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Deepwoken Wiki
“ I am a Krulian, and one of the few known to you surface-folk. We are the closest bridge between the Gods below and your kind. The next step in the evolutionary chain you could say... But I really must be off, it was a pleasure dancing with you as always. ”


The Ferryman is an instanced Boss fought at the Boatman's Watch within the Eastern Luminant's Void Sea. A strange figure referenced in old folklore of the surface world, he is member of the enigmatic race of Krulians and claims to be the closest bridge between the Drowned Gods and the people of Lumen.

According to the stories of old, the Ferryman is a benevolent individual who bestows gifts upon those who summon him, though most fail to mention that these gifts aren't earned without a fight. The Ferryman actively despises the mortals who dwell on the surface, offering up unfair wagers, with the mortal betting their life, and him only betting a "Relic."

According to Yamaketzal, he is an amalgamation of souls dredged up from the "dregs of the dregs." He was mistreated by the people of the surface and returns the favor by tormenting them.

Summoning The Ferryman[]

  1. Find the Boatman's Watch, and within the middle, find the ritual circle.
  2. Make sure there is a white ring at the middle of the inner circle, indicating that he is spawnable. There is a 15 second cooldown between summons.
  3. Place a campfire on each circle outside the center, (up to a total of 4 campfires).
  4. Light 1-4 of the campfires. These campfires must be freshly placed; any campfires previously used by others to spawn The Ferryman will not work for a second ritual. You can dispose of any said previously used campfires by walking up to them and pressing B.
  5. A ring akin to Teleportation Resonance will appear, teleporting any players within to an instanced version of Boatman's Watch after a short delay.
    • Being combat tagged will prevent you from being teleported.
  6. The Ferryman will spawn in the middle. Talk with him and initate the wager by completing his dialogue, if at any point you wish to back-out before fighting him, you may.

The Ferryman is a fairly easy boss to fight solo, if you are familiar with his moveset and are Power 15+. His speed, damage, health, and Mantra potency will scale greatly depending on how many players are present in the dungeon, and as such it is recommended to fight him alone.

For a visual guide consider watching this video. Note: Teal means phase 1, Violet means phase 2. If it isn't listed, then it doesn't happen during its respective phase.


Name/Danger Description Media
The Ferryman teleports to one of 6 pre-determined spots within the battlefield, along with un-stunning him and allowing him to use another move. This move is only done if you choose to be close to him when your attack opportunity ends. He cannot teleport close to you, and if he does so, will teleport again.
  • In Phase 2, this will be accompanied by a small pulse akin to Flamecharm's Flame Repulsion and King Gigamed's repulsion move.
Lightning Clones
The Ferryman will spin around and summon two clones of himself, and does this twice, summmoning four clones in total. They run up to nearby players and slash at them before quickly disappearing.
  • Lightning Clones will not disappear unless their attack either lands, gets blocked, parried, or dodged.
  • He only uses Lightning Clones in phase one, superseded by Grand Volley in phase two.
  • He grants an attack opportunity whilst summoning his clones, but there is no ending attack opportunity afterward. This attack opportunity duration is shared with Grand Volley.
  • Killing the clone while having the Grand Feast Talent will replenish health, ether and tempo.


Lightning Strike
The Ferryman spins around, triggering a long attack opportunity while raining down multiple bolts of thunder from the skies upon the battlefield, dealing high damage and an incredibly long stun to anybody hit.
  • Targets the area relative to your player and it's movement, however, if the player is moving, he will only attempt to strike in-front of the player, and as such this move is avoidable by going to the sides or backwards.
  • Becomes much faster in his second phase.
  • If The Ferryman is in hitstun while casting this move, the lightning strikes will not deal damage. Attempt to run at him and attack him with consistently hitting moves, such as basic attacks. Certain Heavy Weapons will not be able to stun him often enough to prevent damage.
  • Due to the attack being faster in the second phase, a much "longer" attack opportunity will be given afterward.


Lightning Assault
The Ferryman teleports directly in front of the player, before using a stronger version of the Lightning Assault mantra. He uses this attack three times before stopping, always attacking from the player's facing direction, then left, then right.
  • The frequency of the attacks is typically fixed, but The Ferryman will occasionally cast this at a much more rapid pace if he is placed next to, or in a wall by the previous Lightning Assault.
  • Becomes much faster in phase two. However, this causes the second assault to be impacted by auto-parry frames, requiring only two parries instead of the initial three.
  • The Ferryman has auto-parry frames during this attack, nullifying any hits that may be about to hit him while executing Lightning Assault.
  • Parrying any of these hits after two parries of the Ferryman's attacks in quick succession, including via. previous failed instances of this attack, will grant an attack opportunity. Otherwise, gives no attack opportunity.


Grand Volley
The most dangerous attack in the Ferryman's arsenal, he fires four, much slower, purple grand javelins at any player within the arena, a simple movement to any direction not directly towards the ferryman will result in a dodge. Each javelin hit does an estimated 150 damage, but is affected by mantra, monster, and thunder resistance.
  • He only uses this attack in phase two, replacing his Lightning Clones attack.
  • Can be dodged by simply running anywhere but directly at The Ferryman.
  • Has insanely high posture damage, almost always resulting in an instant guard-break.
  • In a similar manner to his Lightning Assault attack, the Ferryman will give a (although much briefer) attack opportunity should any of these javelins be parried following four successful parries—this requires this attack to be chained more than once, an intentionally failed Lightning Assault for one to two recent parries, or multiple players parrying at once. Otherwise, gives no attack opportunity.


An explosion of blue ether around the user that pushes opponents away.
  • He always vents when an attack would daze him.



  • Inverse Chain - For each hit the player lands on the Ferryman, he takes more damage, similar to the Talent Chain of Perfection.
  • First Interrogation - Attacks from players who are Electrified will give the Ferryman ether proportional to their initial damage.
  • Second Interrogation - Electrified attacks do 50% less damage and posture damage to the Ferryman.
  • Authority Intimidation - All moves that apply electricity slow you more.
  • Resolve Crusher - All the Ferryman's lightning moves apply "Electrify", attacks from electrified players are converted into lightning damage, but will deal 10% less damage to the Ferryman.
  • Resilience - Similar to every other boss, is immune to statuses which disable moves.


  • Boatman's Gaze - The Ferryman does not need to manually execute anyone. If you lose all of your health, you die instantly.


Unlike many standard NPCs, the Ferryman instead requires the player to constantly be on their toes and watch where the ferryman goes and listen for his sound cues, rather than "Power-Checking" like many other monsters up to this point. A detailed guide has been placed below to be viewed, but do note that it may miss certain points that a video guide may be able to answer.

Note that Chain of Perfection's obtainment condition will not be lost if hit by Ferryman's minions or vent; only his direct damage (e.g. lightning assault, javelins, etc.) counts against it.

In General[]

The Ferryman can prove a tough boss for new-comers, while being extremely easy for any repeat experiences, as he is the first major "Unique" enemy many players may encounter.

  • Campfires may prove incredibly helpful, as due to the Ferryman only attacking after either a prolonged period, or whenever he displaces himself, it's incredibly easy to rest and heal a bar of health with only two or three attacks parried.
  • Remain calm doing this boss, as the less hits you take, the more damage you will deal due to his Inverse Chain.
  • His moves are all INCREDIBLY loud and telegraphed, turning up your volume will allow you to hear any attacks you may be unable to see. In almost all cases, the moments he grants the player an attack opportunity are telegraphed with a spin, although the duration will vary from attack to attack.
  • Make sure to sell or store items in your inventory; You will be surprised how much the speed debuff of being overencumbered can hurt.

Phase One[]

Phase One is a simple warm-up phase for his second phase, allowing lots of grace-periods, and incredibly low damage if you do ever get hit. This phase should be used to grasp the basics of the Ferryman, and build up chain stacks in order to deal incredibly high damage in his much harder second phase.

  • His displacement is a simple reminder to not get greedy within the fight, as he will automatically un-stun himself and immedietely begin an attack if he displaces. Use your attack opportunity to get hits, but then back away so he does not teleport and mess up your rhythm.
  • Lightning Assault is always the first move used within the fight, allowing you to get up to four free hits, and get the timing down to parry it. Despite how it may seem, both phases have nearly the same parry timing for Lightning Assault.
  • His Lightning Strikes are much more dangerous in the initial phase, as many Heavy Weapons are unable to deal damage fast enough to prevent a full damageless strikes, along with him being stunned for much less time than in phase two, to avoid this move, simply rush at him with slides and air dashes and swiftly hit him, or move any other cardinal direction to completely avoid it.
  • The clones are a move specifically to punish heavy weapons further, as any other weapon can simply swing at the ferryman and both disable the clones and land hits on the ferryman. Any AoE mantra is able to deal massive damage along with completely disabling the clones.

Phase Two[]

Phase Two is when the fight ironically is easier than the first phase if you have paid attention and gotten the grasp of parry timings. His faster attacks provide much longer attack opportunities than in the first phase. He also loses his incredibly annoying Lightning Clones in place for a much easier to avoid move in Grand Volley.

  • His displacement is much easier to avoid than in the initial phase, as all of his attack opportunities in this phase may have a full basic attack and flourish combo, even with the Hivelord's Hubris. In the event he spawns near you, you will withstand a Pulse but most of the time he teleports away before it even hits you, rendering it useless.
  • The Lightning Assault from the previous phase has been near-completely unchanged in parry timing, as his second slash will always be avoided through Auto-Parry frames. Along with this, his attack opportunity is MUCH longer, allowing 1-2 more basic attacks than in phase one.
  • His Lightning Strikes is ironically nerfed if you are able to avoid it, as they last much shorter and provide even more of an attack opportunity than the phase one version, even allowing heavy weapons to fully basic attack through it due to its short length.
  • While his Grand Volley is the most feared move within his arsenal, in solo runs it can be disregarded as a "free-heal" move, only ever being dangerous in multiplayer runs as Javelins are fired towards all players within the arena. It can be avoided by moving to either the right or the left, or even parried. A incredibly loud sound cue is played when he chooses to use this attack, and is more of a time-waster than an actual attack due to it's lack of attack opportunity.


As with all the other boss-fights within Deepwoken, the Ferryman is more of a knowledge and parry check rather than a stat-check. It is highly recommended to solo him rather than go in a group due to how his scaling works.

The best way to damage the Ferryman is utilising the attack opportunities from parrying or avoiding his moves. You can NOT flourish him against a wall like Duke Erisia and, and must instead wait for Your Turn to attack him.


"Progress": As with all bosses, the Ferryman grants Resonance progress on defeat, scaling with damage done along with whoever got the last hit.

  • Seasonal Rewards - Speaking to the Ferryman after defeating him will reward the player with an additional reward. If there are multiple people in the dungeon, the reward will only be given to the one who initiates dialogue (unless it's Summer).
    • Spring - One Knowledge. Repeatable. He speaks about him being a Krulian, Enlightening you.
    • Summer - An additional, lower-tier chest containing Amethyst Pendant Earrings, along with many miscellaneous Legendary Rings.
    • Autumn - Identical to Summer, being an additional, lower-tier chest containing Amethyst Pendant Earrings, along with many miscellaneous Legendary Rings.
    • Winter - A Krulian Knife, which may be starred or enchanted. Subsequent defeats award an Aelita chest, but does not give additional Krulian Knives.

Aside from his seasonal rewards, the Ferryman also provides a line of five chests which may drop Earrings, Legendary Rings, Weapons, and rarely, Relics.

  • Deep Gems - Rare gems that can be applied to mantras to improve them.
  • Krulian Knife - In addition to being the seasonal reward for Winter, the Krulian Knife can also be found in each of the five chests.
  • Stormseye - An incredibly rare Thundercall-based Rifle, requiring 75LTN and 40MED.
  • Crypt Blade - The Crypt Blade is a end-game Shadow Heavy legendary greatsword, requiring 75SHD and 40HVY.
  • Crescendo - A medium twinblade sword that scales with and requires medium.
  • Legendary Rings - An assortment of rings with higher pip-quality than standard rings, with many providing Weapon Scaling for attributes.
  • Lightkeeper's Medallion - A Relic-Tier torso equipment that disables the effects of deep-gems for three minutes.
  • Justicar's Armor - Blueprint for the master-tier Justicar's Armor, which buffs Jus Karita damage by 10%.
  • Ferryman's Coat - A Schematic to create the coat worn by the Ferryman himself, grants high Lightning Resistance and a unique Talent that converts elemental damage into Lightning damage.
  • Smith's Alloy - When used, it'll add a quality star to your currently held weapon, or reroll the quality-type of your currently held weapon if it already has 3 stars.
  • Armorer's Needle - A relic that allows the user to change a singular pip of their choosing from an equipment; though they are unable to control exactly what it changes into. Handy for gear that is close to being a godroll.
  • Ardour Manifestation - A item that can summon the Dread Serpent in the The Void Sea. Directly dropped from The Ferryman and placed into the inventory, not in chests.
  • Pluripotent Alloy - Guaranteed on a character's first slain boss and with a chance from every boss afterwards, this item can upgrade certain weapons into their Alloyed forms, allowing for mid-tier weapons to be powered up into weapons worthy of a late-game character. Directly dropped from The Ferryman and placed into the inventory, not in chests.
  • Dormant Splinter - A rare relic weapon used for crafting the Umbrite WItherblade or the Fondant Splitter at The Cold Forge.


This is Ferryman's dialogue when he's neutral, before you fight him. Text is not Violet in game.

The First time meeting The Ferryman on a slot Returning to The Ferryman after having already fought him once
*He yawns deeply.* Oh, it seems like one of you land dwellers has finally decided to wake me up. Well squirt, what do you want?
Oh, back again? Heh, how about another wager?
Who are you? Deal.
Well, that's quite rude isn't it? Asking my name without even giving your own. Hmf. Typical land dwellers. No manners, I swear.
End, Fight Begins
[Tell him your name]
Oh come on [player name], I'm just pulling your leg. Anywho! I don't think I'll be telling you my name but how's about a little wager?
A wager?
Yes a wager! You mortals love wagers. From what I've seen anyway. You bet your life, and I bet a relic you might be interested in. How's that sound?
End, Fight Begins

This is Ferryman's dialogue when he's defeated, after you fight him. There is no dubbing for this in game. Text is not Violet in game.

Post-fight, after defeating The Ferryman multiple times, and the season is Spring or Summer Post-fight, after defeating The Ferryman for the first time, and the season is Spring or Summer. Or any defeats in Autumn or Winter
Well done, well done! Well done, well done!
Who are you? Who are you?
Oh, you really are quite persistent with these questions... Fine fine fine. Though, a better question is perhaps not who I am, but what. Oh, again with these questions... Maybe I'll tell you some other time. For now, your reward!
So, what are you? End
I am a Krulian, and one of the few known to you surface-folk. We are the closest bridge between the Gods below and your kind. The next step in the evolutionary chain you could say... But I really must be off, it was a pleasure dancing with you as always.

Additionally, The Ferryman used to have a dialogue for beating him under a certain time limit, as the pre-release obtainment method for the Rhythm murmur.

  • "Look into the flames, and you shall see my gift... If you have the strength to take it that is." (Only available in Spring)


  • The music that plays as you fight the Ferryman will vary depending on his current phase.
  • The Ferryman's Colors: #f7eae3 Skin | #E6D4D4 Hair | #8c0f82 Pupils | #cbd2ff Sclera | 17208591888 Hair ID
  • The Ferryman is confirmed by Arch_Mage to be completely unrelated to the keeper of the House of Purgatory from Rogue Lineage.[Citation Needed]
  • Due to this boss, The Scion of Ethiron, and Amorus Pleeksty using pink variations of their element, they were thought to be using "awakened elements." However, despite the connections that would lead one to believe this is the application of the Song that Kaide talks about, Arch_Mage confirmed that there is no relation, and that he only chose pink because "it looked cool".[Citation Needed]
  • Boatman's Watch is located within the Void Sea, and dying in it will send you directly to The Depths.
  • If spoken to whilst wearing the Hallowtide Mask, the Ferryman will not be afraid and instead reply by saying "Such a funny little tradition. I do like a game." or "Oh, you like to take different forms too?"
  • Arch_Mage has stated that the Ferryman is "probably bisexual".

Aelita's sexuality stated by Arch Mage

  • Starting the Ferryman fight in a season then having the season change will give you the reward of the new season, so if you started the fight in Winter and the season changed to Spring mid-fight, you would get 1 knowledge, instead of a Krulian Knife.
  • The Ferryman's clones can drop Soul Orbs which give you an investment point.
  • The Ferryman appears to have an interest towards the culture of Lumen as he has appeared in the Metallica event to see the appeal of it.
  • The Ferryman has also hosted the Yesterwynde Tavern in the Nightwave event where you can obtain a quest to obtain three vinyls for unique instrument skins. He also gives Redd Juice for free.
  • The Ferryman is voiced by redpetal (previously known as DemStormz).
  • The Saltchemist Oath giver, Adrofalis, says that "The thundering sounds and the music are awfully distracting," in reference to The Ferryman's attacks as well as the music, which could mean that the fight music is infact, diegetic.
  • If you take too long to initiate the fight with The Ferryman, he will leave after a certain amount of time, and leave you with nothing but a portal to leave.
  • He is considered a significant enemy of the Authority by Chainwarden progression.
  • He bears a near-identical appearance to Korin, the only difference being eye coloration.


Etrean Luminant Duke Ishamon Erisia Maestro Evengarde Rest
Eastern Luminant The Ferryman Primadon, Titan of the East
Voidsea Dread Serpent
Open Sea Interluminary Parasol The Doom of Caeranthil
Scyphozia Heart of Enmity
The Eternal Gale Chaser, Scholar of the Crimson Contract Scion of Ethiron