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Training Gears are tools that increase the player's Attributes, with each one improving one specific stat.

For more general information on Attributes, like what each attributes do, how to upgrade them without training gears, and what they offer, please visit its respective page. This page is just to showcase how training gears are used, where they are available, and what the training gears look like.

Training Messages[]

Attempting to train an attribute may display a certain message, hinting at something that needs to be done before you're able to train.

If you get the message "I've learnt what I can from training right now, I should put it into practice..." or "Repeat training will do no good without proper experience" when using a training gear it means that you need more XP for you to start investing points.

Training an attribute or attunement to 75 will prevent you from training it further and the message "I've hit a wall in my training... Maybe there's some way to break it?" will appear when attempting to. This is a hint towards unbounding the attribute, which allows more points to be invested past 75.

The message that appears when training an attunement, "The elements are not in alignment..." is a hint relating to obtaining the Saintsworn Oath and will persist unless you meet the attunement stat requirements for it, which, unless you go out of your way to meet them with the intent to obtain Saintsworn, you most likely won't.

Attribute Training Gears[]

Each Attribute has a Training Gear correlated to it. Using these Training Gears will allow you to automatically increase the Attribute connected to it.


Most of the attribute training gears are self explanatory, though some training gears have their own quirks and things to bear in mind.

  • Boulder is a convenient way to upgrade your Fortitude. You can keep using it while having no experience as well, as long as you have enough health. Though beware: You can die if you use it while having no health. It also trains strength alongside this.
  • Training Vest, after equipping it, will only work if someone hits you. Boulder is recommended over Training Vest because of this reason.
  • How to Make Friends can be trained by clicking the words around the screen. You don't neccessarily have to type to use this.
  • Encyclopedia is useful for those who are too lazy to do the minigames of How to Make Friends or Math Textbook. Although the downside of this is that it takes a long time to use it once, making it slower to use. You train both Intelligence and Charisma with this.
  • Weapon Manual: You can switch which weapon attribute you're training depending on the current weapon that you are using.

If you are struggling trying to upgrade your Attributes, visit the Attributes page. It details what you need to do for each basic attributes and it has lot of other useful information that might be worth knowing.


All of the training gears cost 25 Notes2 notes and sell for 3 Notes2 notes. Use of the item will not affect the sell cost. Uniquely, Math Textbook costs 30 Notes2 notes, but it costs 25 Notes2 notes in the Voidheart, Guild Base, outside of The Diluvian Mechanism, Castle Light, and the Saramaed Hollow dungeon.

List of Training Gears[]

Attribute Type Item Name In-Game Description Uses Picture
Dumbbell Train your Strength by pumping iron. 200 uses

A held dumbell

Boulder Train your Fortitude by hefting a boulder above you. 200 uses

A boulder being held up to train

Training Vest Train your Fortitude by taking a beating. 50 uses
Training vest

A training vest being worn

Ankle Weights Train your Agility by running with these on. 200 uses
Ankle weights

Ankle weights being worn

Math Textbook Train your Intelligence through study. 200 uses
Math Textbook, Encyclopedia

A math textbook being held

Encyclopedia Train your Intelligence through study. 200 uses
Math Textbook, Encyclopedia

An encyclopedia being held

Prayer Beads Train your Willpower through meditation. 100 uses
Prayer beads

picture of the Prayer beads

How to Make Friends Train your Charisma by practising lines. 200 uses
Weapon Manual, How to Make Friends

A how to make friends book being held

Weapon Manual Used to reinforce your weapon training and improve your attributes. 100 uses
Weapon Manual, How to Make Friends

A weapon manual being held


For the 5 training gears, Dumbbell, Boulder, Training Vest, Ankle Weights, Prayer Beads

  • Etrean Luminant locations
    • Etris: In the Antiquarian. Training Vest and Ankle Weights are on two of the hanging dummies
      • Boulder is right outside of the Antiquarian, on the right before you enter the door to enter the shop
    • Isle of Vigils: in the Sparring Room, next to Das who spawns the Blade Instructor, the training gears are to his right
      • Boulder is near Stratos, behind him and next to the wall, on the left side
  • Eastern Luminant locations
    • Fort Merit: Go to the Guildhall mark. All 4 of the items are in there. Prayer Beads are next to the Dumbbell
      • Boulder is outside of a building on the opposite side of the Guildhall House. Inside of the house contains all 4 books as well
    • Greathive Aratel: In the Teleporter room, go right into a place labeled Library. Walk through to the left and you'll see it
    • Summer Isle: Find where the Mantra Collector named Hotdog is, the room to her right (player's left) is the items
    • Miner's Landing: The house that has the Antiquarian sells the training gears. Only 3 training gears are here
      • Dumbbell is in the building on the left named "Pub" You can also find Instruments and the Barber here
      • Boulder is located outside of the Bank. Across and up of the river from Antiquarian
  • Dungeon locations
  • Others

For the 4 Books, Math Textbook, How to Make Friends, Encyclopedia, Weapon Manual

  • Etrean Luminant locations
    • Etris: While facing Polis, turn left and go across the bridge. The first building you see on your left is the Bookstore, where Bookkeeper Andros is. Inside of the house should consist of 4 bookshelves. Each of the books are on them
    • Isle of Vigils: In the Library, on the left of Kelsius are 2 books
      • Math Textbook and Encyclopedia are on those 2 bookshelves
      • Weapon Manual: From the left of those 2 bookshelves, the one behind Valikor, is the Weapon Manual
      • How to Make Friends is on a bookshelf on the opposite side of Kelsius
  • Eastern Luminant locations
    • Fort Merit: It is inside a house of a building on the opposite side of the GuildHall House. Boulder is outside of it, so use that as a landmark location
      • Fun fact: You can also buy an Encyclopedia on an empty bookcase near the Banker
    • Greathive Aratel: In the Teleporter room, go right into a place labeled Library. In front of you would be the 3 books
      • Math Textbook: From the room that has Hiri, go left, and look at the first bookcase you see on your right
    • Summer Isle: Books are scattered all over the castle
      • Math Textbook is in the castle, on the bookcase at the left of Dockson, the merchant who sells guns
      • How to Make Friends in the castle, on an empty bookcase next to the Crafting Station
      • Encyclopedia is on the right bookcase behind the Sand Dollar Merchant/Mantra Collector named Hotdog
      • Weapon Manual is in one of the rooms on the second floor of the castle, besides Funke the Lightning Trainer
    • Miner's Landing: Once again it is scattered all around. Go to where the Water Wheel/Waterfall is in the Miner's Landing
      • How to Make Friends is on a book case in the first floor of the building to the right of the water wheel
      • Math Textbook is in the same building as the previous book and weapon manual, but on the second floor
      • Weapon Manual is near the same location with the Math Textbook, in a room with the Parsnip NPC
      • Encyclopedia is in a secret passageway behind the building with the Math Textbook and Weapon Manual. Turn right once you exit the room with Parsnip and you should be able to see the secret passage. Down the ladder of that room you can see a bookcase. Encyclopedia is on there
        • Behind the boxes on the left of the bookself, there you can also buy Instruments
  • Dungeon locations
    • Saramaed Hollow: You can find them pretty easily in there. They are on the bookshelves

Attunement Training Gears[]

Like Attributes, Attunements also have Training Gears correlated to them and will allow them to be increased when used.


Each of the attunement training gears are self explanatory. If you are struggling trying to upgrade your attunement attribute, try using the mantra of the attunement that you want to upgrade on enemies, or eating an elemental ingredient of its respective attunement. To learn more, visit the Attributes page.


All of the attunement training gears cost 25 Notes2 notes and sell for 3 Notes2 notes. Use of the item will not affect the sell cost.

List of Training Gears[]

Attunement Item Name In-Game Description Uses Picture
Hearthgem Speak to the Flames and tame them, training your flamecharm. 100 uses

A held hearthgem

Hemafrost Freeze your own blood to train your Frostdrawing ability. 100 uses

(add a better) picture of the hemafrost

Self-Conducting Loop Generate sparks between your hands to train your Thundercall. 100 uses
Self-Conducting Loop

(add a better) picture of the self-conducting loop

Gale Kata Train your Galebreathing through stances practiced by the Legion. 100 uses
Pure Heart Corrupt this gem of Light to train your Shadowcast. 100 uses
Ferrofluid Manipulate this liquid metal to train your Ironsinging ability. 100 uses
Tourniquet Control the flow of blood to train your Bloodrending ability. 100 uses


  • Etrean Luminant locations
    • Etris: On the opposite building to the Weapons building, which you can find using the "Weapons" mark that appears when you enter Etris, near the Mystic is the Mantra building. The training gears are inside
    • Isle of Vigils: Behind the Bank on the right, you can see a bridge going across. Cross the bridge and walk forward until you see a grave. After that turn right and you'll see a building. Inside of that building are the training gears
  • Eastern Luminant locations
    • Fort Merit: On the pulley elevator up to the main fort, go inside the first house you see on your right
    • Greathive Aratel: Near the Inn, go up further into the Observatory room that has a telescope. They're on the bookshelves
    • Summer Isle: In the room to the left of the Banker, you will see the training gears
    • Miner's Landing: On the top right hill from the Antiquarian, you can see a dangling Union Hook. Following that Union Hook up will lead you to Schitzel sitting behind the wall. Further ahead leads you to Maedhran. The house with the Ignition Union Guard in front of it that sits between the 2 NPCs sells the training gears
  • Both
    • Voidheart: On the right of Croissant, near the bookshelves
    • Guild Bases: This is only possible if the Guild Base unlocks the Song Room
    • The Floating Keep: Inside the Castle, on the first floor, in the room with the Blacksmith, you can find the Attunement Training Gears there. Note that you cannot buy Ferrofluid or Tourniquet here. This is only possible during the Hollowtide Event.
  • Dungeon locations


  • Upon creating a character, you will always spawn with a Weapon Manual.
  • Upon creating a character with an Attunement, you will spawn with 2 Training Gears; One correlating to your highest core attribute stat, and the other being your highest attunement stat. (For example, if your highest stat is Fortitude, and you have 5 Flamecharm & 6 Shadowcast, you will spawn with a Training Vest & Pure Heart).
    • Upon creating a character with No Attunement, you will spawn with 2 Training Gears correlated with your highest core attributes (For example, if your highest stats are Strength & Agility, you will spawn with a Dumbbell & Ankle Weights).
  • You can't spawn with a Boulder when creating a character, as it will instead allocate a Training Vest.
  • Ankle Weights slightly reduce your movement speed upon being worn.
  • All Attributes can be trained by just obtaining general EXP.
  • You can slowly train your attributes by spamming the corresponding Training Gears, all EXCEPT for the Weapon Manual.
  • There's a quest at the Isle of Vigils sparring room that grants you EXP for letting an NPC have one use of your Weapon Manual.
  • You can train core attributes using Lotus Flasks.
  • The Hearthgem is the only training item where its description has an uncapitalized name of its Attunement.
    • "flamecharm" vs "Frostdrawing" "Thundercall" "Galebreathing" "Shadowcast" "Ironsinging" "Bloodrending"