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“ Ah, perfect. All I needed was for you to secure the area. Your services will no longer be needed. ”


Zi'eer, more commonly known as The Lord Regent or by his title, the fourth Prophet of The Ministry, is a mysterious and powerful NPC that resides exclusively inside his palace within Etris. He is the interim ruler of Etrea, holding absolute power over the entire nation until the "King" returns to his people. Nobody is sure of his origins, but they accept him for his formidable power and wealth, as well as the fact that his actions appear to be in the best interests of Etris. However, Warden Jericho, a powerful member of The Authority, believes that The Lord Regent is a member of the long thought deceased Contractors, and may bring about a 'great war' which will cause the second Great Drowning. The Ministry may have had a hand in removing the King of Etrea, as a Shadowcaster named Belphalos helped develop a weapon to kill him, with Shadowcast seen as taboo and only used by the Ministry, usage of it being heavily controlled, regulated and any new Shadowcasters being hunted aggressively.

While he appears as an Etrean, his true form is a dark creature covered in emerald eyes and black tentacles. Whether this is his true aspect or aggressive mutations from his meddling with the world's natural order is unknown.

The Lord Regent seems to be very secretive about where he obtained power, and will exterminate anyone who attempts to uncover it. When Kennith had doubts on the Lord Regent's actions, he was executed and his mangled corpse was hung on a wall after he tried acquiring information about the Lord Regent from the locals of the city. When he rose to power, he had the City's Official History Office decommissioned, seemingly to ensure he will be the only history the people of Etris will ever know. He also had a mental veil installed in the people of Etris, giving them each conflicting ideas of where he came from and how long he was in power for.

The throne upon which he sits is an artifact from The Depths, amplifying the power of whoever sits on it. The Lord Regent likely stays on it to maintain the mental veil on the inhabitant of Etris. As stated by Authority Inquisitor Lotus in the book Operation "Puppet_Master" Report, mental veils aren't something new, but are usually limited to a single person, but applying it on an entire town goes beyond the ability of the common man.

He has a particular interest in a powerful object referred to as 'The Forge of Sin.' Fragments of it, simply called Artifacts, are scattered over Erisia. Turning these into banks gives a hefty reward and is lorewise sent to the Palace.

If given reason to, the Lord Regent can suspend his target in the air, using an attack similar to the "Judgement" mantra from the Contractor Oath, before instantly executing them. This attack is only unleashed on players that enter the throne room without permission for entry. It kills you regardless of level or equipment, and is impossible to escape. The attack is disabled when the player is granted an audience, being limited to his immediate surrounding instead (don't get too close). It is re-enabled if the player acquires negative Etrea reputation.

Despite his mystique and power, he still very much appears to be a mortal man. He shows signs of aging, being at least old enough to have reached Stage 1 aging. This, however, may just be a front to make people believe he is weaker than he really is.


First Meeting (Starting His Questline)
Ah, if it isn't [NAME]! I've been expecting you. How have your travels been?
1. Fine. 2. [End Dialogue]

(Speaking again, he says: "So, [NAME], I'll be recruiting your service." See "Recruit my service?".)

Oh, come on now, don't be so short. Let's chat. Do you know why I summoned you?
1. Yes. 2. No.
Really? You knew I was going to recruit your service already? You're really full of surprises, aren't you. An experienced adventurer like yourself who has become quite a big name in Etrea, and you haven't a clue? I called you to recruit your service, of course.
1. Recruit my service?
Indeed. You see- I've come to want something from Erisia, and with how busy I've been lately around here, I don't quite have the time to go fetch it myself. That's where you come in.
1. What do you need from Erisia?
What else? The forge of Sin. It should be located in the manor of the one known as 'Duke Erisia'. I hear you're more of an adventurer than a burglar, but luckily for you break-and-entry won't be necessary. I have the key.
1. I'll go. 2. Why do you have the key? 3. The Forge of Sin? 4. Who is this Duke?
Splendid! Here's the key. You're of course welcome back once you've retrieved the Forge. Nice chatting with you.
(This is a lie) 
*The Lord Regent merely tilts his head, seemingly puzzled by your incessent questioning* *The Lord Regent seems bothered by your questioning, but relents.* An artifact from below... One with properties much to my liking. *The Lord Regent scoffs in derision, letting his demeanour slip.* A remnant of some long-dead backwater of a nation. His use of the Forge is amateur at best. If it were in *our* hands...
[End Dialogue.] 1. I'll go. 1. I'll go.

2. Why do you have the key?

3. What do you intend to do with it?

1. I'll go.

2. Why do you have the key?

3. Who do you mean by 'our'?

(Asking any other questions leads to: *The Lord Regent merely tilts his head, seemingly puzzled by your incessent questioning*. Ending dialogue early before: "I'll go" still allows you to ask the other questions.")
Have you brought the Forge? (Quest in Progress) Have you brought the Forge? (Quest in Progress, died to The Duke)
1. Not yet. 1. I wasn't able to drive the Duke out.

(Picking this option WILL LOCK YOU OUT OF THE CONTRACTOR OATH for the slot. End dialogue early will still allow you to complete the quest.)

*The Lord Regent tilts his head, as if wondering why you're even here, then.* So you came back empty handed? *Sigh.* Another one for the pile then, I guess.
[End Dialogue.] [Player is Killed](Going back EVEN IF YOU SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETE THE QUEST will still get you killed.)
1. Fine.

First Meeting (Starting His Questline, Voidwalker Origin), Unique Dialogue
1. Recruit my service?
Indeed. You see- I've come to want something from Erisia, and with how busy I've been lately around here, I don't quite have the time to go fetch it myself. That's where you come in. Of course, this is still a great risk for me to risk making deals with a filthy, void-touched assassin such as yourself, is it not? I'm placing quite an amount of trust in you, you see.
1. What do you need from Erisia? 2. Void-touched? How did you...
(See other table) *The Lord Regent merely tilts his head, seemingly puzzled by your incessent questioning*
1. I'll go.

(See other table)

Having Killed The Duke, speaking to him again.
Have you brought the Forge?
NOT on Contractor Oath path, (Negative Ministry reputation) On Contractor Oath path, (Positive / Neutral Ministry reputation) Meets Contractor Oath requirements.
1. I defeated the Duke, but how was I supposed to drag it out of there?

(Ending dialogue early does NOT kill you, able to do contractor Oath requirements.)

1. [Bite your tongue] 1.[Bite your tongue]

(See other instance)

2. No, but I know of your true nature. I know that you intend to repeat what happened in Celtor by drowning Etris.

Ah, perfect. All I needed was for you to secure the area. Your services will no longer be needed. *He smiles, satisfaction playing on his face.* You have much to learn. Educate yourself on what it is we do here. *The Lord Regent, appearing amused, grins.* So you have it all figured out? Did you intend to come to this palace to stop me? Oh, what a hero. Such a noble act.
[Player is Killed](Returning to the area will get you killed.) [End Dialogue.]

(See Contractor Oath requirements to progress with acquiring it.)

1. Yes, I did. 2. No, I came to join you.
*The Lord regent lets out a horrible laugh.* THEN YOU ARE TRULY A FOOL. *The Lord regent eyes you curiously.* I see you understand the nature of our work. I cannot simply let you leave here alive without insurance, though. Bind yourself in an Oath to me.
[Player is Killed](This does NOT lock you out of getting Contractor Oath) 1. I will swear myself to you.

(Acquires Contractor Oath)

1. I am already bound by an Oath. (only available if the player has an Oath)
Then you are bound to me. As one of my strings, you are to descend into the depths and extinguish the souls of those who have given their Oaths to others. These heathens are to be dealt with promptly. *The Lord regent lets out a horrible laugh.* THEN YOU ARE TRULY A FOOL.
1. It will be done my Lord. [Player is Killed]
*The Lord Regent nods his head in your direction dismissing you.*
[End Dialogue.]

Acquired Contractor Oath, speaking to him again.
Incomplete Contractor Oath Progression Complete Contractor Oath Progression
I will say this once, do not return until you have completed your orders. You better have a good reason for showing your face before your orders are completed. You have done what is required of you for now. We must now bide our time until the next phase of our plans.
[Speaking to him once more]
  1. I'm ready. Let me speak the Words in their entirety. [10 Knowledge]
[End Dialogue.]
It seems you need discipline. You show dedication, puppet. You may be of use in what is to come. Await further orders.
[Player is Killed](Initiating dialogue when Oath is not fully progressed results in death.) [End Dialogue.]



Lord Regent killing a player whom dared to step on his Coral Throne.


  • His throne produces steam.
  • Talking directly to the Lord Regent while standing on the coral throne (so that he glows white, like all other npcs while talking to them) will ALWAYS result in you being executed by his Judgement.
    • This occurs even while the player has the Contractor Oath.
      • Funnily enough, when they player does that, the Lord Regent says the default dialogue as if you talked to him indirectly.
  • He was based on Zato One from Guilty Gear, both being villainous, though formerly in Zato's case, blindfolded men with long fair hair who have shadow powers.
  • If you finish his quest and you defeat The Duke DO NOT GO BACK TO HIM UNLESS GOING FOR CONTRACTOR AND HAVE THE FIRST STEP COMPLETE. He will end up killing you after confirming dialogue with him.
    • Attunement uncaps will however be given immediately after killing The Duke.
  • It is theorized that his strength comes from The Depths, which he draws from using an unknown source (perhaps by exploring The Depths himself or through some kind of reservoir). This is suggested by the fact that his throne is decorated with a variety of corals.
    • As stated by Arch_Mage, he does not in fact use Shadowcast, and his "black tendril"/Judgement ability likely stems from another source.
    • It is unclear if him sending Contractors to the Depths to kill Oath bearers empowers him.
  • A comment from Ragoozer states that the Coral Throne Zi'eer sits on boosts his power.
  • He appears to hold a particular disdain towards Canor people. Schnitzel (the Canor merchant found in the Etris Docks) notes that the "new leader [is] very strange", suggesting that previous rulers of Etrea allowed the entry of Canor merchants into Etris and that the Lord Regent does the opposite for reasons unknown.
    • Being a Canor does not change interactions with Lord Regent.
  • Seemingly has a negative connection with the Knives of Eylis and its members, calling Voidwalkers "filthy, void-touched assassin."
    • This may be because of the Knives of Eylis' current deals with the Authority.
  • There are free chests that contain Erisia tier loot on the Throne.
  • Whenever you try to spook him with a Hallowtide Mask, he doesn't get spooked and instead says one of these lines:
    • “What a foolish tradition."
    • "You'll find that I'm being very merciful right now."
    • "How cute. Care for me to show you true horror?"
    • "Take that stupid thing off."
      • Note: You do have to go up to directly up to him if you want to get this dialogue, but Lord Regent will not kill you.
        • Initially he would kill you for attempting it, but that feature was removed.
  • Zi'eer (Lord Regent) Hex Code Colors: #f7eae3 Skin | #DBCECE Hair | #111111 Blindfold | #8c0f82 Pupils (Hidden) | #cbd2ff Sclera (Hidden)
  • Zi'eer's blindfold is unobtainable, ours has curves, his blindfold is straight. You can however try to dye the default blindfold into black instead of getting the actual black variant of the blindfold to replicate his.
  • Zi'eer (Lord Regent) hair ID: 6536289312; and the link:
  • Zi'eer's outfits are the following outfits made by SirAndrove2
  • - Shirt
  • - Pants
The Kingdom of Etrea Etris Isle of Vigils The Lord Regent Evengarde Rest Polis Etrean Guardsmen Etrean Royal Guard Etrean Soldier Blade Instructor Blade Temple Guard Vigil Swordsman
The Central Authority Fort Merit Vice Warden Morredh Authority Soldier Authority Peacekeeper Authority Officer Authority Lieutenant Authority Captain Authority Commander Chainwarden
The Hive Greathive Aratel Hive Scout Hive Guard Hive Construct Hive Adjudicator
The Divers Castle Light Klaris Akira Chaser Karliah Nell Funke Pleeksty Apprentice Diver Diver Journeyman Diver Black Diver Dawnwalker
The Ignition Union Miner's Landing Saramaed Hollow The Chariot's Spire The Frontier Furnace Alpha Epsi Llevyn Sunway Deepdelver Gamma Renau Adar Ignition Union Fighter Ignition Union Guard Ignition Union Arcwarder Mechalodaunt Arcwarder
Summer Company Summer Isle The Guy Summer Company Guard Summer Manager Summer Goon Summer Dragoon
The Children of Navae Meteor Isle Eastern Tribe Nomad Navaen Hostage Eastern Tribal Leader
The Hundred Legions Viper's Jaw Camp Kingmaker's Isle Amara Brutus Legion Soldier Legion Captain Legion Sniper
The Knives of Eylis Voidheart Eylis Voidmother Knife of Eylis Subtle Knife of Eylis Knife Guard Old Knife of Eylis
The Ministry Minityrsa The Understrand The Fourth Prophet The Crimson Scholar Nostor Ministry Scout Ministry Footpad Ministry Captain Ministry Necromancer Ministry Agent Ministry Enforcer Contractor
The Lost City of Celtor The City of the Drowned Celtorian Guard Tideknights

Green: Owned Territories, Cyan: Passive NPCs, Silver: Possibly Hostile NPCs, Purple: Bounty Hunters, Orange: Oaths, ‡: Formerly, †: Deceased.
