Not to be confused with the master outfit, Celtorian Tideknight
Tideknights can only be found within the later waves of The Diluvian Mechanism.
They wear the Celtorian Tideknight Outfit and have a wide array of weapons, Mantras, and Oaths. Every Tideknight NPC in the mechanism is a variant of an already existing hostile NPC, being any of the four Songseeker variants, Black Divers, Starkindred Angels, Iblis, The Fallen Angel and all six of the Spelltrainers.
Tideknights contain the same moveset as the following NPCs depending on their variant.
- Songseeker Galebreather
- Songseeker Thundercaller
- Songseeker Flamecharmer
- Songseeker Frostdrawer
- Black Diver
- Nell, Master of Frost
- Friid, Master of Gale
- Amashi, Master of Flame
- Nostor, Master of Shadow
- Funke, Master of Thunder
- Adar, Master of Metal
- Iblis, The Fallen Angel
- Astaroth, Sinner of Wind
- They share the same armor with the Celtorian Guards.
- It is unknown where they originate from lore-wise. Perhaps they could have been stronger, deadlier guards that patrolled Celtor before the Great Drowning.