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The Hive is a faction that operates within large trees known as Greathives. An example of these is the relatively new Greathive Aratel, which is located in the upper north of Aratel Island. It can only be accessed through washing your face in the Lightkeeper Temple before using the shrine teleporter.
The Hive was founded by the ancestors of the Vesperians and Ganymedes. They are ruled by an overarching Greatlord who delegates the management of each Greathive to their respective Hivelords. Statues of them have been built in honor at the entrance of The Lordsgrove to commemorate their efforts in creating and advancing the Hive.
The Hive uses an unobtainable attunement known as Lifeweave, which allows them to transfer life energy for a variety of applications, such as creating organic technology in the form of Hive Constructs, and for being used to power devices, such as the teleporting fountains in the East Luminant. In addition to that, Kaab, the shipwright of Greathive Aratel states that he is able to "Lifeweave modifications" onto ship vessels. While they are extremely far behind in "conventional" technology, their ability to tap into the biotech niche allows them to compete with other factions.
The Hive are ruled by a Greatlord, who delegates the management of each individual Greathive to a Hivelord.
They frequently get into battles with The Kingdom of Etrea, who attempt to steal their Lifeweaving artifacts for unknown reasons.
As with all other groups in the game, having too low of a reputation with the Hive will have multiple adverse effects. The Antiquarian, Blacksmith and all Store NPCs will refuse to trade with you if the Hive considers you an enemy. As per any other guard, Hive Guards will attack you on sight below a certain Reputation. In addition to that, Hive Adjudicators and Constructs will also spawn and attack you if your reputation with the Hive proceeds to worsen.
To restore your reputation with the Hive, head to The Lordsgrove behind the huge gate in Starswept Valley. You can only get through the gate by washing your face in the Lightkeeper Temple. After that, you can get through the door to The Lordsgrove, as you traverse through The Lordsgrove, you encounter a Ganymede named "Zirik", who is standing outside a small ruin. Talking to this NPC whilst your Reputation with the Hive is favourable will not result in anything. However, if you speak to him whilst you are considered an Enemy of the Hive, he informs you that "your name has spread quickly among the trees". After that, he also mentions your name being a "good name" before implying that he could help.
In addition, helping Hive Guards in the following events will allow you to increase your reputation with the Hive:
- Hive Guards vs Vigil Swordsmen (Starswept Valley)
- Hive Construct vs Authority Commander (Starswept Valley)
Good Reputation:
- "I hope your journeys outside the Hive go well, [Name]."
- "Welcome back, [Name]. It's good to see you among us again."
Neutral-Good Reputation:
- "Welcome, Traveler"
- "Greetings, Traveler"
- "Welcome, friend of the Hive." (Vesperian, Ganymede and Chrysid)
- "Pleasant journeys, friend." (Vesperian, Ganymede and Chrysid)
Neutral Reputation:
- "*The guard remains silent, barely registering your presence. *"
Neutral-Bad Reputation:
- ""
- ""
Notable Members[]
Zithori Vhemm Miziri Diri: Greatlord Zithori Vhemm Miziri Diri was the 7th Greatlord and former leader of The Hive. He was replaced by Gift of Life after his death.
Ximac Diri: Hivelord Ximec Diri of the Second was the Hivelord of one of the Hives Greathives. He was replaced following an incident that lead to numerous deaths.
Laplace Diri: A Ganymede who is a member of the Diri Family, thus being related to Miziri and Ximac Diri, he is capable of changing the enchantment of a weapon by wrapping the three enchants together in Linen (Flax Plant fibers turned to Textile) and using an unspecified technique derived from Miziri Diri.
Regek: A Vesperian who is the librarian of the Greathive Aratel, through his errand of collecting sap from soulblooms located around the Greathive he will let the player increase the potency of their Attunement-less Mantras, he also explains the about the origins of how the Greathives are created.
Suri: A Vesperian who tasks the player to bring a flower to the grave of his brother located at the Isle of Vigils through unknown reasons, his quest can be restarted if the delicate flower becomes ruined.
Kaab: The shipwright of The Hive who will only grant the player access to ships when they hold maximum positive reputation with The Hive, unlike other shipwrights he is capable of modifying boats with lifeweave though this is never seen in game.
Associated Enemies[]
- All Hive members/NPCs are either Vesperians, Ganymedes or Chrysids
- One of two factions to create and utilize Monsters, the other being The Ignition Union.
- They have four Greathives in Lumen, with the Greathive in the Eastern Luminant being the most recently created ones while the biggest Greathive is located in The Central Luminant.