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“ Come on, boys. Won't you shake a poor sinners hand? ”
Vow of Mastery


Vow of Mastery is a Talent which allows the user to make other players into subjects, and issue commands to those subjects. While any player can be a subject (so long as they don't already have a master), the talent is required to become a master, and has a requirement of 20 Charisma.

How to Use[]


Confirmation menu when accepting a Vow of Mastery.

To become a master, you must ask a player:
"Wanna make a vow of mastery [First Name]?"

The player must respond positively ("yes" "sure" "alright" etc.) After responding so, the subject will have a menu appear which warns them and lets them accept or decline the vow. Once accepted, an animation will play and the player will become your Subject. You can now use commands on them, by typing them into chat. However, most of the more useful commands must be unlocked through additional Talents, which require more Charisma.

Subjects cannot undo the vow without making a wish at Yun'Shul or wiping, and can only have one master, making the decision relatively permanent.

In addition to using the name of a specific Subject, commands can use the names "all " or "everyone" to affect all Subjects. Multiple commands can be stacked in a single message, for example the command "[Name], say I will sleep now." will both cause the Subject to sleep, and also say "I will sleep now."


Command Requires Talent Usage Effect Cooldown
Sleep No "[Name], sleep" Downs the Subject for 5 seconds, allowing them to be carried or gripped.
Say No "[Name], say [message]" Forces the Subject to speak your prompt.
Locate No "Locate [Name]" Highlight the Subject through walls for you to see.

Range limit.

Eat No "[Name], eat [food item]" Forces the Subject to eat a desired item. None
Use No "[Name], use [item]." Forces the Subject to use a desired item, if the item can't be used the subject will simply hold it in their hand. None
Drop No "[Name], drop [item]" Forces the Subject to drop an item. (Does not work with equipment or weapon items.) None
Leech No "Leech [Name]"
Leech Talent
Take all of your Subject's Ether and turn it into a small orb, which flies towards you to restore your Ether on contact.

Range limit but not too bad.

Run No "[Name], run" Forces the Subject to run for around 15 seconds, giving a speed boost.
2 minutes
Fight Yes, 50 Charisma "[Name], fight" Gives the Subject a purple aura and a boost in damage and defense for 17.5 seconds. Also seems to increase attack speed.

(It is presumed to increase the subject's damage by 50% but further testing may be required)

3 minutes
Sacrifice Yes, 50 Charisma, Rare "[Name], sacrifice" Forces the Subject to give their health to you until you are full.

Has a range limit. (Roughly a bit past till the player's name can't be seen anymore)

Return Yes, 60

Charisma, Rare

"[Name], return" Forces the Subject to go directly back to the Master, even through walls.

Works on knocked players, cancelling the knocked state and grips, but does not work if the subject is being carried. Has a range limit. (Roughly a bit past till the player's name can't be seen anymore)

20 seconds
Live Yes, 75 Charisma, Advanced "[Name], live" Fully heals the subject, reviving them if they are knocked, cancelling any grip or carry.

Has a range limit. (Roughly a bit before till the player's name can't be seen anymore.)

10 minutes. 40 minutes on the last subject used on.


  • All commands excluding Leech, Locate, Return, Sacrifice and Live have no maximum range, and can be issued from any point on the map.
  • If a Subject or Master is in a bad situation away from allies, Live and Run or Sacrifice and Return can be used to stall time or win.
  • As long as you have alts, you may use Vow of Mastery to improve a bossraid. You can hide a bunch of alts in an nearby location and sacrifice them for HP whenever you need it. Alternatively, you can raise one alt to have high Charisma and use it to tell your main to live. The second method is recommended as you will not need to train Charisma on your main, plus "live" counts as a revive.
  • The Live command is almost definitely a reference to the anime "Code Geass"
  • You can still make the Vow of Mastery in Fragments of Self, however no commands work there.
    • If the master is in Fragments of Self and his vow isn't however, he can still use commands without a range limit on them.
  • Mentioning any other command or name of any other command while using the say command will use the respective command.
  • Trying to use the say command to force a vow to say "Sorry [Name]" or "My bad [Name]" won't work.
    • Similarly using the say command to force your vow to use a roblox chat command will make them say it, but not use it, for example: "[Name] say /e dance" will make the subject say "/e dance" but they won't start dancing.
  • The leech command will always drain the subject of all their ether, no matter if the master has 40%, 50%, 60% or even 99% ether.
  • Quite possibly a reference to Cursed Speech from the hit anime "Jujutsu Kaisen"
  • If a Vow Master (A) has a Vow on another Vow Master (B), (A) can use their commands on (B)'s Subjects (granted that both are in the same server).