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LocationL The Scoundrel's Bounty LocationR
Home to the Rotten Lot, a vessel carrying crew members of countless origins hoping for a brighter future.

The Scoundrel's Bounty is a dungeon that takes the form of a populated ship in what seems to be the middle of nowhere on the open sea. It does not function as a boat and is an immovable location, similar to an island. This is where the events of the Tutorial take place.



  • Players can find an Antiquarian who will purchase their sellable items.
  • Players can purchase the Dumbbell (STR) for 1 Notes2.



  • Despite Mr. Quarter's status, halfmaster doesn't exist, instead he would realistically be the quartermaster, being responsible for steering and signals.
  • You can drop barrels into the water.
  • The Etrea versus Knives of Eylis event can spawn here, although it's likely unintentional.[1]
  • The ship bears a great resembelence to the Beloved Zofia, found in the Voidsea, where The Dreadstar resides.


  1. Event in tutorial