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Deepwoken Wiki

I feel like, when i first played the game, it had this mysterious charm to it. A dark sense of not knowing what comes next. But i feel that as of more recent updates, this charm slowly starts to wear off, maybe its just nostalgia?

I don't know, the depths used to have meaning. But i feel like ever since a little after the banks update, it started to go downhill. The addition of the weird flamecharm legendary is when it was obvious to me.

If i could do anything, I'd honestly want deepwoken to add more actual content updates instead of weird weapons, useless talents, and meaningless origins.

I know this rant won't change anything, and if anything i sound like a baby, but i don't know. I feel like we should be working towards the lord regent instead of finding weapons with 6 different scales.

I know "Evolve or die" applies to every game, but can we just have fresh updates for a little while?

Sorry if i sound like I'm whining. Im really not trying to. But honestly, i feel like its not just Nostalgia anymore, because i can name good newer updates, like diluvian, banks (Ok i just like that one because red frostdraw), and the depths second elevator.

TLDR: I like Oldwoken and i want a new boss or something idk.

Edit: Another point i forgot to bring up is the fact that the devs DONT WANNA EVEN PLAYTEST THEIR GAME! The new chariot spire origin is so inconceivably broken that I'm surprised that it even technically works.

Like, sometimes the game is just like ERROR: NOT IN DEPTHS WHEN MAKE CHARACTER EVEN THOUGH ORIGIN IS IN DEPTHS. and then when i log back in i spawn inside of a wall at etrean wilds?

And SOMETIMES. Like 1/10 chance, i actually spawn in chariot's spire. BUT my modifiers don't work.

So in conclusion, oh my god can the devs focus on one thing? Stop making like 4 new legendaries, which they ruin, and like 2 origins per update. Just continue the maestro and duke questline. Work on DEEPWOKEN. Not the niche that lies within it.

Later revisions: Chariot spire glitch was a roblox issue, not the dev's fault. Origins although turbulent, now content/systems are far and few between. (Legendary still applies tho.)