Vigil Sentinel is a Master Outfit in Deepwoken.
This Outfit costs 1,000 and requires five (5) Cloth and Fiber, five (5) Gale Stones, five (5) Vibrant Gems, five (5) Irithine, one (1) Wind Gem.
This Outfit requires Power Level 10 and 5 Willpower.
Armor Stats
This Outfit has 2500 durability and grants +30% Physical resistance, +30% Elemental resistance, +25% Wind resistance, +10% Shadow resistance, 10% Fire resistance and +25% Ether Regen.
- Due to resistances being combined multiplicatively instead of additively, the total resistances are: 30% Physical, 47.5% Galebreathe, 37% Flamecharm, 37% Shadowcast, and 30% Elemental.
It gives the "Action Surge" Talent, which gives you an extra 0.04 swing speed when using the Adrenaline Surge Mantra.
This Outfit's Schematic can be found at:
- Despite this outfit being Master rarity, it is undroppable.