The Voidsea is a location in Deepwoken. It functions as an effective boundary for the playable Luminants.
The Voidsea is an elusive and dangerous region which lays outside of Lumen. It is incredibly easy to mistakenly sail into during travelling if one strays too far from major islands or sea highways. The Voidsea covers the surrounding sea of the Luminants and will appear when you sail too far off from the surrounding islands.
The Voidfog within the sea can cover vision making navigation difficult, you may also experience illusions with time since the Voidsea is nothing but void.
The Voidsea is similar to Voidzones in many ways, progressing here will give you twice the XP although dying while in the Voidsea will send you to The Depths immediately. This does not happen when killed/combat tagged by a player, though everything else be it starvation, drowning or any other method of death will Depthsend you. So be careful when grinding here, as it is a dangerous and unforgiving place.
Sometimes, when you are sailing through Voidsea, you may be teleported to a random location within The Voidsea. This will damage your boat based on distance travelled by the teleport. This can also break boats instantly or deal incredibly heavy damage, So bringing wood and a repair hammer is heavily advised if not mandatory.
Points of Interest[]
Potential Enemies[]
- The music for this area is What Mends Shall Fray by Naktigonis
- Patches of bubbles may appear while in the Voidsea. Waiting near one for long enough will cause a Dread Serpent (bigger patch of bubbles) or a Lionfish (smaller patch of bubbles) to spawn.
- As seen from the book, Studies on Canticlysm, Vol. IV, the Voidsea was originally called The World's Edge.
- Dying in Boatman's Watch, Beloved Zofia and Moon's Eyrie will send you to The Depths.
- The only islands that can spawn are depths islands sometimes harboring a void sea exclusive enemy
- If you are playing on Low Graphics mode, sailing past 100k in an axis will remove the sea texture, causing you to sail above "the void." Note that it is safe to jump off your boat and swim, and turning off Low GFX will make the sea re-appear.
A boat Floating over the Void.