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Deepwoken Wiki

Oath: Steambringer[]

“ You have taken up the mantle of the steambringer. Do not fail me. ”


Oath: steambringer is an epic fan creation because I was bored.


speak to any blacksmith with 3 worn cogs and 50 intelligence and choose the "I wish I could learn your craft your forging is impressive"

  1. Get a broken Gatling gun and give it to a blacksmith and you will get the dialog: “Hm a strange relic sure but much can be done with it may I see it?” yes/no.
  2. Get 5 iron 5 gold and 3 coal give to a blacksmith and you will get the dialog: “Exelent my apprentice we can create a wonder of engineering! Pass them over!” yes/no.
  3. fight the duke with a pluripotent alloy and a smith's alloy and upon his death, they will float up into the forge and create a perfect alloy you must use for ability 3.


Comes with oath: (combat mantra) steambow combat mantra similar to shard bow but it is a steampunk-looking compound bow that fires 1 shot before the player lands (overclocked is 3 spread out shots and the bow emits steam) bow shots explode

  1. (Support mantra) turret: 5 symbol ritual cast, place a destructible turret that breaks after 100 damage or when a new one is placed and will automatically fire parryable bullets at non-allied players (when overclocked the turret bullets will explode on impact for the first 10s after being placed the turret will also emit a smoke cloud for the duration of the 10s) turret can be healed with a repair hammer each hit heals 25 hp can be modified with a magnet spark to instead of exploding bullets will fire pulses that pull players towards the turret also logstones, and lenses.


Comes with oath: overclock: landing m1s fills your heat bar when it hits maximum heat your next oath ability will be buffed before draining the bar

2. Thrusters: when gliding double pressing w will boost you forward at high speeds as a jet thruster pops up on your glider, also double pressing space when falling will pull out a thruster and slow your fall these share a 30s cooldown and can be used in combat (your glider still cant though so only the slow fall can actualy). Can be modified with logstones.

3. Perfect form: when used it makes the user turn a glowing metallic color gain hyperarmor and take 25% less damage for 10s when it ends you instantly posture break giving a window to get hit and encouraging enemies to stay close during the ability before going on a 60s cooldown can be modified with logstones.


The user gains 1 support mantra slot and 1 wildcard. as for appearance, the user gains a toolbelt.


  • personal rating of this 6/10
  • I know the last ability would likley be either to OP or to weak and would need balancing
  • I don't like broken gatling being needed but couldn't think of somthing else
  • I have made some other stuff you should check it out
  • I will read all coments for first 10 days and reply if I feel like it
  • I think I might make an upload scedule for these I was thinking (mantra or wep, bi-daily) (Oath or location weekly) (attunement or luminant monthly) if anyone cares about this lemme know
  • comment "cheeseburger" if you read this far
  • have a nice day (or don't if you don't want to I'm just a line of text I can't stop you)