Keep a close eye for when it dives and do everything to avoid the ambush. The Payback resonance can tank the Sudden ambush move, but it’s unable to hit the serpent with it. Although the Tidekeeper can't, Mythic stability can save you from the one-shot moves.
  • The best duo of talents that can save you when you fighting The Doom of Caeranthil is Mythic Stability paired with Scuba Drowner. You can tank the instant kill/grip moves and Scuba Drowner will keep you from dying after Mythic Stability procs while you're knocked in water. But be careful, as both Mythic Stability (true) and Scuba Drowner (probably) have a 1 minute cooldown.
  • Look out for his giant ass whirlpool attack it one shots unless you got mythic stability.

Loot Table/Rewards

Exhaustive Loot Table


  • When it was first teased, it was known to the devs and community as the "World Serpent."
  • Given its drops, design and Murmur: Ardour orb, it can be reasonably assumed that this creature is somehow related to the Dread Serpent. possibly a stronger variant or mutation.
  • The player must defeat this boss to obtain the fist style "Fang and Coil" from Vesque.


Etrean Luminant Duke Ishamon Erisia Maestro Evengarde Rest
Eastern Luminant The Ferryman Primadon, Titan of the East
Voidsea Dread Serpent
Open Sea Interluminary Parasol The Doom of Caeranthil
Scyphozia Heart of Enmity
The Eternal Gale Chaser, Scholar of the Crimson Contract Scion of Ethiron
Etrean Luminant Megalodaunt Rock Golem Terrapod Crimson Terrapod Deep Owl Brainsucker Rogue Construct Blizzard Knight Carbuncle Alpha Megalodaunt Golem Prime Mudskipper BruteLionfishGlacial LionfishDread Serpent Star Knight
Eastern Luminant Brainsucker Megalodaunt Crimson Megalodaunt Alpha Megalodaunt Mechalodaunt Thresher Nightmare Thresher King Thresher Hive Construct Desert Knight Deep Owl Deep Widow PrimadonLionfishGlacial LionfishMudskipper BroodlordDread Serpent Moon Knight Star Knight
Scyphozia CrabMegalodaunt Terrapod Crimson Terrapod LionfishGlacial LionfishDeep OwlThresherKing ThresherAlpha MegalodauntDeep WidowGigamedKing GigamedCrustaceous RexNautilodauntFury NautilodauntBone KeeperMudskipper BruteMudskipper Broodlord
The Eternal Gale CarbuncleBounderBone KeeperDiver Husk
New Kyrsa Kyrsgarde LancerKyrsgarde BruteKyrsgarde SniperKyrsgarde CrawlerLost DiverScion of Ethiron

Cyan: Ocean Events, Green: Dungeon Only, Purple: Rare Spawn, Orange: Boss Monster

